Part 23 of The House On Willow Lane Bob and Janet Adams are in - TopicsExpress


Part 23 of The House On Willow Lane Bob and Janet Adams are in bed, sleeping after a long night at work. They both work at the big Walmart in town, on the graveyard shift. Bob is the manager on third shift, and Janet works in the bakery at night. They have slept through all the horrors that have occurred on Willow Lane, but they wouldve missed them even if they had of been awake. The evil entity surveys the residence of Willow Lane, as it waits for Chris and Linda to return to normal. It sees only three left outside of the house at the end of the street, and it turns its attention to 503 Willow Lane. It sees Bob and Janet asleep in their bed, smiles, and decides to give them a wake up call, a rude awakening so to speak, it decides to make them its new play toys. A dark shadow begins to creep toward 503 Willow Lane, it is coming from the house at the end of the street. It should be impossible for a shadow to stretch so far, 503 Willow Lane is three houses away, but the shadow is coming from 508 Willow Lane. The shadow is more than just a shadow though, it is so dark that it is impossible to see into the darkness, not even a little ways into it. The shadow moves toward 503 Willow Lane, It moves slowly but steadily, and it is touching the corner of 503 Willow Lane in a little while. Bob and Janet are unaware of this fact, they are both sound asleep, but that will change in a few moments. Bob wakes up from a sound sleep, a cold chill runs through him, the skin on the back of his neck tightens down, and the hair on the back of his neck stands up, it feels like the hair begins to crawl. What the hell is going on, what woke me up? Bob wonders. Bob rolls over onto his back, Sits up, and looks around the dark bedroom. It is dark in the room, there is a reason for that, they have heavy black curtains that block out most of the light, but the bedroom seems even darker than normal. Bob glances at the window, doesnt see any light at all, as if it is nighttime outside, and he glances at the clock. It reads 12 oclock. Did we oversleep, is it midnight? Bob wonders. Bob begins to jump out of bed, but then hears movement in the corner of the room. Bob glances at the corner, doesnt see anything, and climbs out of bed. As he stands up, something brushes his ankle, he hollers out, and jerks his foot off the floor. Bob jumps back in bed, looks over the edge, but sees nothing on the floor. Bob glances over shoulder, expecting to see Janet sitting up, with him hollering out then jumping into bed, but she is still asleep. He can hear her snoring softly. The door begins to creak open, Bob glances toward the closet, and sees the shape of the door swinging open. What the hell is going on, what is happening? This is like a dream, a nightmare, it must be, or Janet would have woken up when I jumped back into bed, Bob thinks. Bob glances back over the edge of the bed, see something dark moving back out of sight, back under the bed. I havent had a nightmare since I was young, but that is what this has to be. I must be dreaming, this must be a nightmare. I will wake up in a little while and laugh about it. I can laugh about it right now, it will make the nightmare go away, Bob thinks. Bob laughs, but then stops because his laughter is a nervous laugh, it sends a cold chill through him. Bob hear something under the bed, it is faint but unmistakable, it is laughter, an evil laugh. Screw this, Im going to get back under the covers, it worked for me as a kid. Ill just get back under the covers, ignore this, and it will go away, Bob thinks. Bob pulls the cover over his head, and closes his eyes. Faint laughter drifts up from under the bed. I didnt hear that, it didnt happen, it is just a nightmare. Im dreaming, sound asleep, this is just a dream, Bob thinks. Bob hears movement under the bed, he puts his hands over his ears, to block the noise out, and he closes his eyes. The noise continues under the bed, it is quieter now, but that is because Bob has his hands over his ears. The noise is still there, it is just as loud, and getting louder. This isnt happening, this is just a dream, it is coming from all those movies that I have watched, Bob thinks. Bob feels the bed move, as if someone is getting out, or in, the bed. Bob opens his eyes, looks towards Janet, but can see nothing. Bob still has his hands over his ears, but he hears the evil laugh, it sounds closer. Bob closes his eyes. This isnt happening, this isnt real, its just a dream, Bob thinks. The bed moves again, Bob opens his eyes, looks toward Janet, but can see nothing. This isnt happening, this isnt real, this is just a dream. Im asleep, Bob thinks. As Bob begins to turn his head away from Janet, yellow glowing eyes open in the darkness. Bob spins his head back toward Janet, and sees that it isnt Janet. A horrifying sight is looking at Bob. A creature with a gray face, yellow eyes, and sharp fangs is staring at him. Bob hollers out and the creature puts its finger to its mouth. Shhhhh, wouldnt want to wake Janet would you? The creature whispers. Bob jerks backwards, trying to get away from the creature, and he hollers out again. Time to play Bob, the creature from under the bed is now in your bed, under the covers with you. I bet that you thought that the covers would protect you, wrong, I can get under the covers. Im the bogeyman, Im the beast from under the bed, the beast from the closet, and Ill be the beast in your head before long. Lets have some fun, the creature whispers. Bob screams, jerks away, and falls out of the bed. He lands on the floor, his left foot is still under the cover, he feels fingers brush his ankle. I got your ankle Bob, soon Ill have all of you, the creature says from under the cover. Bob jerks his foot from under the cover, it lands on the floor, then Bob hears something move around under the bed. Bob looks under the bed and screams. A creature with red eyes is beside Bob, it grins. Welcome to your nightmare Bob. Come join the fun, in the land of under the bed nightmares, its a horrifying land, youll love it, the creature says. Bob jerks away, hits his head on the night table, but he doesnt notice the pain. Bob begins to scramble away, using his elbows, trying to get away from the creature. Something grabs his ankle, Bob screams, and the creature drags Bob under the bed. Bob continues to scream, but a moment later, the scream cuts off in mid-scream.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:51:19 +0000

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