Part 4 Ultra Beast 2014... The Final Mile The last mile I was - TopicsExpress


Part 4 Ultra Beast 2014... The Final Mile The last mile I was in Zombie mode... there was no more fun conversations or Unicorn talk... I gave Scott Weir a High five on his way into the short course as I exited and then was on my way to the forest and then back to the village and hopefully the finish line The walk in the forest seemed like forever... and Im sure if i was jogging it it would have been done in 1 minute... but I was starting to see black and it was becoming very difficult to concentrate on anything other than breathing and repeating my why I repeated it a lot to myself because in my down moments it lifts me up. I couldnt exactly get a full breath in because my of my on going stomach problem and i wanted to drink water but... my full camel back... wasnt working... i messed something up when i had to do burpees.. on the long monkey bar just before the short course... as I made my way down the hill to the Heavy Hercules Hoist ( 90 lbs from what i read) I saw others struggling and helping one another ... i crushed this one out and started up the Bridge ( the spartan bridge)... I was looking at the ground literally concentrating on my feet making sure I wasnt going to fall... I feel like a bit of a wimp saying it but the pain was literally getting too much for me to take and I was ready to black out from it. As I was about to start climbing down from this obstacle... I herd Tara Bassili cheer for me and help motivate me to keep going.... as i climbed off the obstacle I had 1 more left in front of me ( staggered monkey bars) I was walking very Slowly to this obstacle still in a world of hurt... but as I looked around I saw Tara follow me to the obstacle from the side lines and I herd PlatinumRig Carl and Benjamin Morin Boucher Cheer from the side... I stepped up placed my right hand on the bar took a deep breath and thought only of this... youve been in pain while on these bars before in training no difference now... thinking back to that moment there was a big difference but that ok ... i herd the cheers of friends as I somehow pulled off a miracle on this one. I got off the monkey bars and now it was a strait uphill then back down to the fire jump and the finish line... The Mind can make the body do some pretty incredible things... but after I got off and started walking towards the last uphill. I threw up again and was literally falling over when Dale Decker came flying in from out of no where! I fell on his back and he was ready without hesitation and with a broken thumb in 4 places to pick me up and carry me the last uphill and then down... I wouldnt let him and although I was tired which everyone was who ran this race... what was cause this at this moment was my stomach pain... it was literally crippling me. Dale started to motivate me and tell me how proud he was... From what I was told, apparently I said something along the lines of... I want to see Leo finish the race too Youll have to ask Dale on that one. I fell a few more times trying to get up the hill each time clutching at my stomach and trying to breath it out.. Dale each time now completely on course with me trying to pick me up and carry me the rest of the way.... I wouldnt allow it but what he did next was amazing... he placed his hand on the centre of my back and kept me moving at an uncomfortable pace through the pain but it made me realize he was there with me and I could do this without stopping... I made it to the Top of the Hill and Collapsed again.. once again clutching at my stomach... all that was left now was a 800 meter run to a fire jump and Finish Line! Dale told me to get up and show him why Im so fast down hills... and before I knew what was going on I was sprinting to the finish line with dale just in front of me ... I jumped over the fire crossed the finish line and collapsed in the mud... Dale and Johanna Lopez Congratulated me and Dale placed the medal on me. I laid on my back in the mud for a little while before standing up getting some gravol and some more pain killers... lol said thank you to everyone I could who cheered for me Linda Nguyen who said I was shaking from the cold... I dont really remember that but it happened apparently too lol. I waited for more of my friends to finish and although I dont have many pictures the memories and the experience as always was a blessing and it went to show me once again that the Mind can be your greatest asset or worst enemy. I wanted to say Im proud of everyone who went out there and gave it their all. Its not easy putting yourself out there and exposing yourself or not achieving what you set out to do.. but in the process of trying and giving everything you have to a dream, or goal, to life you learn some truly amazing lessons and inspire others. Just because you might have failed at something doesnt mean youre a failure, because though falling and failing I have learned some of the greatest lessons and learned how to win. Falling and failing is a part of the process but giving up or quitting on the dreams, goals and aspirations you have... Settling for anything less than what your heart desires is not what life is about. We want the things we want but its up to us to go out put our hearts on the line and go for it and live each day without regret. I dont know where I will be next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow but if there is one thing I would like to pass on, its go after your dreams as if your life depended on it. Go after what your heart beats for and dont let up until its yours. We take time for granted and expect there to be a tomorrow, that we will magically wake up each day and everything will always be ok. Tomorrow is never promised and no one knows how much time we have, So live, love and chase after your dreams today and each and everyday. You never know what you might have missed or what was right in front of you when you decided to wait and say.... Tomorrow Thanks For reading all.... The Journey to 2015 Ultra Beast Begins Today!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:25:09 +0000

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