Part 11 Once we got to my room; we all sat down on the bed. - TopicsExpress


Part 11 Once we got to my room; we all sat down on the bed. Becky went to her room and we had to promise her that if we thought of a plan we would tell her. I grabbed a piece of paper and my laptop. I wrote on the piece paper the words. Sarah Samuels Jay opened my laptop and typed in her name. “I’ll try to Google her. Maybe it’ll come up with something,” I looked at Ashley, “Ash, do you think that Ben and John can help us out? If we need them of course.” I saw the look in Ashley eyes, the look as if I would never ask. “I’ll call Ben and ask.” Ashley smiled. I opened the door to my balcony, “Ah, some fresh air.” I stood by the railing and looked at the stars. “Grandma, please give me a sign. Please, tell me if I’m doing the right thing. The right thing to at least try and save this girl Sarah Samuels.” I whispered to sky at the brightest star. I continued looking at the stars. To be honest I don’t know where to start. Suddenly I felt two arms around my waist. And two strong shoulders. I let my head fall against the strong chest. I hold my breath for a minute and I heard Jay heartbeat. I made me calm. “Hi.” I said softly. “So,” Jay started slowly, “What else did Vanessa said to you.” He asked curious. It made me laugh. “Well, she told me something really interesting.” I teased Jay. While I turned around “Well, are you going to tell me or not.” Jay asked. He tried to beg me with his beautiful eyes. He stared at me whit his big, puppy dog eyes. “It’s not going to work, baby.” I said while I tried to walk away. “Okay, if you kiss me, maybe I’ll tell you.” I teased again. “Well, that’s not fair.” Jay said. “Okay, if you don’t want to kiss me.” I said. Jay pulled me toward his chest again, softly; we stood there for a while. In each others arms. No word. We only could hear Ashley talk on the phone talking to Ben. When Ashley hung up she came to de balcony as well. There we all where. Staring into the dark night. Thinking up a plan. After a while we heard a noise. We all heard the noise of tires on the driveway. And the sound of music. Loud music I might add. Cleary it was the music that Ben loved. He stepped out of the car and waved to us when he saw us standing on the balcony. A phone started to ring in my bedroom. I listened closely and found out that it was mine. We all ran inside. We heard the door bell ringing. I answered my phone. I put my phone on speaker so that Jay and Ashley could listen to. “Hello?” I answered. Ashley stood up and walked to my bedroom door. “Help me please. Somebody took me while I was walking in the park.” The girl said. “Sarah Samuels?” I asked. “Yes, please help me.” Sarah asked again. Ben and Becky had joined us. They were listening carefully. “Do you know where you are now?” Jay quickly asked. “They took me while I was walking in the park in Loveland.” She sounded very scared. A horrifying scream appeared next. Suddenly there was a noise that I didn’t recognize. And the line went dead again. I felt the tears burning behind my eyes. When Jay saw how difficult it was for me, he reached out a hand. When I grabbed it, I lifted me off the bed and guided me towards the balcony. I felt dizzy. Jay wrapped his hands around my waist to support me. “It’ll be okay, I promise.” Jay whispered. “How can you promise me this Jay?” I asked sobbing. “We’ll go to Loveland if we have to okay?” We hugged for a minute and then went back inside the room. “Ben, how far is that away from here?” I heard Ashley asking Ben inside “Uhm, about sixty miles I think.” Ben guessed. Ashley grabbed my paper and wrote under the name; Loveland. At least we know more. “Look would it be wise to call the police station in Loveland tomorrow?” I asked. “I mean, maybe they know more?” Jay looked at me like I said something really good. “Yes, that would be great. Tomorrow my parents are away. Shall we call it a night for now and continue tomorrow? Everybody is unoccupied tomorrow?” Jay asked. Everybody nodded. “Shoot, I have to work in the morning.” Ben suddenly said. “Then you’ll come when you get off.” Jay said. Ben nodded. “I live at 3454 Danbury road.” Jay said to Ben. “Lucy, have you got a piece of paper then I’ll write it down. By the way. John is willing to help but he had to work so. I’ll bring him with me tomorrow.” A voice called us from downstairs. “Lucy?” It was mum. I opened my bedroom door. “Yeah mum, what’s wrong?” I asked. “The clock is pushing eleven. Don’t you think it’s time to call it a night?” My mom asked calmly. “Yeah, we were about to call it a night.” I answered. I walked back into my room “Okay, great. Guys, promise me something. Let’s try everything to save Sarah? Okay?” I made everyone promise. They all nodded. We cleaned up the mess of papers in my room and we said our goodbyes. Everybody walked downstairs. “Goodbye Mrs. Pine. Thank you for dinner.” Ashley said thankfully to my mom. “You’re welcome Ashley, don’t be a stranger and come back soon.” My mom said back. Ashley nodded. Ashley got in the car with Ben. Once they drove off, Jay grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. “Look baby, will you please tell me what else Vanessa said to you.” Jay asked again curios. I took a seat on the steps off the porch. Jay sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulders, “She explained to me way she hated me all these years.” I started. “Oh did she.” He said stunned. “It was all about you, Jay,” I said quickly. I lifted up my head and looked him in the eye. He caught me off guard when he started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” I hissed. “Calm down baby,” he smiled