Part 39. Will Continue Tomorrow... “Wait a minute, not so fast; - TopicsExpress


Part 39. Will Continue Tomorrow... “Wait a minute, not so fast; what about the bible describing how Jesus healed the sick and made the blind see and the dumb speak, and so forth” I hear you saying. Well, first of all, you need to “understand” that this is what spiritual enlightenment accomplishes. The spirit of intellectual enlightenment indeed helps people to “SEE” things, then they say, “Oh, I SEE what you mean now”. It doesn’t mean that you were blind, but now its opened up your eyes to “understand” a particular concept that you didn’t know before. Consequently, God’s SON has healed you from your blindness. The same is true with being “dumb”. Before you didn’t know what to say or answer anybody, but now you have the answers. So now He has taught you to speak. Shall we proceed? The story itself is called, “Astro-Theology” and has been told by fifteen (15) other major cultures in the world before Christianity, and that alone makes it SUSPECT! In fact, up until Christianity there existed, in Rome, a religion called “Mithraism” (who was God’s SON, the light of the world; who had 12 helpers; who died on the cross for men’s sins; His mother was a virgin; He was a carpenter; He healed the sick and raised the dead; they celebrated His birthday on 25 of december; they celebrated His coming back to life on the first week of spring). What I’m saying is, the entire Christian story was already in Rome for 300 years before Jesus would have been born, and it was called “Mithraism”. But that is not the only place, you can go back to “Hinduism”, “Egypt” etc., and you find the identical story. This should dismiss any ideas of the supposed lapse between, or “the missing years of Jesus” -- where He could have supposedly travelled around the world teaching these different cultures about Christianity. Unless, of course, a time machine was utilized! Now, let me clarify! I am not saying, “Jesus” as a man, did not exist”. It would be ludicrous on the face of it for me to make such a claim, as I wasn’t there 2000 years ago! What I am saying is, whether the man existed or not, is point in fact, irrelevant to the story. What is relevant is that the story of the new testament is trying to teach and educate you that the bottom line in religion is the same as it has always been: There is nothing new under the SUN! The bottom line of the bible is the war between intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, and a world of darkness and ignorance! It is not only the greatest story ever told, but it is the only story that is being told! 16 major cultures have told the same story! Now, my feeling is, if 16 different major cultures all seem to be telling the same story, then go back and look at the damn story! Maybe there is something important there, as there must be a reason these cultures kept it. They are obviously telling us something. It’s the war between “light” and “darkness”, between intellectual and spiritual brilliance, and stupidity and darkness in the minds of men. Which is, even to Christians and Jews, the essence of religion: To wake-up, so that the SUN finally “dawns” on you what is being said! Will Continue Tomorrow...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:55:27 +0000

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