Part 7 of Life after Mockingjay Peetas Point of View Katniss - TopicsExpress


Part 7 of Life after Mockingjay Peetas Point of View Katniss is coming home today, it is the best feeling in the world knowing your bestfriend and soul mate is safe and happy needs to be perfect, it needs to be amazing. But how? I have arranged a treasure hunt, but I dont know where to finish it. The meadow? No we have had picnics there plenty of time. It could remind her of prim, we dont want any heartbreak. Not the lake? What if she falls in and hurts herself. I know Katniss is stubborn and she would claim se would be okay but what about the twins, they could catch pneumonia I could end it at one of the districts but which one? Dont think district 1 would be a great idea, too fancy, district 2, No, too bad memories I have just the perfect idea, But i need to go now, I need to arrange a hovercraft to stay in a place until she finds it. I message Haymitch saying its ready. I hope he is looking after her shes a special one.A special welcome home for a special women. I have arranged for a hovercraft to pick me up and take me to the final destination on the treasure hunt. I land at the district and I feel something I feel nervous. What if she doesnt like it, she could hate me forever i walk through corridors weaving my way around the people, then i stop which leaves me facing a door, this is where is all went wrong, and this is where i shall make it right 6 likes for part 8 -DistrictPeeta HA
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:07:04 +0000

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