Part 2. The Dedication of the New Cawker City Post Office, - TopicsExpress


Part 2. The Dedication of the New Cawker City Post Office, October 25, 1959. The Cawker City Hesperian Historical Society would like to find more photos from this event to scan and include in our museums newspaper database. June 18, 1959 Cawker City Ledger New Post Office Ready By Aug. 1 - According to Allan Lester, the real estate inspector for the postal department, the new post office in Cawker City will be ready for occupancy by August 1 and poss- ibly before that time. Post Master Paul Rhoades says that the new fixtures have arrived for the post office and that new fluorescent lighting is now in- stalled in the new building. Glaziers were at work last week- end and installed the plate glass and doors. Remaining to be done is all in- side work, such as installing floors and ceiling and painting, and the removal of the small shed in back of the building and paving the area. Postmaster Rhoades has not set a definite date for the dedication of the building. July 2, 1959 Cawker City Ledger Paul Rhoades Postmaster - Paul Rhoades received a tele- gram from Senator Frank Carl- son Tuesday stating that Pauls nomination for Cawker City Post- master has been confirmed. Paul had been acting postmaster for a year and a month since the resignation of Joe Wierenga. The postmaster job is let through Civil Service examinations then by confirmation of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. July 30, 1959 Cawker City Ledger To Move P. O. To New Building - The new Post Office will be occupied for business by Saturday, according to Postmaster Paul Rhoades. A few supplies, etc. were being moved to the new quarters Wednesday, but actual moving date will probably wait until Saturday. Last minute finishing touches are being added to the new quarters. The new building is a fine one. There are two lobbies. One for patrons to receive their mail and post their letters and another part is divided by a long counter where patrons can mail their parcel post and buy stamps, etc. The building is lighted by fluor- escent fixtures and will be air- conditioned. There is a paved area in the rear of the building for mail carriers to park cars. August 6, 1959 Cawker City Ledger New Post Office Is Fine Building - The new Post Office building on the former Rothschild building corner was occupied and doing business from the location Fri- day afternoon. The office was moved from the building east of the Ledger Office. The new building has air con- ditioning and is really an enjoy- able respite to patrons getting their mail in this 100 degree tem- perature. The workers in the post office say there was some confusion at first in getting the swing of things under the new arrangement. The Post Office has two lobbies, one is for the patrons who wish to get their mail from their boxes. The other is for patrons who wish to buy stamps, mail par- cels, etc. This part of the office is divided by a counter instead of the old style partition which had been popular in post offices since the beginning of the system. October 1, 1959 Cawker City Ledger Parade, Speeches For P. O. Dedication - Cawker City is preparing for a big parade and speeches at the dedication of the new Post Office to be held on Sunday afternoon, October 25. The parade will be under the supervision of Edwin Cook, parade master. The local band will ap- pear in the parade under the di- rection of Connie Steinel, who has also agreed to get in touch with several other bands in the area. A few of those on the parade committee are John Luikart, W. F. Janssen, Paul Koster, Louise Caul- kins, Jerry Bishop; other will be appointed as needed. The parade will precede the ded- ication which will be held in front of the new post office. Speakers at the Post Office will be Congress- man Wint Smith and possibly Sen- ator Frank Carlson. Following the dedication speech- es, presentation of the flag and raising of the colors, there will be an open house and everyone is invited to tour the new postal facility and have the workings of the system explained. Several local businesses as well as out of town ones will be represented in the parade; also groups such as boy scouts, girl scouts, Legion, etc. Plans are be- ing formulated now for other categories in the parade. Remember the date--mark it on your calendar--for the big parade and dedication, Sunday, October 25, 1959. October 8, 1959 Cawker City Ledger Dedication and Parade Oct. 25 - Plans are going forward for the big parade at Cawker City for the Post Office Dedication on Sun- day afternoon, October 25th ac- cording to Edwin Cook, parade master. Mr. Cook says that there will probably be 5 or 6 bands in the parade. The American Legion will carry the colors; some of the busi- ness houses will enter floats; sev- eral fraternal organizations will be represented; the Fire Dept. will drive their truck; the era of the mail carrier from early day to present will be depicted; new cars will be driven in the parade. Present plans call for the parade to assemble at the athletic field and proceed up the parade route and pass in front of the post off- ice. Anyone wanting to get in the parade or have any ideas please contact Ed. Cook, Marvin Koch, Paul Koster, John Luikart or Leo Pirotte. October 15, 1959 Cawker City Ledger Dedication and Parade Oct. 25 - The Cawker City Post Office Dedication and Parade to be held Sunday, October 25th on the streets of Cawker City is gain- ing momentum and has promises of blooming into a nice sized parade with several bands from a dis- tance as well as the local band playing and marching the parade route. Edwin Cook, parade master, says that the paraders will meet at 12:30 at the athletic field with the parade scheduled to start at 2:00. The route of the parade will be starting at the N. W. corner of the school east 2 blocks, then 2 blocks south to main street, then 1 block east on main street past the Post Office, then south at the Post Office corner. Mr. Cook says that if anyone has anything to offer for the par- ade, they area asked to please con- tact him. Everyone is asked to pitch in and help on this project so that Cawker City can make a good showing with the parade. Postmaster Rhodes says that Congressman Wint Smith will be the main speaker. P. E. Cowan, Regional Personnel Manager of Wichita will also be present to give an address. Dr. C. A. Nystrom will be master of ceremonies at the dedication.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:35:02 +0000

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