Part II of Happiness In Romance: Being single and truly happy - TopicsExpress


Part II of Happiness In Romance: Being single and truly happy in 3 parts: Part 1- The Mind Your mind is like a muscle and the more you spend time focusing on how thankful you are for the things you already have in your life the stronger and more efficient your mind becomes at doing the same (especially in times of need). The stronger it becomes, the more resilient you will be to the inevitable ups and downs of solitude, the dating game and getting to know a new partner. The moment your thoughts shift to pessimism about being lonely in the future, bring them back to this moment and how good it feels when youre thankful for what you have. Follow up this perspective shift with this question - what is more important to me, my sanity and happiness, or finding love? Every time you slip, bring it back to the now and move on. Part 2 The Body Regular deep breathing, early nights, wholesome meals and strength training will keep your mind calm and clear and your body strong and resilient. Feeling good in your body chemistry, self image and vitality gives you the courage and inner strength to go it alone. It makes sense that my most positive single clients are also the healthiest. Your body is the only place you will ever live - remember this truth as you venture in to the gym to lift weights, out in to the park for some yoga or as you chop your veg for a healthy dinner. Ive worked with just as many unhappy people with seemingly perfect family homes as I have happy single people. The single mum, the worker, the friend, the self are going to have a happier time in a healthier body. Part 3 The Soul The inspirational journey of self empowerment begins when you nourish your soul. What does this mean? it means flooding your awareness to a higher self , a spirituality that will guide you through the journey of life when you allow it to. You see, when people get to know who they really are they find their soul waiting for them, wanting them to just relax and be happy. It seems puzzling to me that someone wouldnt want to find out who they truly were because there is nothing to be afraid of. Your soul will intuitively guide you to happiness when you allow it, whether thats in a relationship or not. There are single people the world over who are finding the answers they need for their happiness when they step into living now and trusting their intuition - shutting their eyes, taking a deep breath and quietly saying the words Im ok. Will (dog walker, surfer, isnt religious but practices being thankful like a prayer)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:19:42 +0000

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