Parkinsons in the fruit and veg aisle? : courtesy of Dr Jonathan - TopicsExpress


Parkinsons in the fruit and veg aisle? : courtesy of Dr Jonathan Wright A frightening new study out of Italy is delivering a loud and clear message you need to carry with you on your next trip to the supermarket. This massive new study has found that regular exposure to pesticides could boost your risk of Parkinsons disease by a jaw-dropping 58 per cent. The major food producers and massive factory farms have gone out of their way to dismiss the link between pesticides and Parkinsons over the years, but trust me — this study should be the last and final word on the subject. Italian researchers analysed more than 100 studies over the past 36 years and found that the evidence that pesticide exposure leads to Parkinsons isnt just overwhelming — its a slam dunk. Pulling together the results of all the studies, researchers concluded that regular exposure to pesticides could increase your Parkinsons risk by 58 per cent, and thats if youre lucky! Some commonly used pesticides like paraquat, maneb, and mancozeb actually DOUBLED your chances of developing this heart-breaking neurological disease. If youre a regular e-Tips reader this isnt the first time youve been warned about a link between these ugly chemicals and Parkinsons. In fact, recently we told readers about another study that raised a red flag about drifting particles from pesticide spraying. It turns out you may not need to live or work on a farm to be exposed to these chemicals. Theres a big chance youve been eating this junk for years — but the good news is that you never need to eat it again. Insist on buying organic, and buy it locally when you can. Its your job to monitor the safety of what you put in your body — because, trust me, the food manufacturers arent going to do it for you.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:11:56 +0000

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