Part 2 Witches of Triora A while ago I found this article about - TopicsExpress


Part 2 Witches of Triora A while ago I found this article about Witches of Triora, I apologize about spelling/grammar mistakes in advance. I translated it with help of google into german and back into english. There are several parts which I will post over a couple of days. The witches have ceased to exist in the very moment in which we have ceased to burn. Voltaire. In 1588 the situation in Triora is still extremely confused the two inquisitors were turned away without having concluded their investigation. The fear remains, the suspicion among the inhabitants still poisons the air. Worse yet, there are still prisoners thirteen women and one man. Both inquisitors if they are gone yes of course, the debris caused by their actions not. Prompted by the protests, In May of 1588 the Genoese government sends Triora the chief inquisitor Alberto Fragarolo , at this point the mayor Carrega and the Council of Elders, pentitisi have started the initial witch hunt, expect a review of the process. things not go exactly according to their wishes. Fragarolo visit prisons, ask the women, of course retract all previous confessions extracted under torture. , but decided to leave them in jail. Just a girl of thirteen years is not vacated, provided, however, that penta and that abjure his pact with the devil publicly in the local church. At this point, as in a game of chess, is like a play by Shakespeare almost all the elements seem to be placed on the board: the village , the women, the accusations, the judges and inquisitors. Everyone in a situation of inpasse. But still missing an item, the last actor in the tragedy, the one who will drag all the characters to the final act. Towards the tragedy. On the 8th of June 1588 a man named Julius Scribani makes his first appearance in Triora. Scribani was appointed special commissioner by the government of Genoa with the task to investigate the situation created. Particular more importantly Julius Scribani is a fanatic. People are already prisoners of empire transferred from Triora prisons of Genoa while the commissioner unleashes a new persecution in search of other Witches.interrogations They share, they begin the torture, the hunt unleashed by Scribani inflames the area eventually also involve neighboring countries as Sanremo, Montalto Ligure, Castelfranco, Porto Maurizio and Andagna . The story takes the form of a real contagion, no one feels more secure; in the municipality of Andagna three sisters: Antonina; Battistina and Bianchina Vivaldi-Scarella , apparently without having undergone any kind of self-torture is accused of murder, and malicious practices of some children, the three women accused of the same practices also their fellow citizen Franchetta Borrelli. Franchetta Borrelli is subjected to a whole day to torture the stand, despite the suffering at least she always denies any wrongdoing. Scribani send all the documents about his interrogations in Genoa , together with the sentence of death for the four women Andagna. happen at that point something unexpected and inexplicable: for the first time since the beginning of the process someone is opposed to the first Once the voice of reasonableness set foot in this story. A judge consultant, Serafino Petrozzi refuses to grant the death penalty. Insufficient evidence to send the women to the stake claims Petrozzi , all the allegations made so far are purely circumstantial and insufficient. In addition Scribani is a civil magistrate, sent by the Government Genoese Triora to handle the situation from the point of view exclusively political, administrative maximum so it would not even have the power to intervene in religious matters, let alone to run processes or ratify death sentences for the same reasons (sole responsibility, that the Inquisition of Rome ) But Scribani at this point is uncontrollable, a real maverick. Received the refusal by Petrozzi , at first complained publicly about not being able to produce evidence, however, he decides to reprocess the four accused of Andagna ( according to other sources, including the accused there would be a fifth girl then her locked up in a monastery) proposing the death sentence. At that point, the wind changes again, the Genoese Senate despite not trusting more than just sent Pilate decides to refer to again the question of three judges, including the same Serafino Petrozzi. But if latter the first time he had opposed, this time incredibly convince you by his two colleagues to grant the sentence to be hanged resulting in cremation of bodies.The story of the alleged witches of Triora , an obscure mixture of fanaticism, superstition, ignorance, ill bureaucracy, political cowardice and rebound of responsibility seems to have come to the punchline. s Three Sisters Vivaldi-Scarella , Franchetta Borrelli more than the other two witches Peirina Bianchi and Gentile Moro start to the gallows. s all over? , not really. A second small miracle takes place: the Holy Inquisition , which so often has been responsible for the deaths of innocent people, in this particular case plays an almost salvific; the Father Inquisitor of Genoa that is the one that is locally the Holy Office ordered the suspension of the sentence. The Genoese government by her man Julius Scribani crossed over into the exclusive responsibility of religion. In other words: only the Church has the right to conduct trials for witchcraft, the Church alone has the right to condemn to death for this crime pending the new trial of the six accused reach the initial thirteen Witches of Triora in prison in Genoa while papers are sent to Rome. It will take another year before any decision is taken. And here the history, the official has holes, the omission as if a smokescreen had decided to call back if the fate of the characters in this tragedy . Of the thirteen witches of Triora already held from 1588 you know for sure that at least three die behind bars pending the judgment, the same fate happens to two of the women sentenced to Scribani. s first response of the Curia arrives in April 1589 s order to close all pending court cases, women accused are no longer appealed to the ignominious title of witches but as subjects of the lordship clear disavowal of the work of Giulio Scribani , the same judge that same year he was excommunicated from the Church because of his behavior. Excommunication, however, does not last long, even after a few months thanks to the intercession of the Government Genoese man will be acquitted and rehabilitated And the other women prisoners yet? On 28 August 1589, by order of the Curia, the last three witches sentenced to death are released and presumably the same fate also happens to the other. All those still alive, at least. We wondered at the beginning of the PRIOR post that face could take on the bad . An answer is given to us by the story of the Witches of Triora that is not at all encouraging: the evil takes the form of fear , ignorance, superstition, even fanaticism. These are the real demons.Probably the Male, absolute assumed that the face of Julius Scribani . Or those like him who have among us today. Or perhaps, more simply when we go in search of evil, the absolute, as well as the Good, the absolute we simply ask before a mirror. And look at us straight in the eye. Reduce the History of the truth and destroy! Voltaire. FINAL NOTE:Today Triora is a quiet hamlet of a few hundred inhabitants place in the province of Imperia, often honored as one of the most beautiful villages Italy; known especially for a particular type of bread produced locally but especially for tourists visiting the places of the process
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:24:26 +0000

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