again. “Look if Vanessa bullied you about me then she’s right.” He said. “Care to explain?” I hissed again. “Okay, from day one you started here at school, I liked you. But somehow Vanessa found out.” He explained. “But for some reason I always lied to her. I always said that she was wrong. That I didn’t like you at all.” He said with shame. “Why did you lie to her?” I asked. “Well, have you seen Vanessa?” He said. I just nodded. I was curios how he is going to safe himself out of this one. “I never could say no to her. But last Monday I had enough and snapped. We had a terrible fight after she saw us at calculus together.” I felt his arms moving to my side. “Once I saw what a sweet and loving girl you were, I just had to take my chance. I explained Vanessa that I was in love with somebody else and that it was you. But I also warned her. She’s got to stop bullying you or else I will tell the whole school why she bullied you. Might be a little childish but trust me it’s not good for her reputation.” He said smiling. “But why, haven’t you told me? That you had a crush on me?” I asked curios. He had no answer to that. He just pulled up his shoulders. “Well, better late then never.” I said wisely. I am happy that we were together now. I let my head drop on his shoulders again. We stared for while in silence. My eyes were heavy. I was so tired. “Jay, I don’t want you to leave me ever again, but you have to promise me something.” While I said that I lifted my head again and looked deep in his eyes. “You have to promise me that you’ll never hurt me.” I said. “Of course baby, I hurt you once with my stupid choice. I will never ever, ever do it again. You’re the one I truly love.” He said honestly. He kissed me on my forehead. “Thank you, I love you too.” “You’re tired aren’t you?” He finally said. I just nodded. I didn’t have the strength anymore to talk. “Well, I think I should you home. It’s late. Should I pick you up tomorrow?” He asked. I nodded again. “I’ll be here round eleven okay?” He said. Before I could answer he kissed me. His lips were cold, but his breath made it warm. He kissed me intensely; it was so intensely that it made me dizzy. Was I ever going to get used to this feeling he gave me. I hope so. I hoped one day I could kiss him without fainting. Or at least the feeling of fainting. He stepped into his car and started it. He drove off. I could hear the tires on the road backing out. His headlights lighted up the front off the house. The light began to fade. And he was gone. I turned around and walked inside the house. I opened the front door with a deep moan. I was happy and lonely at the same time. I missed him already. I shaked my head before I closed and locked the front door. “Lucy, can we talk to you for a minute.” I heard my parents say. “Sure.” I yawned and walked trough the kitchen to the living room. There were my mom and dad waiting for me. It felt like I was in front of a jury, Yet again. “Will you please sit down for a minute?” My dad instructed. “Okay, your mother and I are afraid of the choices you’re making.” I looked at my dad awry. “Dad, please don’t worry about me.” I said annoyed. “It’s not about that, Lucy,” My dad paused. “It’s about Jay.” squeezed my eyes to a slit. “What? Why? If you think that I’m going to sleep with him in the first week, you guys are wrong.” I said, heavy on the subject. “Lulu, that’s not what we want to talk about.” My mom reacted heavy. Oh this was serious. Whenever my mum called me by my nickname it was very serious. “Then what is it mum?” I tried to hold my laugh. And apparently my dad was doing the same thing. I could see that on the way he put his hands, he would try to cover his mouth with them, hopefully without any notice of my mother. “Don’t you think this is going a little bit to fast?” My mum continued, “Mum, I know Jay for four years. He’s not going to hurt me.” I said. “Liz, Lucy has a good feeling about people. She has a good judge of character. If this relationship with Jay feel good to her, then isn’t it time for us to believe Lucy?” My dad said to my mum. It was very convincing though. Now it was waiting if mum was convinced too. “Okay, Richard. If you think so.” My mum said implicated. “Okay Lulu, have you got any plans for the weekend.” My dad changed the subject. “Yeah, Ashley and I going to work on our thesis at Jay’s house. I wanted to take Becky with me, Jay parents have a pool, if that’s okay with you, mom. He’ll pick us up round eleven. Later in the afternoon Ben and John will come too and take a swim. Jay even suggested a barbeque at the end.” It wasn’t the whole truth but the biggest part was. Mum and dad looked at each other. That was the best thing about them. They didn’t need words to decide something. Just one look and that was enough. “Okay Lulu, on one condition.” My mum looked directly at me now. I just nodded. “You two will be home at midnight. And text or call every once and a while to check in.” I knew, if I didn’t agree, she wouldn’t let us go. “Okay, mum I will.” My mum stood up and kissed my forehead and so did my dad. “Goodnight Kiddo.” My dad whispered. “Goodnight dad.” I said back. I got up from my chair and walked towards the hallway. I saw that Becky was standing on top of the stairs. I pulled up my thumps and whispered. “Tomorrow is a go.” Becky lifted her thump up and walked away and closed her bedroom door silently. I took a quick shower and then lay on my pillow. What an amazing day. I turned to my side and closed my eyes, very slowly I fell asleep. In a dreamless night.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 12:55:10 +0000

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