Part 32 While Logan explained the rest of the story to Cheryl, I - TopicsExpress


Part 32 While Logan explained the rest of the story to Cheryl, I was thinking about what happened earlier in the lobby. I grabbed my phone and faked a call so that I had an excuse to leave the table, although it pained me to leave the two of them behind, I had to talk to Brian. While I pressed the call button, fired up internet on my phone and searched for pictures of Cheryl on the net. Picture’s of her and Logan flashed by, I couldn’t help it but to look at them, one by one. When I used my key card to enter the hotel room, Brian was frantically looking around, “Lindsay, where the hell were you, I was so worried. I thought Michael got a hold on you.” With long strides he walked towards me and hugged me. “Brian, I was just downstairs in the lobby, but I need to show you something.” When Brian let go of me, I walked to the couch and wrapped, his still warm blanket around me, and showed Brian my phone. “Yeah, that’s your phone.” He exclaimed not understanding. “Ha ha no, remember when you said earlier that you got pushed, and that was the reason the gun went off.” I looked at him and waited for an answer. When Brian nodded I showed him my phone again and his eyes grew bigger by the second. “Shit, that was the woman that walked past pushed me.” My suspicions were confirmed. Cheryl had been lingering around the hotel. “ I knew it. Something was odd, when I met her earlier.” And again Brian looked at me like a crazy person. “This is Cheryl. Cheryl Dorian. She is an actress and worked a couple of times with Logan.” I couldn’t tell Brian the truth. I couldn’t say that he is officially married to her, still.” Brian paced through the room, “So what has this Cheryl person have to do with everything?” I cleared my throat and continued, “Cheryl’s full name is Cheryl Dorian King.” “Are you saying that she is related to Michael?” I quickly shook my head. “No I am not saying that, but when Logan called her earlier to come, I tied the knots together, it didn’t take long for her to get here. But to answer your question, yes, she is related to Michael but she says she hates him and that she is glad that he is dead. She is his stepsister. But when I told her that he wasn’t dead she didn’t act surprised, so I can’t stop thinking that she knows more.” Without a word, Brian slipped into his shoes and walked towards the door and walked away, “Brian, what the hell are you doing?” I yelled after him. Quickly I checked for the key card in my pocket, when it was there, I slammed the door and ran after him into the hallway, and luckily caught up with him, because he tied his shoeslaces by the elevator. “Brian, where are you going?” I said panting “Isn’t it obvious? I need to talk to this Cheryl woman, maybe she knows how to contact him.” He hissed back at me. “Do you really think, I didn’t ask her?” The way Brian was behaving, he really pissed me off. “Well, I have my ways to get people to talk.” He sounded threatening. The elevator door slid open and Brian and I stepped in and we rode in silence to the lobby. The people who joined us, saw the look on Brian’s face and didn’t dare to look at him. When we finally reached the lobby and the others stepped out, I quickly grabbed Brian’s arm. “What do you want, Lindsay. I want this over. I want to move on with you life. Your life with Logan.” The words he spoke warmed my heart. “I know that that is what you want. But please, I don’t want you to do something stupid.” I pleaded. He kissed my forehead, “I love you, Lindsay,” and then walked away. “Brian?” He didn’t turned around or stopped. It was like he was walking away, out of my life. I couldn’t stop feeling that I was never going to see him again. “Brian?” I whispered again.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:30:59 +0000

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