Paratrooper of 95th airmobile brigade Sergei Khrushch was intended - TopicsExpress


Paratrooper of 95th airmobile brigade Sergei Khrushch was intended to mobilize. Killed by terrorists on May 13 under Kramatorsk. There are three children left without father, the eldest Tanya - eleven years old, the average Ira - five years old, the youngest Roma - three years old. Recall, on May 13 at Kramatorsk terrorists ambushed by shooting rocket-propelled grenades and automatic the column of Ukrainian military. Our troopers managed to fight - militants retreated. Near a burning armored personnel carriers there were dead bodies of seven Ukrainian soldiers. One of them - 39-year-old Sergei Khrushch from the village Verkhovnya Zhytomyr region. - Good, hard-working son, my support - through tears tells the mother of a dead soldier Leonida, - I have three children, Sergei was a senior. He nursed his sister Kate, me and my husband worked hard to raise three children, so that Sergei was our help. Kate called him my nanny Sergei. The guy graduated from high school, joined the army, was in landing troops, and as he had served – began to work in the fields on the tractor. Friends say that Sergei was always drawn to technology - could repair household appliances literally on the knee, but failed to learn and get technical specialty. He had to help his parents to earn money. - Eight years ago my husband died, and the son became the owner of the house, pulling all the hard work on himself - says Leonida. – He made money. Then he got married, there were kids. We lived together in one house. He has three children left... - Sergei’s son Roma says: My father was buried in the ground. He was killed by evil man, and then forget this during playing games, run up to me and asks, Mom, will dad come back? I miss him, - says Sergei’s wife, 32-year-old Lyudmila. - My eldest daughter asks me not to cry. Tells me to hold on and not die, do not leave them alone. - They are very fond of each other, - remember couple’s friends. - Serge is really cool guy. Sorry, was... He was a patriot of Ukraine, loved our country. But did not want to fight, to the last hoped that everything that was happening in the East would end peacefully, that it would be possible to negotiate, and the pro-Russian terrorists would leave our land alone. In general, he was peaceful and absolutely not aggressive. But once he packed up and left. And he won’t come back... Information from
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 08:13:45 +0000

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