Part 3 After he started to play poker - we started talk and meet - TopicsExpress


Part 3 After he started to play poker - we started talk and meet us often. Actually he was only one person with them i could speak about poker in real life, all other people in my private life did not plays poker... some of people which i knew years - got only last time information that i am some kind of "professional" or something like this player... a lot of them thought and maybe now thinking that it all just a story and i never was anywhere beside Berlin - but its good so, i did not realy loved or love to mix this REALY difference worlds and lifes. So - some privat storys : 1) He sent me sometime part of his bankroll, but i sent him sometime of my bankroll also. We did not have any debts now and never had any disapoint because of that. I am glad that we helped each other, but well ... i got him for free poker skill and all his money wich was in our circle where only because of me - it was my money which he produced at all...... :) 2) This story is good food to thinking to film production and his "Systema" school. Once we were on Russian Festival in Berlin, i with my ex-girlfriend and many others of our friends. At some point i went ago from our meeting point and as i come back in about 20 min i saw that pavel and friends were stayed with police together. In this time, as i was not at this place some small children threw pavel with stones and as one of this small children (it were 3 or maybe 4 small childrens, but Pavel was in group from 7-8 at least and all were older and biger) come to Pavel and started abused him in distance about 2-3 meter - Pavel just stayed in one place and did least he and all who were on this place told me this. After that come police ... and after some time come i... i told with police, although it was not my buisness. In this time Pavel was a student of "Systema" and same time teacher of "Systema" and on this day on this place where his students. He said me "big thank you and respect" that i told with police and protected him although i was not at this place, and he said me personally, that he wondered that his students just quited of fear of police and i - somebody who nothing has to his group - protected him. (About "Systema" everybody could see on his page, he realy love to make a lot of videos of this. I dont know what to do, i wanna respect this, but after this acting of one of student and teacher of Systema - i dont know what to do...) Why i tell this story ? Because i am little bit shame of image of Systema in our Movie. I heart a lot of "russian special forces" , but i dont think that Pavel after all that deserve to represent this in our movie and at all. I told already a lot of time to our producer Katharina, that she should delete this cuts - but they wants do it. Maybe Pavel will speak with her about it - i tried it a lot of times, but she says that it should be 100% , well... 3) Last story - once in life he cried on me via Skype in this year, after that i spoke with him one time per handy about 2-3 mins and 1-2 small chat on facebook and we never told with each other more. He never said me any abuse word in life. He deleted me some month ago from FB without any reason. In movie some cuts where i called him fish which was shooted from camera team, like we say us "hallo" or "by by". If camera team realy wanna reveal some of our personal part of life - they could this cuts - i saw with my eyes that they shooted it and think it should in movie too, if Katharina Copony wanna use any part where we together Beside poker, basketball etc we have other privacy "ex" stories , but i will tell them if it will be necessery. If something are wrong there - please correct me. I hope he will contact Katharina because of Systema - its realy shame...... warrior.... PS - i have some other students, one of them from Ukraine started with me to play poker, i told him that str8 is better then flash etc... he did his first deposit with me ... then first and lost redeposit - it was 20$ and 50$... i went him up from .10 cent limit up 1$ nolimit, then he started to train with other guy. Last year he won 100-200k at least - probably more, and its cool!. I dont wanna write his name there - if he think it would be right - he could make there like or write small comment (he wrote already last time there comment )... i never took any cent from him and i respect him, so far i did not get any info that he lied about me, i hope its true... i saw him once in life about 1-2 hours in Ukraine in Bar last sommer. Respect If something wrone there - just write down please
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 02:47:02 +0000

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