Paraphrased from December 2002 Lecture “Realization of the Self: - TopicsExpress


Paraphrased from December 2002 Lecture “Realization of the Self: The Final Moments”: To surrender to God is to die. At that moment the warrior within you comes and then arises the fear of death. You have never experienced it before [death]. There is the fear of death and the fear of the void. What arises is the terror of nothingness. At that moment, the energy of those who have been through it comes to you and you will remember to walk straight ahead , no matter what. No matter how severe the fear, the greatest fear of all; walk through it. The terror lasts for an ungodly minute and then one has made it through. The majority turn back. 85% turn back. If you fail to walk through, it is crushing. Those who have turned back remain silent. To not go through takes much time from which to recover. At that moment of death, die for God and walk through that fear. And then there stands the glory - unfolding radiance - so magnificent , that it is beyond all comprehension; and at that moment, you have walked passed humanness itself. One basic Zen saying that one can rely upon completely is to walk into fear , no matter what”. Walk through fear, committed to spiritual Truth, no matter what. Know it with a concrete faith, that within you, what is dedicated to reaching God, has brought you to the point of death. And, at that time you say , “to Thee O Lord, do I lay down my life.” ----------------------------- Related Teachings II: ----------------------------- Paraphrased from April 2005 Lecture: “Alignment”: The experiencer is yang. The Self is yin. The knowingness that I am the Source of my life came as surrender, not as an acquisition. When you are called upon to surrender life itself, it’s safe to do so, because you cannot surrender life . You can only surrender form as illusion.... Surrender life to Divinity and Divinity takes it from there. ------------------------------ Related Teachings III: ------------------------------ Paraphrased from audio album “The Highest Level of Enlightenment” (2003), CD 5, Tracks 7 and 8: The willingness to surrender the payoff of the ego then allows you to let everything go experientially , as it arises - the willingness to let go of the payoff of grief, anger, resentment, hatred. What does devotion mean? “I love thee, O Lord, greater than I love the glee I get out of my hatreds, my wickednesses, my shame, my guilt, my revenge”. Either you love God, or you love revenge. You cant have them both. Either you love God or you love self pity. So, it is always merely a choice. Am I willing to surrender this for the love of God or not? To become enlightened, that resolve has to be powerful. You have to be willing to give up everything for God. Everything. Because, at the last moment, before that ultimate experience reveals itself or condition takes over , rather, you will be asked to surrender your life - the core of what you think is your life; the core of the ego, the self, the real you for the last hundred lifetimes. You’re going to lay that down for God. It is scary, because if you let go of all this payoff, let go of all this stuff and now suddenly there is like an infinite presence that is like yourself, which you think is yourself , and this too one lays down, and there is a moment of terror, and you experience death - the one and only death . You’ll never experience it again. Youve never experienced it before and you’ll never experience it again. But, there is one death you live through . You don’t know that you’re going to live through it. The ego has the notion that it’s going to be the same, only be enlightened. I’ll still be me, but I’ll be an enlightened me. No, it aint going to be you; you’re not going to be you. That’s it. It is my responsibility to prepare you for the last moment, because everybody here is is heading for the last moment. You wouldnt be here at this lecture otherwise. Everybody is heading for the last moment , and unless you hear the truth, you won’t know what to do. Therefore, karmically , I am laying down that I have spoken the truth. That last moment you will get: “Walk straight ahead no matter what. Die for God.” And as you lay down your life , the agony of death arises - and it is agonizing - and you do die; and then before you , stands the splendor. That which you thought was life was not life anyway; but, because it is so real , youll see why you guarded it all these lifetimes. [...] The Zen saying, to walk into fear, no matter what,” got me through it. No matter what, means, without limitation, even to death itself. And so, I repeat the words of the master that I followed at that moment: “No matter what”.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:16:47 +0000

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