Part 24 of The House On Willow Lane Janet Adam sleeps through - TopicsExpress


Part 24 of The House On Willow Lane Janet Adam sleeps through Bobs screams and his jump in and out of bed, even though she is in the same room, in the same bed, she never hears or feels a thing. Moments after Bob disappears under the bed, Janet jerks away, and looks around. She can see nothing in the room, it is too dark. Janet glances over at Bobs side of the bed, sees the shape of him, but cant see him. A cold chill is running through her, she shudders, and looks around the room. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, except for the fact that it seems to be too dark in the room. What woke me up, something woke me up, but everything seems normal, so why am I on edge? Janet wonders. Janet glances at Bob, he hasnt moved. She glances around the room, sees that the closet door is open, which is strange because she always makes sure that it is closed. It is a holdover from her childhood and too many horror movies, she never goes to sleep without making sure that the closet door is finally shut. Janet eases back down onto the bed, closes her eyes, then thinks better of it. I wont sleep a wink with the closet door open, I will just be wasting my time to even try, Janet thinks. Janet opens her eyes, sits up, reaches for the lamp on the night table, and something brushes the back of her hand. Janet screams out and jerks or hand back. She looks toward the lamp, but can see nothing. There is nothing there, it was just a spiderweb or something, that was all it was, Janet thinks. Janet begins to reach for the lamp, then jerks her hand back. But what if it wasnt a spiderweb, it didnt feel like a spiderweb, it felt like fingers lightly brushing my hand, Janet thinks. Janet looks towards the lamp, she can see nothing. Why the hell is it so dark in here, its too dark, Janet thinks. Janet looks toward the window, doesnt see any light, and she frowns. What time is it? Janet wonders. Janet glances toward Bobs night table, to look at the clock, but doesnt see the red blow that she should see. Damn, the power must be out, Janet thinks. Janet turns toward her side of the bed, reaches for the lamp, meaning to confirm this fact, something brushes the back of her hand. Janet screams out and jerks her hand back. What the hell is in here, is it the monster from the closet? Janet wonders. Janet looks all around the room, nothing moves, and there are no sounds. That is foolish, the monster from the closet doesnt exist. Get a grip Janet, youre not a little girl anymore. Quit letting your imagination run wild. Just turn the lamp on, then get up, and shut the closet door. Its simple, Janet thinks. Janet begins to reach for the lamp, something darker than the darkness all around, a dark shape, moves in front of Janet. Janet hollers out and jerks her hand back. Janet stares into the darkness, she can see nothing, nothing moves, and there isnt a sound in the room. Quit freaking out Janet, there is nothing here, nothing at all. Get a grip on yourself and turn the lamp on, Janet thinks. Janet reaches out for the lamp, put your hand on it, and something brushes the back of her hand. Janet hollers out, jerks her hand away from the thing that is brushing her hand, and the lamp goes tumbling off of the night table. There is a shattering noise, as the lightbulb breaks. Janet jerks her hand back to her chest, her heart is beating rapidly, it feels like it is trying to beat its way out of her chest. Thats just great Janet, wonderful, way to go. Now I have no light to turn on, and broken glass on the floor. Are you satisfied, get a grip Janet, calm down. There is nothing in here with you, get a grip. Climb over Bob, turn his lamp on, then shut the closet door, Janet thinks. Janet begins to turn toward Bobs side of the bed, she hears movement from behind her, right beside the bed. Janet looks back over her shoulder, doesnt see anything at first, then she sees a dark shape move. Janet hollers out, turns back toward Bob side of the bed, and prepares to climb over Bob. The light from the clock begins to blink, it is a bright red glow, and it blinks several quick blinks. Janet sees several things clearly in those quick blinks, much more than she wants to see, things that she wishes she hadnt seen, because they are straight out of a nightmare. The thing in the bed with her, is not Bob, it is fiendish looking, hideous. The other thing that she sees, is that there is another hideous creature next to the bed. It is beastly looking, with green scaly skin, horns on top of its head, reptilian, snake eyes, and a mouthful of sharp teeth. Something brushes the back of Janets neck, she screams out, and spins around. The red blink from the clock begins again, she sees that there is another hideous creature there, it is the worst of the three. The creature appears to be faceless, it has a blob for a face. The skin is milky white, smooth, without any features at first. Then eyes open on the face, at least a dozen eyes, they are solid black. Janet screams, jumps up, runs across the bed, and jumps to the floor. She runs into the closet, then thinks better of it as soon as she gets in the closet. Janet spins around. No, I dont want to be in here, Janet thinks. The door slam shut, something grabs her in the darkness, and she begins to scream.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 22:13:16 +0000

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