Part 1 of 4: Let Your Personality Shine Impress a Girl Step - TopicsExpress


Part 1 of 4: Let Your Personality Shine Impress a Girl Step 6. 1Impress her with your personality. Having a great personality and being easy to relate to is an important part of getting a girl to like you. Lets face it: Girls look for different things in guys than guys look for in girls. So let the great parts of your personality shine through to her, and work on fixing the parts of your personality that you dont like. Be funny. Girls love funny guys. If you can make a girl laugh, then you have a good shot at making her fall in love with you. Practice jokes on your friends (guy-friends and girl-friends, because theres a difference of what they find funny) and keep the jokes that work and throw away the jokes that dont. Be playful. Studies have found that girls are attracted to guys who are playful.[1] Being playful is attractive because it shows youthfulness and the ability to have fun. So find your inner child, throw away all the ideas about what you think you should and shouldnt do, and play around, especially when youre with her. Be interesting. Girls like guys who have interesting lives, and who do cool things for fun. As long as youre passionate about something, and you get involved in doing that or learning about it, youll be more attractive in her eyes. No girl just wants to sit around and watch you play video games all day. Be mysterious. A little mystery goes a long way. Dont let her in on every little thing youre doing. Hint more than you usually do, and downplay things instead of being really excited. Mystery will make you a puzzle in her book, and shell want to solve you. Impress a Girl Step 4. 2. Be charming. Guys can turn on the charm when girls are around and then turn it off when theyre not around. Dont do this. Instead, focus on being charming all the time, and you wont have to worry about being two different people to guys and girls. Plus, more guys will probably want to be friends with you because they like your personality. Have great conversations with her. You dont have to talk about books or high-culture or any of that stuff. All it takes is getting an opportunity to talk with her and running with it. Once you have that chance to talk to her, ask her good questions, and listen to what she says. Questions you can ask her are: Where did you grow up? What do you want to do when you grow up? What do your parents do for a living? Do you have any brothers or sisters? or Have you traveled anywhere interesting, to name a few. Find a way to compliment her. Dont compliment her all the time, because it will become obvious that youre really into her. But try to give her at least one nice compliment. If its done in the right way, its guaranteed that shell remember the compliment, and remember you as well. If youre really confident, give her a compliment about her looks, like Your eyes are a pretty color green, or Your hairstyle makes you look really pretty. If youre a little nervous about complimenting her, say something like I really like how you stick up for people, or Youre really smart; where did you learn all of that? Find out what youre smart at. Girls like guys who are smart. That doesnt mean you have to be Einstein to get a girl, but it does mean that you have to be smart about something. Find out what youre smart about. Maybe its sports, maybe its stock car racing, maybe its American History. Be proud of what youre smart about and dont be afraid of hiding it. 3Make friends. Making friends is a social sign that you have a lot to offer, and that people generally like you. If you dont have too many friends and dont want to make more, thats fine. But if youre a social guy and you enjoy the company of others, put yourself out there and start making friends. Shell see the attention youre getting from other people and wonder what shes missing. Make friends with cool girls, especially. If you make friends with other girls, that tells her that she can trust you because other girls trust you. Pretty soon, youll grow more comfortable around them. Making friends with girls is especially smart because you might hear information about her — what she likes, what she doesnt like, who shes interested in — that could be valuable later on. Be the guy who everyone wants to be around. Be an all-around guy. Be able to talk to the goths, jocks, popular kids, geeks, and everyone else. She will feel way more comfortable around you knowing that you are cool with everyone you know, instead of being the lonely guy in the back of the classroom who has no friends. Start slow, though. You dont need to be friends with everyone all of a sudden. Part 2 of 4: Pay Attention to Your Looks Impress a Girl Step 1.jpg 1Make sure youre clean and put-together. Girls, for the most part, like guys who are clean, smell good, and arent constantly sweating. Guys, for the most part, dont care about these things as much. So, listen up, guys: If you want to impress a girl, youre going to have to pay attention to how clean you are. Shower every day. Make sure you hop in the shower or take a bath every day. If you play sports after school, you may want to shower in the nighttime, after you come home from practice. Shampoo your hair every other day. If youre smelling clean and natural, girls will be more comfortable coming close to you and even hugging you. Wash your face in the morning and at night. Some guys get acne or pimples as they get older and their bodies start to change. The treatment for acne is to wash your face gently, twice a day, and get topical (meaning: something you put on top of) creams that you put on your pimples right before going to sleep. If you start to have serious problems with pimples, see a doctor. But if your face is looking nice and spot-free, girls will see how handsome you are without anything distracting them. Wear deodorant, not cologne. Cologne is mostly for grown ups, and cheap cologne doesnt really smell that good. For boys, a nice, simple deodorant will do. You dont have to smell really good; you just have to not smell bad. Remember that deodorants that have a strong smell will start to smell different once they mix with your sweat. 13397 14.jpg 2Have good style. Clothes can be expensive, and buying them can be a hassle. But even if you dont have a lot of money to spend on clothes, you can still take care to look your best. Style isnt about money at all. Style is about working well with what you already have. Wear nice clothes. Not just around her, but also when you leave the house. If your clothes have a bunch of holes in them, or are dirty, or dont really fit you, chances are shes going to notice a bad way. If you can, impress her with the clothes you wear. If you cant afford new clothes, dont worry: if you have a great personality and youre really sweet to her, this step wont matter. Stick with basic, classic clothes instead of flashy and fancy. Theres a time and a place for fancy, and unless youve already graduated college, you dont have to worry about it yet. You dont need to wear loud button-up shirts that have a bunch of logos on them to impress a girl. Girls like classic clothes, like a good pair of jeans, a nice, form-fitting t-shirt, and a matching sweater. Dont try to blow her away with your clothes; try to blow her away with your charm, your