Part 3 As soon as I walked through the doors of the cafeteria, I - TopicsExpress


Part 3 As soon as I walked through the doors of the cafeteria, I looked for Jay. Just as expected he was sitting at the table with Vanessa and her slaves Meghan, Britney, Vicky and Christina. Those four girls would walk through fire for Vanessa. But knowing Vanessa, she wouldn’t return the favour. Those girls would do everything for Vanessa. I guess as long as they did, they stayed part of Vanessa’s clan. They were all cheerleaders and of course Vanessa was head cheerleader. You would think that she should be the girlfriend of the quarterback of our high school football team, but Jay wasn’t even part of the football team. He didn’t care much for sport, like me. So I didn’t get it, why was Vanessa dating Jay? He wasn’t athletic. But somehow Vanessa picked him. All four girls were as beautiful as Vanessa. Maybe more beautiful then Vanessa, that’s the way I saw it. Meghan had long blonde hair, she was sporty, skinny and she was really tall. Even taller than Vanessa. Clearly Vanessa didn’t like that. She didn’t say it with words but you could see it in her eyes that she was really jealous of Meghan. But Britney was short, but also sporty and just as Meghan. With long blonde hair. And for some ridiculous reason she always held a mirror in her hand. She was always checking her make-up. She was also skinny. Vicky and Christina were twins. Identical twins. I knew that Vicky had long brown hair till her lower back and Christina had shoulder length hair. That’s how I could keep them apart. They were both tall. And they were very handsome. Whenever Vanessa wasn’t around, the twins got all the attention. If you didn’t know them like I did, you would think that they were supermodels. Their dad was famous, I believe, so the twins always wore designer clothes. I always felt under dressed when I saw them. Vicky dated the quarterback of our high school football team. So maybe that’s why Vanessa dated Jay. I took a plate from the counter and grabbed a salad and a club sandwich. I took my usual seat somewhere in the back of the cafeteria. I poked my salad, wondering myself why I took it. I heard someone call my name. I looked up and saw it was Ashley. For some reason she was so happy today. I didn’t know if it was because of what happened this morning? Or if she spoke to Ben again. But as always, Ashley would tell me in a minute. With a loud noise she pulled back the chair next to me and sat down. “Oh girl, even Ben is proud of you. Oh and before I forget, John said that he knew you had it in you. He said that you know what he is talking about.” I saw that Ashley didn’t know what that was about. Before I could answer her, she blurted out the question that made me blush. “So girl, tell me all about it. What are you and my brother talking about behind my back?” I managed to give her a flawless smile. But I know Ashley. She wouldn’t give it a rest. She only stopped if I gave her an honest answer. I stumbled “Well, I just talk to John when you’re too busy with Ben” I gave her a playful push with my elbow, hoping she would give it a rest right now. But of course she didn’t. “Tell me all about it. I want to know what you are talking about with my brother.” Ashley demanded. I sighed. “Ashley, why do you want to know everything?” Ashley kept staring forward but from the corner of her eyes she looked at me. “I just want to know everything and that’s just because I love you.” Ashley said. “Okay clearly you don’t want to talk about it,” she continued. “So tell me, what’s the 411 about Jay?” Ashley asked me with a wide smile on her face. I started to blush. I felt my cheeks turning reddish. Meanwhile I kept poking my salad. Ashley pulled my fork out of my hand. “Stop doing that, what did that salad ever did to you?” Ashley demanded. “Oh Ashley, please stop it okay, I am not in de mood for this.” After I said these words I turned around to look at the table were Jay, Vanessa and her slaves sat. Finally I found Jay. Jay was sitting silently next Vanessa. Vanessa was just as always talking and everybody else was listening! Although that’s what they were trying to look like. To my amazement Jay stood up from his chair and whispered something in Vanessa ear. I could barely see his lips moving. It all went so fast. I was surprised by Vanessa reaction. Her eyes opened up wide, and Jay shoved his chair back, stood up, and walked away. Vicky