Parents make a stand July 14 2003 Disputes between parents - TopicsExpress


Parents make a stand July 14 2003 Disputes between parents and teachers are becoming increasingly fraught, reports Rebecca Lancashire. What steps can parents take to stop the relationship going sour? For every pushy parent theres a pompous principal. Or that is how it looks from either side of a school dispute. In this consumer-driven era parents are demanding a more active role in their childrens education - and some schools are struggling to keep up. Independent mediators are being called in, and some parents are hiring lawyers to argue their cases. In a landmark Supreme Court case in NSW last month, four Maclean High School students challenged their suspensions for allegedly smoking cannabis at school. Although the judge upheld the principals decision, one parent promised to continue legal action. The chief solicitor for the National Childrens and Youth Law Centre, Louise Goodchild, who represented the Maclean students, says the demand for legal advice is increasing. Parents and the community have greater expectations on school, education is taken very seriously these days, and it is expensive - people want value for money. Im not sure the Department of Education in Australia has come to terms with the greater demands by parents and students, Ms Goodchild says. The centre runs a nationwide legal advice and information service for young people and half of the inquiries it receives are related to school issues - the most common being bullying. Two things are guaranteed in any (parent-school) dispute I am called into, says Sydney-based mediator and psychologist David West, who is also a former teacher. One side says: Why didnt they come to us earlier, why have they resorted to a solicitor? While the other side says they have tried numerous times to talk to the school and they simply wont listen. Its due to poor communication on both sides. I dont think anybody can blame schools for having problems - any organisation will have problems - the question is how they deal with it. There is often preciousness on the part of the schools if they feel their authority is called into question, says Gail McHardy, president of Parents Victoria, an independent body representing parents and students in Victorian Government schools. Mrs McHardy, who has worked as a voluntary Parents Victoria mediator in school disputes for nine years, says: They will say things like we are trying our best and you could always go to another school if youre not happy here. Mr West says that 20 to 30 years ago independent mediation services were non-existent. Children simply went to the local school; there werent the choices. Now there are greater expectations by parents that children will enjoy school and learn a lot. He says smaller families allow parents to take a more active role in their childrens schooling. Also, parents are better educated and more likely to question school policies. Mr West believes the Australian education system is not ready for the consumer age. There is less tolerance now (by consumers across all sectors) for simply accepting problems. The project director of the school projects division of the Department of Education and Training, Howard Kelly, says most schools now have a sincere commitment to forging links with the community. We are well beyond the token references to partnerships that occurred in the past. No school is an island, it can only be effective if it develops myriad relationships with the community. We need partnerships for children to succeed, he says. The department will release a new guide, The Schools Community Partnership Framework, at the end of the year, emphasising the importance of these links and how to build them. It will be sent to every Victorian school. Keith Miller, principal of Peter Lalor Secondary College, in Lalor, says there is more pressure on schools from parents. Social change, especially greater competition for jobs, means they put more pressure on their children to achieve academically. The middle classes are frantic about the education of their children - we do tours of the school all the time now - 10 to 15 years ago we never did. And this is a working-class area of the northern suburbs. It is good, it is how it should be, but it is a lot more work for us. Mr Millers approach to good parent-school relations is to instil in teachers a different attitude. They must see the students and the parents as customers and that this is a taxpayer-funded organisation. Parents demand a service now. There is a distrust in the community about institutions (generally), we have to listen to people and deal with their anger and calm them down. In the past, schools were formidable and threatening places and some parents anger is often based on their own bad experiences at school. Schools cant be like that any more; we have to be caring institutions, Mr Miller says. Teachers and parents need to communicate for real learning to take place. Lalor College staff have attended personal development courses on topics such as dealing with difficult people. He says parents can help by getting involved in their childs school. Although schools such as Lalor are rising to the challenge, David West wrote Negotiating with your school: A Practical Guide for Parents in 2001 because he believed parents needed help. Essentially a how-to-negotiate book, his advice is to build a positive relationship with the school, and so when an issue arises, a good working accord is already in place. He says parents have a responsibility to have realistic expectations of their child, reasonable expectations of the school, and to not mislead the school. Mr West advises parents: dont try to bully, you will lose influence; avoid blaming; be positive, persistent and focus on finding a solution; and ensure you talk to the right person. But his view of schools real attitudes to parents is grim: While most schools will say, if asked, that they do value and encourage parental involvement, the actual situation is often quite the opposite. The truth is most schools value parents only as an audience or in their traditional role of lamington makers and fund-raisers. Mrs McHardy, whose team of eight voluntary advocates attends about four disputes a week, tells a similar story. Often when a parent or parent association raises an issue such as bullying, camp policy or seatbelts on school buses, if they push a little too hard, the barriers go up. That is counter-productive; you will lose those parents. If a school is not parent-friendly, then time-poor parents wont help out. And where would the state system be without parents volunteering? Both agree the demands on schools are much greater now, but as Mr West says: Schools have to find ways of listening to parents, they know the child best. A lot of schools dont seem to want to listen, they are frightened they will encourage complaints. Southmoor Primary School principal Marie Kick says disputes are rare at her school, which she puts down to the building of strong relationships. Southmoor, in Moorabbin, is a small state school of 250 pupils, which makes it easier to build a rapport with parents, she says. It is also crucial that the principal and school council president work as a team; parents often feel they can go to the president if they dont want to approach the principal, she says. Social events such as working bees are important because they allow parents and teachers to get to know each other. She says it is important to provide several ways for parents to get involved with the school, such as grade-liaison parents who work with teachers. It is such an empowering thing for the child if their parents are involved in the school: they love it. But when the relationship between school and