Part-19 Riddhima didnt know what to say. She too wanted to be - TopicsExpress


Part-19 Riddhima didnt know what to say. She too wanted to be close to him but didnt know if it would be right for them to be to staying in the same house. She didnt want to spoil anything. She also knew that Armaan wouldnt take no for an answer so she agreed and said Pick me up at 9:30 today. Ill complete my packing till then. Armaan jumped up in joy and shouted Yippee Riddhima laughed at him and ruffling his hair, which was her favorite thing to do, she left for her duties. They both were in the general ward, talking to their respective patients when Rahul came up to Riddhima and handed her a bouquet of Roses. Riddhima was confused and then Rahul spoke Ayna, your patient has sent these flowers for you. She wanted to thank you. She is having a few problems but she has resumed her normal life and is coping with it quite well. Riddhima smiled and Rahul felt himself stare at her beautiful face and mustering a lot of courage he asked her Riddhima would you like to go out for dinner with me? Riddhima was a little surprised with what he said and wondered why all of a sudden everyone was trying to take her out for dinner. She didnt want to break Rahuls heart so she took his hand in hers and said Rahul can we go to cafeteria and have a cup of coffee together. I need to talk to you. She knew Armaan was watching her from a corner while Rahul was nodding his head in agreement. She decided to talk to Armaan later and left with a very nervous Rahul towards the cafeteria. She was seated across Rahul in the cafeteria when there coffee arrived and she decided to be honest and frank. She placed her hand on Rahuls hand and said Rahul I really dont want to hurt you so Ill come straight to the point. Rahul I know what you feel for me but I are a really good friend and I dont know what I would have done if you wouldnt have supported me on the day of Aynas operation and I am really grateful for that.but..beyond friendship there is nothing in my heart for you. You are a great guy Rahul and am sure that some day youll get the girl of your dreams, the one who will love you from the core of her heart because I know that you dont love me and its just plain attraction which will defiantly end someday and then youll live happily ever after with the princess of your heart. Rahul didnt say anything and kept staring at the coffee mug in front of her and seeing no reaction made Riddhima shift in her seat uncomfortably. She was hoping that he doesnt cry otherwise she wont be able to forgive herself. Rahul am really sorry. Please forgive me. I had no intentions of hurting you. Rahul finally looked up with a smile on his lips and squeezed her hand and said Its okay Riddhima. You dont have to feel sorry and thanks a lot for being so considerate. I hope we can remain friends always. I would hate to loose a friend like you. You are everything that a man would want his women to are extremely beautiful, smart, intelligentyou are perfect. I anyways dont deserve you but since you mentioned it I would like it if you find me a girl who would love me with all her heart. Riddhima broke into a smile and getting up from her chair gave him a friendly hug and said Thanks a lot Rahul for understanding me. Dont worry well always be friends and Ill also find a girl for you wholl be way better then me. Rahul smiled and after assuring her that he is fine he left to attend to his duties. The moment he left the cafeteria Riddhima saw Armaan coming in and frustrated she hit her head with her hand knowing fully well that now shell have to answer a series of questions. He came and sat across her and eyeing the bouquet asked her Who gave you this? Riddhima started Rahul gave this to me.. But before Riddhima could say anything further he stood up and said How dare he. He needs to know that you are mine and he should stay away from you unless of course he wants to get his bones broken which Ill gladly break in no time. He was about to leave to get Rahul but he stopped when he heard Riddhima laugh. He instantly turned around and looked at Riddhima who after controlling her laughter with great effort said Rahul just brought these to me but they are actually from Ayna. Armaan was confused and banging his hand on the table he said Oh god! I always knew that the entire male population is after you but I had no idea that these little girls too have their eyes on you. Riddhima chuckled when she heard that and then he asked her What were you and Rahul talking about all this time? He asked me out for dinner so I decided to clear things out and I told him that we can never be more then friends which he took in his stride. Riddhima saw Armaan smile in a cheesy way and his smile just got bigger and bigger and then he said Good that you did that. He is a nice guy and I would have hated to hurt him so good that everything is fine now. But I really dont know how am I going to keep all these men away from you.why the hell are you so beautiful and perfect. Riddhima laughed and gave him a sweet smile and without saying anything she left and heard Armaan shout after her Be ready at 9:30. Ill come pick you up. She was standing in the parking lot next to her car when her cell rang. She stopped