Part 13 (Making things Right, Sequel of Lies) "Careful" Kris said - TopicsExpress


Part 13 (Making things Right, Sequel of Lies) "Careful" Kris said as he help you to stood up from your chair, he put a hand over your shoulder, lifting you up "Thank you" You said kissing his cheek, Kris beam at you and lean to give you a kiss too "Aish, this couple really know how to make us single feel lonely!" Xuimin mocked followed by groans and laughter from his sides "You’re just jealous" Kris turn to them "Go get a girl and you will know how it feels" "No, I’m good" Lay hold his hand up, who’s sitting beside the older boy "I see how hard is it—" "Yah! Leave the two alone" a deep voice exclaims causing all the food on his mouth burst out "Pabo! Don’t shout when your mouth is full" Suho slap his back head "The salad is ready" Kyungsoo announced, holding a plate of fruit salad "Oh noona are you alright?" he asks when he sees you getting up from your seat "I’m fine, I just need to take a nap, my vitamins already knocking me out" "I’ll take her outside" Kris said he turn his head back to others "Behave" he firmly said before he finally took you inside the house. Right now, you’re having a small gathering on your villa with your friends, suho, chanyeol, baekhyun, kyungsoo, lay and xuimin. At the same time they’re planning a baby shower for your baby, two weeks left before you will give birth and they want the party to be done as soon as possible you told them not to make it big because you, only families and close friends you want to invite. Kyungsoo volunteer o cook foods, Suho said he want to be in charge in cake, Lay and Xuimin will arrange the venue (which is Kris’ restaurant) while Baekhyun and Chanyeol are in charge in giving invitations, the two starts seeing each other a month ago, Believe it or not, Baekhyun is the first one who confessed. They pair decided to take it slow, they’re still on getting-to-know-each-other stage they are trying to fix their schedules for them to see each other, Baekhyun already thinking about moving in Seoul you are glad that your Best friend finally found someone, you could see the happiness on his eyes every time he talks about baekhyun. Suho are still focused on his career, one more year and he can get his licenses being biologist. "Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?" Kris asks when he’s done tucking you under the thick blanket "Don’t worry, I’m fine. I will call you when I woke up” you assured with a smile, Kris nodded and kiss your head "Sleep well" he whispers before he kiss your lips "have fun" you waves when he exit the room, you settled yourself on your pillow and later on you finally asleep. Kris went outside, running "Is everything alright?" he asks eyeing the boys, Chanyeol nodded with thumbs up, Suho patted his arm "Everything is set, the cake, the food and— Oh where’s the ring?" Xuimin held a small red velvet box to Kris; he gladly took and opens it. A diamond ring is standing inside; Kris took a deep breath "Are you ready?" Suho throw him a same question "Honestly, I’m nervous" he truthfully said, Lay chuckles "Don’t worry; We’re sure that she will accept it, She already accept you didn’t she?" The truth Kris called them to a help, Kris are planning to propose a marriage to you. He really want to do this since you forgive and accept him again but he couldn’t bring it to you, whenever he tries he always failed but now he’s determine and he had enough courage to ask you to marry him. "You’re right, But still It’s a different thing, I’m going to ask her to marry me" Kris groans "Aigoo, poor giant" Xuimin laughs "Just relax and everything will be alright" "I hope so—-" ————— Night flows, The boy finished setting the balcony Kris praised them for their hidden talent. The five boys magically turn the balcony into a movie like romantic scene the food is ready, roses, wine (Juice for you), roses, the ring and Kris, they’re expecting you to wake up anytime soon, but inpatient Kris get wait "I will wake her" He said before the others could react he already ran upstairs. "Baobei?" he frown when he didn’t see you in bed, the blanket are scattered on the floor "Minhyuk— where are you?" he asks stepping inside the room "K—kris! Bat— room—" He heard your faint voice from somewhere, he immediately got panic "Yifan!" You yelp in pain, Kris ran to bathroom, only to find you laying on the floor, sweating heavily. Your legs are covered with blood "Yifan—" you panted holding your stomach "Bring me to hospital— Please" Kris didn’t think twice he immediately lift you up to his arms and ran downstairs, you clung to him, trying to release all the pain you are feeling right now, you feel your whole body in fire, pain you are feeling is unexplainable, like you are dying "Suho— get the car!" He yells, taking his way out to front door, the voice gape at him in shock both of your clothes are already stain in blood, and you are crying in pain Suho ran outside to his car, He manages to get the car in front of the house in just seconds. Chanyeol open the car door for Kris to get you inside, Baekhyun ran to other side for help. "Let’s go, now!" Kris ordered Suho immediately speed to hospital Lay, Xuimin and Chanyeol followed with another car "Minhyuk— took a deep breath and keep calm, Don’t close your eyes, stay awake" Baekhyun checked your pulse "God, Take a deep breath minhyuk" He look at suho "Hyung, Speed up— her heart beat is getting weak" Baekhyun massage your hands, trying to get you calm. "Baobei, Just hung in there we’re almost there, Don’t close your eyes, Please stay" Kris breath out, wiping ocean of sweat at your face, your hands clench on the fabric of his clothes "It hurt—- It hurts so much" you cried when you feel another wave of pain "We’re here!" Suho announced, Kris kick the door open and took you to emergency room nurses and doctors rushed to you the moment they saw you, they brought to delivery room immediately, they get all the things needed for your operation, Kris didn’t leave your side, he too didn’t know what to do but he need to be strong, for you and for his daughter. ———- Six hours passed, but you still in labor. Chanyeol and Suho already called your family they said they will be there as soon as they can, Baekhyun volunteered to be one of nurses for you. "I think the baby is ready, get ready" the doctor announced, instantly the nurses took their position Baekhyun are in charge in your vital signs "Minhyuk, just calm down. You need to calm down your heart is weak” Baekhyun advice as he bend down to you "Is that bad?" Kris asks in full concern "Her heart is weak, and her blood pressure is too high. If it continue she won’t make it, Please minhyuk stay strong" Kris breath hitched on his throat, His knees almost give up hearing that you are between in life and death, his hold became more tightly. "Minhyuk— Please stay strong, don’t leave me" he whispers, you turn your eyes on him "yiFan, I’m happy that I met you, that I love you" You weakly smiles, taking deep breathes every now and then, the pain keep hitting you hard. "Me too, I’m happy that I met you, that you love me" Kris was on the edge of crying, his eyes blurred on tears he’s forcing not to fall "Baby, don’t speak. Save your energy I know you can make it" he coops, tucking your hair on the back of your ear "Stay— Stay with us" he then give you a kiss "Push! One more tries Ms.Jung I can see her head" The doctor ordered, one of her hand was on your stomach pushing and squeezing it, helping you. "Arrrggggghhhhh" taking a deep breath you put all your energy.. Push! "Almost there, let’s try one more Time, Ms.Jung. Push!" Kris keep whispering sweet nothings and encouraging words to you telling you how he loves you and how you are strong, that you are doing great, his held your hand not bothering the scars and marks you left whenever you squeeze it in pain. You look at kris and smiles "Nado- sa-saranghae" you whisper weakly, you feel your body starting to give in, you can’t feel your own heart, your body turns cold your vision get blur more and more, you gathered all energy you still have on your body, taking a very deep breath you force yourself to push. "Arrggghhhhh" "The baby is out, It’s a baby girl" Kris shot up from his spot, in just a second he’s standing beside of doctor looking down to his little daughter "He’s your daughter" the doctor handed her to Kris "Li yan—" "Liyan? Is that her name?" Kris nodded, he just can’t explain what he feel now that his daughter he waited for nine months are now on his bare hands, however the moment between the father and daughter broke out when baekhyun spoke out "Kris— Minhyuk!" Kris look at him then to you, His heart suddenly stops when he saw you, your eyes we’re closed and the doctor already giving you fatal current, a nurse came to him and took liyan, he ran to your side "Baobei, Open your eyes! Come on— babe you can’t do this to me!" Kris started to cry, he kneel beside your bed holding your hand on his lips "Please, don’t leave. You can’t die.. We need you. Please doctor do anything just save him" "Hyung—" Baekhyun went over him, trying to get him away from you "No, don’t— I will stay here!" He yells "Baobei, don’t leave me! Please.. Please! I love you, I still didn’t ask you to marry me, please! Don’t die! Don’t die! I can’t live without you any more, Please!” But whatever he says, your eyes remain close as your heart beat went flat
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:09:25 +0000

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