Part 24 of Life After Mockingjay Haymitch, where is Peeta They - TopicsExpress


Part 24 of Life After Mockingjay Haymitch, where is Peeta They had to sedate him, it was one of his severe Flashbacks that he wouldnt stop He hasnt had a serious flash back in a while Yea i know sweetheart, i think it was the thought of Jay being hijacked that had triggered it off Why does people try and punish me by hurting the ones I love. President Snow punished me by hurting Peeta, changing his memories of me. Seneca Crane Jr has punished me by hurting Jay. Please for the love of god no one hurt Dahlia Well Mrs Mellark, jay is off the breathing support machine, but we would like to keep him overnight for observations. May i suggest you take Dahlia home and get some rest, we know that Mr Mellark is here so if there is any worries we can speak to him I suppose the doctor is right, it would be nice to see Annie, Finley, Johanna and Effie. I need to tell Effie that it wasnt her fault that they took the twins. Haymitch says that she wont stop blaming herself Okay thankyou for everything doctor, ill be back in the morning I want to go see Peeta before i go, he needs to know that im gone, and i dont blame him for the flashback either Excuse me nurse, do you know where Peeta Mellark Is Yes room 68o Thankyou I walk down the long corridor, 48o, 50o, 52o,54o,56o,58o, almost there 60o, 62o, 64o, 66o, KATNISS, i need Katniss Its Peetas voice you can recognise it a mile off Im here Peeta, dont worry, calm down He smiles a bit I thought you had left, i had a nightmare, that you were gone, and when i woke up you werent here This takes me back a few years, it reminds me of when Peeta told me that all of his nightmares were about losing me, but hes okay once he knows im here Why would i leave you Because i had a flashback, i thought you would hate me Its not your fault remember Peeta, president snow did this to you, but things are going to get better, they always do. Remember we are the star crossed lovers. And i like my lover His blue eyes sparkle, he is one of a kind Dahlia is here to say hi Peeta takes Dahlia out of my hands and cradles her, Beautiful, just like her mommy, The cutest thing just happened, Dahlia had just reached out to feel the warmth of Peeta cheek They say they are going to keep you in overnight, Im going to take Dahlia home and get some rest, but Jay will still be here, the doctors will come to you if they have any concerns. Peeta looks up, Okay darling, i love you 10 likes for part 25 -DistrixtPeeta
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:14:25 +0000

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