and took out the cell from her handbag. She didnt see the name and simply received the call. Yes. she answered Oh god, the ice princess Hearing his voice she froze on her spot as she realized that On the other line was her ex-husband Vivek khanna. Hey babemon Riddhima dont tell me you are scared even to answer me on the phone. She decided not to let him subdue her this time and so she answered in a firm but cold voice. What do you want? I am in India and want to meet you. Riddhima felt her hands tremble and she knew that this cant be good but remembering her resolve she answered back Fine I am coming. She knew where she has to meet him. She hastily sat down in the car but what she didnt know was that Armaan had been watching her and he knew that she was in trouble so he decided to follow her. Riddhima was almost there when she felt somebody was following her but she mentally told herself to stop being paranoid and that shell be fine. She reached the deserted road and saw Vivek standing there. She stepped out of her car and went and stood in front of him and was about to speak something when a car stopped behind hers and turning around she was shocked to see Armaan standing there. Part-20 Riddhima was almost there when she felt somebody was following her but she mentally told herself to stop being paranoid and that shell be fine. She reached the deserted road and saw Vivek standing there. She stepped out of her car and went and stood in front of him and was about to speak something when a car stopped behind hers and turning around she was shocked to see Armaan standing there. Then she heard Vivek say Oh man I dont believe this. Dont tell me that you still love her. Dont you know that she is a second hand, damaged piece now and no man in his But he couldnt say anything further because Armaan had punched him hard on his face and he was lying on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth. Armaan picked him up and punched him in his abdomen. He banged his head against his car. Vivek was too weak to do anything in front of Armaan who was a boxing champion and way more muscular then Vivek. He had beaten him pretty badly and now he had aimed at his crotch and before Riddhima could do anything he kicked him hard there and Vivek fell down on the road screaming in pain. She heard Armaan say I had been wanting to do this from a long long time and now that I have done it, I am mighty happy and satisfied. I dont just love Riddhima but worship her and no fact can lessen my love for her. You succeeded in separating us and stealing her from me four years back but I wont even let god separate us this time and I promise you Ill make sure I wipe off every dirty memory of yours from her mind and heart. I wouldnt let you ruin my future and get another thing straight that you dare come near her and Ill kill you. he turned around and grabbing Riddhimas hand dragged her to his car and shoved her harshly inside and himself sat on the passenger seat and started the ignition. Riddhima had never seen him this angry. She wanted to remind him of her car still being there but she stayed quite fearing that he might just blast on her. They reached home and Armaan immediately got out of the car and went inside completely ignoring Riddhima while Riddhima was really confused with this behavior of his. She was overwhelmed with the words he had said to Vivek but now his cold behavior was confusing her. She finally went inside his house and found him in his huge room standing in front of the open window with his hands resting against the frame of the window. She went closer and placed her hand on his shoulder and he quickly spun around and when Riddhima saw his face she gasped and took a few steps backwards. She was really scared seeing the murder in his completely red eyes with the rest of the face twisted in hatred. He gripped her wrist tightly with his nails piercing her skin but she didnt make a single sound nor did she made a move to loosen his grip. He finally spoke more like barked WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT HE WAS HEREHOW COULD YOU JUST GO AND MEET HIM LIKE THAT.HE MIGHT HAVE HARMED YOU.. DO YOU EVEN REALIZE THAT? he left her wrist and pushed her with such force that she fell on the ground but Armaan didnt make a move to help her instead he just continued I would have died this time if he would have as much as laid a finger on you. I cannot afford to loose you Riddhima. He came forward and made her stand up and then holding her shoulders with an angry grip said Just get this thing straight that from today onwards you will tell me each and everything and will never ever face that man without me by your side. He finally softened a little and pulled her in a hug and rubbing her back said in a painful voice Riddhima believe me when I say that Ill die without you. I wont let that man anywhere near you. But tell me something dont you trust me? Riddhima broke the hug and looked at him with tears in her eyes and said in a weak voice I didnt till now but now I know I can trust you with my very life and soul forever. I am sorry Armaan but I promise from now on Ill do whatever youll ask me to. He felt happiness rush through his body. He had never been this happy before. He wiped her tears