does not have an official position on the - TopicsExpress

   does not have an official position on the efficacy of vaccines, or on whether the requirements under Michigans new rules rise to the level of an undue burden on fundamental parental rights. We do, however, oppose regulations such as those in Washington and California (referenced in this article) which pit the consciences of doctors against the consciences of parents if both are required to sign an opt-out form. What if a doctor is conscientiously opposed to signing a waiver for parents conscientiously opposed to vaccinating their child? The state should not mandate a situation that can lead to this kind of conflict. As long as evidence exists on both sides of the medical debate, the final decision must reside with informed parents. Efforts to help parents to be informed are therefore welcome, while efforts to hinder their right to make the final decision are not.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:12:29 +0000

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