gasped so loud, that a bunch of students looked up. Vanessa’s eyes were red by now. Like she has been crying all day long. “Jay, don’t you dare to walk away from me.” Vanessa shouted gnarly. I saw Jay turned around and waved sheepishly towards Vanessa. A bunch of students began to laugh. I heard some of them whisper, “What happened? What did Jay do? Why is Vanessa so upset?” I started to wonder myself the same questions. Suddenly I remembered our conversation, did Jay already break up with Vanessa? I started to think back to the entire time I spend with Jay. About the things I said to Jay. I balled my hands into fists and crossed them tightly around my chest. As soon as Ashley saw this, she tapped on my shoulder. “Luce, what’s wrong? Are you okay? What happened between you and Jay?” Her face was fierce. “Don’t lie to me and just tell me the truth. Maybe I can help you out of this mess.” “Ashley, there is nothing you can help me with; I brought this on my own. I don’t even know if this is about me.” I was getting a little bit angry now. I could see in Ashley’s eyes that she didn’t mean it like that. So I apologized. “Sorry Ashley, I didn’t mean it.” I saw in her eyes that she would forgive me if I told her what was wrong. That was always the thing with Ashley. It almost looks like she was bribing me like that. “Okay, you really want to know what happened?” I looked at her hoping she would say no. “Oh hell yeah, I want to know everything.” Ashley said with a big smile on her face. “Okay, here it goes.” I mumbled. I started to explain it to her bit by bit and piece by piece. “You know what happened this morning between Vanessa and me, right?” I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. Ashley didn’t answer but she nodded once. “This morning I had calculus with Jay. So when we got to class, Mr. Smith told us that Bridget was sick, Jay invited me to sit next to him.” As I was telling Ashley the story I leaned against the back of my chair. “Because he wanted me to tell him everything that happened between you, me and Vanessa.” I felt a little uncomfortable talking to Ashley like that, despite of the fact she was my best friend. I had the feeling I had to tell her everything. Every detail. Knowing Ashley, she wanted to know every detail. I took a deep breath before I continued. “So I told him the whole story. Then Vanessa came in, she demanded that she could speak to Jay. But Mr. Smith denied her request.” Ashley was listening to me like I was telling her a scary story by the campfire. She was listening to me so attentively that she didn’t hear her phone ringing. “Hey Ashley, your phone is ringing.” I said without hesitation. Hoping she would answer it. And then forget about my story. But I was wrong again “It’s probably Ben.” She muttered. From the way she reacted I knew that this story was really important to her. So, I took another deep breath and continued. “So as you would suspect, Vanessa turned mad. And even Jay told her that he would speak to her later. Then she slammed the door.” I paused for a minute. “Vanessa saw me sitting next to Jay.” I sighed. “So I took my own seat back but Jay wanted me to sit next so I took the available chair next to him again.” When I thought about that, it made me smile again. “Jay also told me that I never had to be afraid of Vanessa anymore. He would protect me.” Ashley looked at me with surprised eyes. “Oh yeah and the best part of it all was that he didn’t loved Vanessa anymore. He said, and I quote, I hate what she does to everybody, especially to you and to Ashley. I mean, you girls are amazing. No matter what people do to you, you girls keep smiling.” I could see in Ashley’s eyes she still didn’t believe me. She took matters in her own hands. She saw Jay walking by. ‘Hey Jay, come here for a second.” Ashley shouted through the cafeteria. “Ashley, what are you doing? Leave Jay alone. Vanessa is close, remember?” Ashley acted like she didn’t hear me. And neither did Jay. He walked through the doors away from the cafeteria. “Well, that was weird.” Ashley said. On one hand I was happy that I didn’t have to speak to him but on the other side I was confused. I wanted to know what just happened between him and Vanessa. I was curious; I wanted to know if he already broke up with her. But I guess that was none of my business.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 12:43:05 +0000

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