Part 5 Ben drove faster then I normally drove, when I looked over - TopicsExpress


Part 5 Ben drove faster then I normally drove, when I looked over my shoulder I noticed Jay was having trouble keeping up. I stared out the window leaned my head against the cool window. It rained so hard that I was afraid of an accident. But Ben could drive very well. I looked over my shoulder again. I saw Jay getting further apart from us. I smiled. “Ben, Jay has trouble keeping up with you.” Ben looked in his rear-view mirror. He smiled aloof. He put on the radio. I felt Ben was slowing down. When I looked over my shoulder for the third time, I saw Jay finally keeping up with us. Before I knew it we drove down my street, I saw my mum’s car in the drive way. I totally forgot that my mum got the day off. I felt a shock going through my whole body. What was I suppose to say to my mum? How did I explain that I was home already? Should I tell her the truth? Ben and John helped me out of the backseat of Ben’s truck. He was so proud of his truck. He worked so hard for it. He always said; “I had to work my butt off, I hardly saw Ashley, but it was worth it.” When he bought the car he and Ashley were so proud. When I walked through the door, my mum came rushing out of the kitchen. “Lucy? What are you doing home? Is everything alright?” My mum asked anxious. John was so fast that he answered for me. “Mrs. Pine, no need to worry. Lucy fainted in the cafeteria.” John winked at me. I was glad that John didn’t say what the reason was why I fainted. I gave John a thankful look. Suddenly Jay walked through the door. I totally forgot about Jay. I was so busy with the fact that my mum was home. I introduced my mum and Jay to each other. “Mum this is my classmate Jay, Jay this is my mum Elizabeth, Liz for short” Jay gave my mum a hand. “Nice to meet you ma’am.” I never saw Jay like this. He was so polite. My mum shaked his hand and turned back to me, “Lucy, you are going to bed.” My mum demanded. I couldn’t agree with her more. I wanted to grab my backpack, but I felt light headed again. Ben and Jay reacted so fast that they catch me before I hit the floor again. I saw that my mum was worried. “We’ll take Lucy upstairs. Is that okay Mrs. Pine?” Jay asked my mum politely. My mum didn’t answer but she nodded. Jay and Ben carried me up the stairs. All I could think about was how I left my room this morning. I was afraid that it was such a mess. But when Ben opened the door I saw that my room was neat and cleaned. I guess my mum cleaned my room after I left for school. Jay and Ben put me on the bed. “Okay Lucy, you’re going to be okay now.” Ben said politely. “Thanks Ben, I owe you. You’ll make sure Becky is coming home safely right?” I asked Ben. Ben nodded once. Jay took the chair at my desk. He looked around. “So, this is your room?” He asked without hesitation. I looked anxious around me. “Jay, tell me what happened between you and Vanessa, please?” I whispered. Jay looked at the floor. I saw it was difficult for him to talk about it. Then he looked up, the stood up from his chair and sat next to me on my bed. He put his head in his hands. I heard him sign. Jay took a deep breath and then looked up. “I broke up with Vanessa.” I saw his eyes turned red. My heart kept beating fast. I took a deep breath before I talked to him. “Did you tell her why?” I saw in his whole face that he didn’t want to talk about it. “Lucy, I’m not in the mood to talk about it right now. Look if you and your mother let me I’d like to stay here.” Those words sounded like music to my ears. “Yeah, sure it’s okay. We have to study for calculus anyway. Test next week remember” I wanted to get up to go to my mum but Jay holds me back. “Lucy, stay here, I’ll go to your mum. I’ll ask her if it’s okay.” With those words Jay stood up and walked away. I heard him going down the stairs. As quick as I could I got up and stormed into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. “Yuck, I look ridiculous.” As fast as I could, I yanked a comb through my hair. I grabbed a wash cloth and put some cold water on it. I wiped my face, and put some deodorant on. I hurried back to my room. I let myself fall on my bed, just in time, because I heard Jay coming up the stairs again. He opened the door. “Lucy, a little help here?” I saw that he was carrying a tray with drinks and a bowl of fresh cut fruit. I got up and walked his way. I wanted to take the tray from him but he wouldn’t let me. “Just hold the door open.” Jay said with a smile on his face. That same smile that made me hover above the ground. A smile that shattered me into a million pieces. That smile that made my heart skip a beat. It was a unknown feeling, I think I am really falling for him. I am in love. And for the first time, I allowed myself to admit it. He finally put the tray down on the desk and handed me a glass of lemonade, He took his seat next to me again. “So, what did my mum said?” I finally asked Jay. He looked up and met my gaze. His eyes burned into mine. I couldn’t look away. It was like I was hypnotised. Jay was the first one to look away. I guess it was for him just as uncomfortable as it was for me. I realized myself that this was the first time that Jay was at my place. Time flew by. We studied and talked all day long. I heard my sister came in. I heard her saying hello to my mum and then I heard steps on the stairs. I looked at the clock and saw it already was 4.30 pm. Jay looked shocked “Oh damn, I have to get home.” He said a quick goodbye and then left. “Hi Becky.” He said quickly when they met at the door. I heard him storming down the stairs. I wasn’t sure if he said goodbye to mum. I scratched my head for a minute. “Well, that was strange.” Becky blurted out. I was still stunned. I didn’t understand it. When I saw Becky standing in my doorway, I knew I had to explain it to her. But I didn’t want to. I lay down on my bed. “Becky not today, I barely know myself what happened.” I said. Becky moved away from the doorway. “But you promised. You promised you would tell me when we were home.” Becky begged. “Becky, not now.” I said angry. I saw how disappointed she was but she walked away anyway. I stared at my ceiling trying to understand what happened the past few hours. Before I knew it I fell asleep. I had a dream. A dream about Jay and my Grandmother Terri. She was alive and well. We sat in her garden just like the old days. But there was something different. Jay was there too. But Jay never met my Grandma. She already died before I met Jay. My Grandmother tried to say something to me. “Never, give up; never make a mess of your life. Live like it would be your last.” She said. I didn’t understand it. What did she know that I didn’t? In the distance I heard somebody calling my name again. “Lucy, Lucy, did you fell asleep?” I recognized my mum’s voice. “Lucy, dinner is ready.” My shouted from downstairs. When I looked at the clock it was already 8 pm. I sat up straight. But I wasn’t hungry at all. “Mum, I’m not hungry.” I shouted back.” I was surprised that my mum left it with that. Usually she would come up and drag me out of bed. And then say something like “Lucy, whether you’re sick or not; you’re going to eat.” My mum overreacted a lot. But I guess that’s a mum’s job. In some way I was just liked her. We were both there for everybody. Sometimes against our own better judgement. Sometimes people would use it against us. But there were also people who were grateful for our help. Just when I thought my mum would give it a rest, I heard footsteps on the stairs. I crawled under my blankets hoping it was Becky who was on her way to her bedroom. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. “Come in!” I said annoying. My dad, Richard, came in. “Hi dad.” I smiled. I was glad it was my dad who entered. My dad sat on my bed. “Hey kiddo, not feeling well?” I knew that my mum told my dad everything she knows about what happened today at school. But I knew my dad wouldn’t talk about it unless I started talking about it. And that was the best thing about my dad. He is the best dad in the world. I could ask him anything I wanted. If I get it, was the next question. “Lucy, what’s wrong?” My dad asked. That was the first time my dad started to talk about something himself. I was shocked. What should I say? I didn’t want to talk about it. At least not now. “Look kiddo, apparently you don’t want to talk about it but know I’m here when you need me.” He kissed me on my forehead and gave me a quick hug and then walked out the door.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 16:26:27 +0000

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