Part 4: Allah and Mystery Secret Plan revealed to Henry Steven - TopicsExpress


Part 4: Allah and Mystery Secret Plan revealed to Henry Steven Khoo, a new muslim convert who love Allah with all his heart, mind and soul. GLOBAL SPIRITUAL ANNOUNCEMENT- Bismisllaahir raHmaanir raHiim (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) had answered global prayers Allah, the Lord God of Israel had answered the global petition, the global outcry and global prayers by muslim pilgrims at Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia to end disputes and bloodshed. “ Ismael means “ God Hears”. Let us read the Holy Torah for this New Islamic Glorious Civilisation for all Mankind on earth and hereafter: You have to take note why we have 24 hours a day, why we have 24 elders in the Heavenly Places when you read the Torah and the Gospel. Here’s Allah secret revealed NOW. 12 tribes of Israel had failed and disobeyed Allah with the decline of the 2 grandsons from Joseph, Allah had activated it on 15-10-2013 at Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia where Allah heard the outcry of his people crying for Peace, Unity and Brotherhood just like the outcry of Israelites in Egypt slavery and where Allah appointed Prophet Moses to lead People towards the truth in Allah. The other 12 tribes are the 12 princes from Ismael (Genesis 17:20) From yesterday onwards, it mark the NEW BEGINNING OF ISHAEL- activating the promise of Hagar, the promise to Abraham. Let us read the Holy Torah as recorded in Modern English version. Genesis 16: 15-16 Abraham was 86 years old when Hagar gave birth to their son and he named him Ishamel Note: The name of Ishamel in Hebrew means sound like “ God Hears”. Allah promise to Hagar Genesis 16: 10 to 14 ……….. I will give you a son, who will be called Ishamel, because I have HEARD YOUR CRY FOR HELP, And later I will give you so many DESCANDANTS that no one will be able to count them all. But your son will live far from his relatives. He will be like a WILD DONKEY, fighting everyone, and everyone fighting him………. Genesis 20: 17 to 21 When God heard the boy crying, the angel of God called out to Hagar from Heaven and said, “ Hagar, why are you worried? Don’t be afraid, I have heard your son crying………….. I will make him the father of a GREAT NATION. ……… God blessed Ishmael and as the boy grew older, He became an expert with his bows and arrows. He lived in the PARAN DESERT and his mother chose an Egyptian woman for him to marry. Allah promise to Abraham Genesis 17: 18. 20 Then Abraham asked God, “ Why not let Ishmael inherent what you have promised me? 20: I have heard what you asked me to do for Ishmael, and so I will also bless him with MANY DESCENDANTS. He will be the father of twelve princes, and I will make his family a GREAT NATION.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 04:42:51 +0000

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