parents sours, Mr West and Mrs McHardy say there are limited avenues for redress beyond the school principal. Says Mrs McHardy: You can got to the Education Departments regional offices and talk to a senior education officer (whose role it is to attempt to reach a solution for both parties) but guess what - they are all past school principals! As Mr West says in Negotiating With Your School: If you go outside the school (over the principals head) it can make you childs life impossible at school. The message for any parent who goes outside the school is that even if you win, indeed especially if you win, you will not be forgiven, let alone thanked. But Howard Kelly says parents who feel their needs are not being met should never give up: Our job is to provide a high-quality education system and we need confidence and trust from parents to do that. He says an officers role is to find out what happened at the school, and then work with the parties to resolve the issue. The number of parents contacting regional offices with concerns has increased in the past five years, according to a department spokeswoman. But this is because parents tend to go directly to the office with issues rather than contact the school first, as they would have in the past. Anecdotally, it appears many parents battle for a while, give up and change schools. Anne Preston is a primary school teacher with a nine-year-old son, Jasper (not their real names). Her son found the fine-motor skills needed for writing a challenge, and wasnt interested in reading. By grade 3, she felt the inner-city private school he attended was not listening to her concerns, despite Jasper being unhappy and working at a level far below his classmates. It was a mix of me having to admit he wasnt very interested in (academic) learning but also as a (recently qualified) teacher I felt his individual needs were being neglected in the classroom, she says. He would cry every night when he tried to do his homework and say I am the dumbest in the class. At the end of grade 3, I knew he needed to repeat a year - I was teaching grade 3 myself, so I knew what they are capable of at that age. She says she initiated two meetings with the school and feels she was the only one offering concrete suggestions. She arranged a session with an occupational therapist, who identified underdeveloped fine-motor skills. If I hadnt been a teacher I wouldnt have known (that there was something seriously wrong). I would have accepted the schools explanation that he was a boy and they take longer to learn (to read and write). I also wouldnt have known about individual learning plans, which was what he needed. Ms Preston decided to move Jasper rather than confront his school again. He is now repeating grade 3 at an inner-city state school and is more confident and relaxed. As a teacher Ms Preston gets to see both sides. How does she feel about dealing with parents? Being an older teacher and a parent herself makes it easier to relate to parents concerns and build a rapport. But pushy parents can be a challenge. They often have an outmoded expectation of school, based on their own education experiences. She finds many want to see more homework, testing and concrete results. I have some parents who come into the classroom three times a week to check how much work their children are doing; one is the mother of a very stressed little boy. I have to spell out the departments policy on homework and tests but they still want extra work for their children. She advises parents to trust their instincts about their childs happiness and progression at school. And to get involved. THE ART OF ASSERTIVENESS Northcote parents Erica and Matthew Kaveney (not their real names) have three children aged 13, 15 and 16, who attend different state secondary schools. They sigh a little wearily when asked how they have coped with school problems over the years. The key to dealing with schools is a judicious mixture of being assertive and being a suck! Mr Kaveney says. Their youngest child, Lewis, now 13, wasnt writing or interested in reading or drawing when he started prep at a state primary school in the northern suburbs. They made his teacher aware of this and repeatedly raised their concerns with the school over the next few years, only to be told that there was nothing to worry about. We came to the conclusion that you dont overdo it as a parent because you get a reputation with the school for being a pain, Mrs Kaveney says. But Lewis was still barely writing or reading by Grade 3, so they spat the dummy. At our insistence, Lewis had assessment sessions with the assistant principal, who put his problems down to not trying, she says. After getting advice from the Specific Learning Disabilities Association of Victoria, they rang the principal and said they believed their son had dyslexia and requested an appointment with the schools educational psychologist. They were told there was a three-month waiting list. Lewiss parents promptly took him to an independent educational psychologist who diagnosed classic dyslexia. The psychologist sent his report to the school and Lewis suddenly became a priority, Mrs Kaveney says. He was given an individual learning program and the principal came close to apologising. Principals are in a difficult position: they have to please everyone: staff, parents and teachers, she says. But they could have just listened to us more seriously. As a parent you know your child and what is normal for them. HOW TO DEAL WITH A PROBLEM AT SCHOOL Parents Victoria and the Department of Education and Training recently released Together We Can Work it Out, a guide to help parents and schools build stronger partnerships. It says that parents have a right to be listened to respectfully and to be taken seriously. And the school has a right to expect parents to have an open mind and a genuine intent to resolve the issue fairly. What to do � Arrange a mutually convenient time to talk to the class teacher or year-level co-ordinator. � You are allowed to bring supporters, such as an advocate or other family members to a meeting. Both the parent and the school should know in advance who will be attending the meeting. � School policy issues are often best discussed with the school principal. The school council or parents association can often help with advice or information. � If discussions with the teacher and principal still leave you unhappy the matter can be taken to the Education Departments regional office in your area. (call Education Line on 9637 2222 or 1800 809 834). Ask to speak to the person relevant to your issue. In most cases a senior officer will work with the parents and the principal to try to reach a solution. Advice for parents David West in his book Negotiating with Your School advises parents to build a positive relationship with the school so that when there is a problem, there will already be a good rapport. Be prepared: gather your facts by first talking to your child about the issue (bearing in mind that they may not have understood all the factors involved) and working out what you want to achieve. Ensure that you talk to the right person, for example, at high school this is usually the year advisor. Only if this fails should you consider going to the principal. Be positive and stick to the issue at hand. Be persistent: you may need to go to the school several times and talk to several people before you reach a solution. For further information Schools online: Parents Victoria: 9417 4140 The National Childrens and Youth Law Centre advice service: Negotiating With Your School: A Practical Guide for Parents by David West (Choice Books, 2001)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 03:57:38 +0000

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