Part 2 of 3 - Old Projects Economic Overhaul Pitch 1. - TopicsExpress


Part 2 of 3 - Old Projects Economic Overhaul Pitch 1. Clearing the slate: remove the item list, royal treasury, taxation, and all other economic stuff aside from starting coin. 2. Adding resources: event throwers may distribute paper slips representing various herbs & ores. Herbs are primarily used to make potions, ores are mainly used to enhance weaponry. 3. Gathering & Transporting: players can only carry so many resources at a time. 4. Making items: Crafters may rp creating their item for 5 minutes in order to turn their resource slips into an item, or add an effect to an item. Alchemists Guild & the Create Potion ability in mages let people make potions, Smithing & Smiths Guild let people craft weaponry. 5. Trusting the players: crafters write their own item cards & dispose of their own spent resources. Theyre initial & date their items so we can track obvious cheating after the fact. 6. Extra customization: a crafter can name their item whatever they like, and can tack additional effects onto an item by spending the same time and resources as if they were making a new item. 7. A safe trade area: An area marked with white flags is a non-combat area. No fighting is allowed in such a place. 8. An alternative marketplace: Players may sell their goods & commodities between events online at a forum made for that purpose. Coin & market goods are handed to the staff & credit is used as an intermediary. Ores & Weapon Enhancements: This contains all of the mechanics from the old item list, except you get to mix & match your own stuff. 2 Iron Ore: You can call shatter once. 2 Zinc Ore: Ignore 1 call of shatter 2 Copper Ore: You can negate one beanbag spell if you can bat it out of the air with your weapon. 2 Tin Ore: Immune to a mind affecting spell once. 2 Bloodstone: When you kill someone, you can heal a limb once. 2 Shadite: Once you may call “Hide” while unseen and put the back of your hand against your forehead to become invisible. Moving or speaking makes you visible again. 2 Glowstone: you can bring a disguised light source, or your sword can have glowing bits. 2 Gold: This item is worth 5 x the number of gold used on it, but it breaks every 3rd time it is struck. Alloys: Steel (2 Iron, 1 Zinc): This sword may be used to block or deflect an explosion, siege weapon, or boulder once. Bronze (2 Copper, 1 Tin): You can cast a spell picked during item creation once as per Relic. Necrotite (2 bloodstone, 1 Shadite): You can say “Arise, my minion!” to someone killed with this blade to make them rise as a zombie who must obey 1 order you give. Lifestone (2 Gold, 1 Lightstone): Repels the undead if brandished at them & shouted about. Can be used up to bring someone back to life on a silent 300 count. Herbs & Potion Making: Potions are made by mixing and matching whichever effects you feel like onto an item card and using up the required numbers & types of herbs. A green herb can add one of: Youre healed of all wounds. You come back to life. You can survive one extra hit for five minutes. You have strength for five minutes. A yellow herb can add: For five minutes you see a hallucination decided by the potion brewer. You may ask an NPC for a cryptic hint. You die. The effects of a specific potion are negated, requires the card from the old potion to make. A blue herb can add: Youre unhindered by a specific type of terrain for five minutes, brewers choice. You turn into a zombie (or some other creature if costuming is provided, brewers choice). A specific spell now kills you instantly each time it hits you. Youre affected by any one spell the brewer or someone helping the brewer can cast. A red herb can add: The potion instead kicks in 100 seconds after you die. The potion can be applied to food or drink by attaching the item card. The potion takes affect in x seconds, minutes, hours, days, or years. Crafter decides while making it. The potion can be used another time. Reasoning: People respond well whenever the potions have funny or unique names. Customizing your results should make things feel more personal and interesting than generic names like Healing Potion or Strength Potion. Temporary weapon buffs gives us a way to have entropy without resorting to your weapon breaks every so often. Right now, the only recourse to being mugged is to mug someone else. This provides an alternative to trickle down cruelty.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:54:53 +0000

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