Paris Lees barfs in a bucket over the never ending TERF - TopicsExpress


Paris Lees barfs in a bucket over the never ending TERF War Whilst some of Pariss language in this piece is in our opinion, a little intermpate to say the least, we pretty much totally agree with her over arching sentiments on this issue. As much as Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) rhetoric can often be fairly disturbing to say the least .. its frankly time more in our community began to recognise that TERFs now exist pretty much in a some strage anachronistic reality vacuum, pretty much barking at the moon ... clearly so marginalised even within mainstream feminism that they would get little attention at all but for the over the top way that some in our online activist community engage in this endlessly ugly, self defeating discourse .. many of our supporters - both Trans* and cisgender - agree that some of the hyper aggressive. perennially angry Trans activists who viciously engage in endless online flame wars with TERFs do our movement far more damage than good - insisting on continually tilting at windmills, producing very little in terms of effecting real social change for our community, with a few of them a few of them sounding positively unhinged whenever they launch their expletive laden tirades about TERFS into the Twitter verse Surely if our over arching strategic goal as a community is move away away from the negative historical stereotype which saw us all stigmatized as crazy ... surely most of us can see that the endless bile some of our online activists regularly inject into TERF War can not be overly helpful in how were viewed by wider society? We’d love to know your thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:47:28 +0000

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