Part 4. Surah al-Kahf and todays realities. The authentic Sufi - TopicsExpress


Part 4. Surah al-Kahf and todays realities. The authentic Sufi Shaikhs of Islam have always been distinguished in the history of Islam as a people who were blessed with precisely that internal intuitive spiritual insight. Yet there are many misguided one-eyed Islamic scholars and community leaders today who wage unjust war on the authentic Sufi Shaikhs of Islam. They also make every effort to marginalize and silence those Islamic scholars who embrace the Sufi epistemology and are consequently blessed with spiritual insight. Such misguided Islamic scholars and community leaders are themselves usually so devoid of spiritual insight that they cannot recognize the Shirk of the modern secular State. Nor can they recognize the use of today’s paper currency that passes as money to be Harām. And so when paper-money disappears tomorrow, and is totally replaced by electronic money, they will welcome that cashless world with the same blindness with which they have responded to today’s fraudulent paper-money. Indeed they insist, with obstinate misguidance, on declaring so-called Murābaha transactions of Islamic Banks to be Halāl when they are also Harām and, in fact, ‘back-door Ribā’ transactions! They are a people who deny women the right to pray in the Masjid, or they allow them in the Masjid but deny them the right to pray in the same space with the men (but behind them, and with no obstacle obstructing them from praying with both eyes and ears)! (Cf. Hadīth of Sahīh Muslim) This subject is written with the firm conviction that no one can possibly penetrate and grasp the reality of the world today unless the Holy Qur’ān is used as the basic instrument of understanding. After all, did Allah Most High not declare that the Qur’ān explains all things: “ . . . And We have sent down to thee (O Muhammad) a Book (i.e., the Qur’an) which explains all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.” (Qur’an, al-Nahl, 16:89) Secondly, we are equally convinced that Sūrah al-Kahf, more than any other Sūrah of the Qur’ān, is the key with which a believer can both unlock the strange modern age and respond appropriately to its awesome challenges. The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) has advised believers to memorize the first ten verses of this Sūrah for protection from Dajjāl. And he has also advised that whoever recites the entire Sūrah on a day of Juma’ah would receive light from Allah which would stay with him until the next Juma’ah. Finally we insist that only that internal intuitive spiritual insight that is the fruit of the Sufi epistemology can deliver this Sūrah’s explanation of, and response to, the strangely unfolding Modern Age in this, the final chapter of the end of history. To be continued…..
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 09:20:16 +0000

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