humor, and your interest in her. Be consistent. If youre going for a certain look, be consistent about it. Its not wrong to wear really preppy clothes one day and punk clothes the next, but its jarring, and youre sending mixed messages. Stick to one style and own it. Part 3 of 4: Get Close to Her 1Start talking with her and being around her. In order for this special girl to be impressed by you, she has to notice you. Your connection with her doesnt have to happen right away, so dont do anything really dramatic like fight someone just to get her attention. It will probably take some time for her to get really comfortable around you, so put your head down and dont get sad if you dont see immediate results. Make eye contact with her. Eye contact is really important. Dont look away while talking to her, because it shows that youre not confident. Look into her eyes at the right moment and keep them there for a little while. Dont be afraid to show her that she makes you want to look at her. If you find her looking at you in class, try not to be the one who looks away first. Stick up for her. If shes getting teased by another girl, or she happens to be in a fight, come to her side. Even if its just another person badmouthing her while shes not there, stick up for her. When she sees that youre there to stick up for her, or when she hears that youve defended her, her heart will go out to you. Dont make her guess whether youre on her side; show her youre on her side. Have natural conversations with her. Talking to her will give her a chance to see all of what you offer: how charming you are, how funny you are, how well you listen, how good you look up close, and how warm of a person you are. Show her all of these qualities. Try not to be nervous when you talk to her. If youre nervous, remember a time in the past when you were nervous about something, and think, Am I nervous about that now? Youre probably not. And if youre not nervous about that thing now, youre probably not going to be nervous about talking to her in the future. So why should you be nervous now? 2Do fun things together. Even if its not 1-on-1, being with her in a fun environment will help you bond closer together. If you dont think shes comfortable doing stuff with just you, then get a group together and invite her along. Make sure you two share some great moments together; at the very least, it will give you something to talk about with her. Try do to something exciting, scary, or completely new with her. Doing something that raises your heart-rate (something scary or exciting) is known to release a chemical in peoples brain that helps bond them together. Thats why haunted houses, roller coasters, and scary movies are such great ideas for a date. Summer is a great opportunity to get close to her. Popular things to do in the summer include: going to the beach, going to outdoor movies, going to amusement parks, going on camping trips, and simply hanging out with friends. You dont really need an excuse to just hang out during summer. Ask your friend to plan a pool party and invite her, or schedule a 4th of July party and ask your parents permission to invite friends. Find out what you both have in common. A great way to find out whether you two have stuff in common is just to ask her what she likes, or what she likes doing. If youre not comfortable asking her, try to find out from friends what she enjoys doing. Maybe you both like going wakeboarding, and youre the only people in your class who know how to wakeboard. Well, that would be an awesome opportunity for you to get closer to you because youd have a good excuse. Part 4 of 4: Asking Her Out On A Date Get a Girlfriend Step 10.jpg 1Ask her out. Youve finally gotten to the last step. Youve figured out a little about what she likes, youve gotten to talk to her a little bit, and maybe youve even impressed her by dressing well and sticking up for her when she needs it most. Now, all you have to do is ask her out on a date. You dont have to call it a date. Lots of guys make the mistake of specifically asking the girl if she wants to go on a date with them. This isnt bad, but its not the way to get a date. Dont ask for a date. The wrong way to ask: Hey, would you want to go on a movie-date with me next weekend? She might be a little put off that youre asking her on a date. The right way to ask: Hey, I got two tickets to that movie that we were talking about last week, would you want to go with me? If she asks you whether its a date, then you can say yes. Youll have a lot more success asking for a date if you dont call it a date. If she says she doesnt want to go, then swallow your pride, smile, and say I understand, before walking away. Dont let her see that it affects you. You can always try to go after her again sometime down the road. Or you can stay friends with her and show her what shes missing. Regardless, you want to try to stay strong, even if youre boiling up inside. If she says yes, then lucky you! All your hard work has paid off. And if shes not completely obsessed with you already, shes probably pretty eager to get to know you. The hardest part is over. Tell her: Cool. Ill call you tomorrow about the movie, give her a quick smile and walk away. 2Play it cool on the date. So you got your date. Maybe youre at the movies, or youre walking down the beach with your surfboards. Here are a few tips to make sure the date goes exactly as planned. Be yourself. Dont try to be someone else when you ask her on the date, or during the date. Be comfortable with and confident in who you are, because its gotten you this far already. Its much better to feel natural but maybe a little nervous (nerves are OK, trust us) than it is to feel like youre trying to impersonate someone else. That wont feel natural. Make her feel comfortable around you. Dont try to pull any funny stuff or make any moves in the beginning. Smile, be gentlemanly, and develop good conversation. (Ask a lot of questions!) Savor every minute of it, because it will fly by. Above all, be respectful of her. Shell appreciate this a lot because not every guy will be respectful. But you will. When youre close to her, slowly break the touch barrier. What this means is that you should begin to touch her on socially appropriate places, like her back or her arm, in certain situations. This will help her bond with you. Getting used to making contact with her will help you become more intimate with her as you continue the beginning of the relationship. You can touch her lightly on the back shoulder when youre giving her a compliment. Or when youre making a point about her, you can lightly tap her hand. When youre ready, usually at the end of the date, say I like you. Tell her that youve liked her for a long time, and that she makes you feel more alive than any other person can. Tell her how she makes you feel, but keep it short. If she doesnt say anything, then switch the subject. You can ask her out again at the end of the night to see how she feels about you. If she explains that she doesnt like you, then respect her decision and try to move on. If she smiles, giggles, plays with her hair, or says I like you too, you know youre living the good life....
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 16:22:51 +0000

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