Parenting Sutton truly is a different experience than it was with - TopicsExpress


Parenting Sutton truly is a different experience than it was with the other boys. He is extremely strong willed. He also has much more intentions than the boys ever did at this age. He knows exactly what he wants (usually too dangerous or too unhealthy) and will do literally anything to get it. Its cute now but Im already trying to get it under control. I looked at a shirt at Walmart last night for him. He wanted to hold it, so I handed it to him. He held it like a baby and said aw He wouldnt give the shirt back to me, for anything. So, I told him that when we got to the register, hed have to give it to me without crying or it wouldnt be returned to him. The lady reached for the shirt and he fussed and then I reminded him and he reached it to me. He had already taken the tag off so I gave her that. I attempted to put the shirt in a bag and he screamed a high pitch scream. He remembered! I swear I know it sounds insane but he understands everything. I gave him the shirt back and he went back to hugging it and saying ..aww. The woman was smitten and said he seemed young for that. I told her he surprises us every day. When he sneaks to the bathroom like every baby does, I will yell to him to come back. He laughs but if I get a meaner voice, he high tails it back. The boys just continued on. Its crazy to me. He doesnt talk much at all. He only says a couple words. He used to say more but hes down to Ma ma and Da da now. Its all odd. All I know is I owe it to him to set limits like I did the boys. I have always maintained that if I work super hard before 3, 3 and up is a breeze to discipline. Its when limits arent clear during the terrible twos that the third year is a struggle. He may be the exception. But, Ill certainly give it the hardest try. He deserves it! He has started to deny all foods that arent crackers or junk, mostly crackers. So, last night I gave him a beautiful meal and he refused all of it so I took him down. I kept trying the same few foods and then milk of course. He was waiting for crackers or junk. He only ate a few bites of broccoli and potatoes. He refuses all milk except breast milk. The boys would drink anything. So, Im trying to pay enough attention to parent him in the best way possible so he isnt a highly demanding heathen at 3! If anyone did anything with their baby THIS young that helped, please share. Im trying to stay consistent but its hard w him being so young. But I have to adapt to his behavior and mental capabilities.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 14:12:04 +0000

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