Part II: The two male cyclists, myself and the dog are left to - TopicsExpress


Part II: The two male cyclists, myself and the dog are left to figure out the rest. The two guys were tech savvy, the one with the dog in the basket held a flash light while the other read a number from a tag on the run away dog’s collar and called it but it was a number not the owner, it was one of those national lost animal numbers. We didn’t want that. We wanted to reunite the dog with its human ASAP. Then he found a name, address and phone number on the collar sewn in like a label. The guy who had called the first number called the number found on the collar and was hung up on; he called again but got voice mail so he left a message that Mable had been found. At this point the other cyclist had mapped the address found on the collar on his phone. Mable’s home was just the on the other side of the street, a right turn and then pass three streets and then a quick right. I suggested that since we didn’t have a leash that we get the pooch in my car and I’d drive her home. Mable was cooperative and gladly climbed into my back seat. As we drove she poked her head between the front seats and nuzzled my right ear. She is a very sweet dog, a senior I’m sure judging from the gray around her muzzle. Apparently I didn’t hear the street name correctly as I could not find Potrero Street after taking the streets as they were described to me After making the last right in the directions I was given I was not at Potrero Street but I saw a man walking his dog and asked him but he had never heard of the street. I started to drive around the neighborhood hoping to get lucky when my friend texted me to announce she had arrived at my house for our 6:00. I tell her that I’m on my way, have a dog, but can’t find her home and need to get a leash and read the address and map it again and that she is going to help me. So I drive home with Mable who is perfectly happy being in my back seat and nudging my right ear while giving me the occasional lick. I get home, meet my friend, call my roommate to come out and stay with Mable while my friend and I go in search of a leach and flashlight. We go upstairs to a neighbor’s apartment that has dog hoping to barrow a leash, but he is not home. So I decide to use the cat leashes I have for Zook & Ced which worked just fine. We get back to Mable in the car, proceed to read her collar, get the street name, map it and off we go to try again. This time we are correct and find “Bertero” Square with no trouble. As I’m trying to park (limited space in the turn around of the fancy neighborhood with enormous million dollar homes) a SUV pulled up behind me. I got out of the car to go up to the house and the woman in the SUV asks me if I have a black dog in the back of my car for which I excitedly reply “yes”! I proceed to get Mable out of the car and return her to her human who barely squeaks out a thank you. I was a surprised by her lack of enthusiasm for being reunited with her beloved Mable. She didn’t ask where I’d found her or for any details of Mable’s escape saga. I gave Mabel a hug and kiss while releasing the leashes from the ring on her collar while her human took hold of the collar around her neck and lead her to her vehicle which seemed a little weird since we were in front of their house. Anyway, our mission was accomplished. It took eight people to properly rescue and return Mable. I so wanted to tell Mable’s human about the little girls who so heroically saved Mable; the two little girls who lived on the other side of the street, on the old naval base, in run down subsidized housing who put their lives on the line for Mable. End of Part II. No more parts, wish there were.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 19:59:09 +0000

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