Pardon my rant, I just finished the book, Skin, by Ted - TopicsExpress


Pardon my rant, I just finished the book, Skin, by Ted Dekker. And as Im a book nerd, You might see this coming from me, this rant. But I have to say it. This theory of mine. Id also like to test it out, on others who have read his books. But Ill say it first, to get it off my chest. And so, here, I shall- Heads up, there might be a slight spoiler or two. I recommend it, and all of his books. Because theyre amazing. But guys. I had an epiphany. About the books. Theres a series. A clearly set series. Then an alternate reality one. Then other books, seemingly singles. Then a few more series, some are collabs, done with other authors. Youd think that theyd be separated, even if only somewhat. And yet, none of them are separate, by any means, no matter what is said. All of his books are intertwined. Theyre all alternate realities. Different stories. And yet, all are the same. Literally, just, as I finished the book, the thought came up, and just- I JUST REALIZED WHY THE NAME SEEMED SO FAMILIAR. THE HORDE, WHICH IS ALSO THE HOARD. THE FOREST GUARD. TED DEKKERS BOOKS. THEYRE ALL INTERTWINED. AND YET NOT. BECAUSE THE BOOKS REALITIES ARE ALL DIFFERENT. BUT THEYRE ALL JUST SKINS. THE PEOPLE HAVE SKINS THE WORLD HAS SKINS. ALL THE SKINS CAN BE MANIPULATED, CHANGED. ALTERED, BY THE PLAYERS. ONCE A GAME IS GIVEN PLAYERS, BY THE CREATOR, THE PLAYERS BECOME CREATORS AS WELL. SO BE DEFAULT, THE CREATOR IS A PLAYER AS WELL. AND THEY ALL LIVE, THROUGH, AND WITHIN, THESE SKINS. THESE LIVES. THESE REALITIES. SKINS, IN THE GAME. THE GAME OF LIFE. Theyre all intertwined. And yet not. Because theyre all the same thing. Just different. All of it is about perception. The entire collection of books. Seeing the truth, Beyond the skin of the world. Thats the theme. Thats also the hanging theme, of life. ....So.. the game. Figure of Speech. Maybe it is over. Or maybe its never really over. We have to play the game to the end. We have to figure out whats real and what only wants to be real. Isnt that right, Mr. Blair? Guys. Tedd Dekker is a mad genius. This idea in my head. If it was his intention, then hes brilliant. If I came up with it, and he didnt have this in mind at all, then... Well. Im insane. But we all already know that. Guys. The game of life. This writer. His books. All link together, by that one theme. The game of life. Life is a game. But its very real. As real as can be. Or is it? Pardon my being mindblown, I just- God, I love this author, and his ability to get inside your head, and under your skin. ......Literally. Im either overreacting to something that others knew, Or I figured out something new. I dont know. I dont care. Its amazing. Im basically buzzing, as we speak. Just yes. Ill just shut up, now. And get the rest of his books, as ebooks. As Im impatient. Yes yes. Oh, right- Afternoon again, all.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:01:45 +0000

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