Parashat Aikev: Never worry, G-d’s got your back! In this - TopicsExpress


Parashat Aikev: Never worry, G-d’s got your back! In this week’s parasha, Aikev, the nation of Israel was scared to confront their enemies. As humans, we do not always feel confident when facing great danger. Sometimes, in such grave situations, we tend to cringe with fear. But G-d tells His people not to fear because “remember what the Almighty, your G-d, did to Pharoah and all of Egypt,” (Deuteronomy 7:17, 18). In other words what G-d is saying is that if He was able to liberate the Jewish nation from the bonds of Egypt, perform the 10 plagues, protect them from the scorching heat of the desert and provide shelter and food the entire journey in the wilderness, could He not protect them once again? The next time you lose confidence in yourself and in G-d, remember that He was there for you before. Maybe there was that time when He saved your life in that car accident or maybe it was as simple as helping you with a really hard test you weren’t sure you could pass. If He was there for you before when you really thought there was no hope, surely He will be there for you in your next time of need. Next time you are in a tough situation remember Rabbi Pliskin’s words: “If you fear new situations, remember other new situations you worried about and still were able to cope with satisfactorily,” (Growth through Torah, p.402).
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:05:47 +0000

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