and said I love you baby and now that you promise to obey all my commands..the first thing is that from now on well be living together and the second one is that now well go and have dinner. Riddhima smiled and they went downstairs to have dinner but were shocked to see police standing at the doorstep. Riddhima tightened her grip on Armaans arm and they both walked towards the police inspector hand in hand. Armaan spoke Yes? Are you Armaan Malik? the inspector asked Armaan to which Armaan confidently replied Yes, I am officer but what is the prolem? I am afraid Mr.Malik but well have to arrest you. Mr.Vivek khanna has launched a complaint against you for beating him up quiet badly. Armaan was about to say something but Riddhima interrupted him and said Any man would have reacted the same way Armaan did if he would seen his friend getting harassed. Mr.Vivek khanna is my ex-husband and he had called me up to meet me but when I went there he abused me which Armaan couldnt tolerate and hit him pretty badly. If you want I am ready to talk to the commissioner. He knows all about Mr.Vivek and me. The inspector didnt say anything so Riddhima called Camerone and told him everything and in return got scolded pretty badly for going to meet him and he abruptly hung up. The inspector got a call after 15minutes from the commissioner who gave him strict instructions to not take any action against Armaan and Riddhima. That was the kind of influence Camerone had and Riddhima thanked god for that. Armaan turned towards Riddhima and asked her How did you manage that? The commissioner I mean. You have quite an influence. Riddhima shook her head negatively and smiling said Camerone asked the commissioner to call him and he is going to be here soon. What? Armaan was shocked to hear that. I know but now that he knows Vivek is here he is not going to rest in peace till he makes sure that I am safe. Armaan wasnt surprised to hear that since he knew how much Camerone loved her but he was afraid that things might go wrong because of this. He saw Riddhima setting dinner on the table and smiling to himself he reminded himself to get back on mission Win Riddhima. They both sat down and had a sweet, romantic dinner. After dinner Armaan took Riddhima to one of the rooms which was right next to his room. When he opened the room Riddhima was shocked. The room was in lavender color and had her and Armaans photographs all around it. There were nearly 20 teddy bears in the room and a huge dressing table in the corner with her favorite perfumes on it. Riddhima turned towards Armaan with an eyebrow raised while Armaan chuckled and said I know what you thinking but I knew that youll love it after all its just the way your room was as a kid except that its slightly bigger. Riddhima hugged him and thanked him to which he shrugged and kissing her forehead bid her goodnight and then left for his room. For Riddhima the surprise wasnt over yet because when she walked into the dressing room , she saw the cupboard filled with Salwaar kameez and a lot of other dresses. The next shelf had a number of sandals but none of them had heels to it and she knew why. She smiled to herself and took a night dress and after changing went to sleep. She slept peacefully and Armaan too had a smile on his face. The radiance on his face said it all that he had never been more happy in his life. Next morning Armaan came back from his jog and saw Riddhima sitting on the dining table sipping her coffee. He walked upto her and placed a kiss on her cheek but was shocked when Riddhima suddenly stiffened but soon she got control of herself and smiled. They were both having there brakfast when they saw Vivek entering the househis face was pretty bruised. Armaan and Riddhima stood up. Armaans face was once again red with anger and hatered. He came and stood in front of Riddhima and faced Vivek when he finally spoke, Chillax dude. I have done everything I wanted to with her.Its too late to protect her. I think she hasnt told you the truth about her divorce and all the charges raised against her. She slept with my friends. Armaan was about to punch the man again when Riddhima gripped his arm tightly. Vivek turned to Riddhima when he saw her gripping Armaans hand and continued Good that you held him back. You know what I am not surprised that he still wants you back after all I too was once on the same are one hell of a womenhow about we once again. But before he could say anything further somebody turned him around and punched him hard on his face. Vivek was once again on the floor and this time his jaw had broken badly. He lifted his head and saw Camerone standing in front of him. Vivek was soon lifted in the air and punched and kicked in his abdomen. This time when Vivek finally fell on the floor he was in a pool of blood and had passed out completely. Camerone signalled to two huge black men standing outside and they came inside and picked Vivek up. Make sure that he is on the first flight back to USA and when he is in USA make sure that he suffers enough to never come back to India. the men nodded and left.Armaan and Riddhima were both shocked.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:30:10 +0000

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