Part III: Christianity and fork them: »Chapter X: distortions - TopicsExpress


Part III: Christianity and fork them: »Chapter X: distortions Christians and their claims: The fourth topic: human Jesus - peace be upon him - and bondage through the Koran and the Gospels: This topic is divided into the following two paragraphs: A - human Jesus and bondage through the Koran: Tell God Almighty in the Quran that Jesus Abdul of the servants of God, as he says: Christ will not disdain to be a servant of God. [Women: 172]. And as he says: I said Abdullah has given me the Book and made me a prophet [Maryam: 30]. Ibn Kathir says: (The first thing that spoke outings Rev. Lord Almighty and cleared him for the boy, and proved himself to slavery to the Lord). As stated in other verses saying that worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord [Table: 117]. And says: If my Lord and your Lord God worship Him this straight path [Maryam: 36]. He is a human being creature created by God Almighty as the creation of Adam from the dust, he says: The likeness of Jesus with God like Adam, created from dust, then said to him, Be [Al-Imran: 59]. And as he says the words of Mary, said Lord, I was born and did not have me Amessne humans also said God creates what he wants if he spent a thing He says to it [Al-Imran: 47]. Fssa - peace be upon him - was born to Mary, God created and Hobh her, as he says: you AHP for a boy Zakia [Maryam: 19]. He was born to Mary creature, and not God nor son god, the percentage of a human return to his mother, he is in the Quran: Jesus Christ the son of Mary girl Omran of the children of Israel, and Abraham, and descendants of Noah, was carried by his mother as he wanted Rahman - Almighty - from a mother without a father, and placed after the birth pangs, and came by her people endured in the bud boy [Maryam: 29], and was eating the food is and his mother as he says: were eating food [Table 75]. Whatever that means no need for the food and take it out, growth and transformation from event to event, which is also created from the dust after that was nothing, and was born after that it was a fetus, and Akthl after he was a boy, it will die after coming on in the last decade, then resurrect, as he says in the words of Jesus, peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day I live [Maryam: 33]. He is a man hardly what occurs to the people of the ilk of symptoms. It is the slaves of God. Created by God Almighty without a father or a verse to the worlds, and, for example, the children of Israel. As he says: And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign and Aoenahma to the hill with the decision of the particular [Believers: 50]. As he says: He is only Abdul Onamana it and made it, for example, the children of Israel [Decoration: 59]. As God commanded him to worship him as long as alive, as he says the words of Jesus: and advised me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live [Maryam: 31].Vmgm Quran indicates that Jesus peace be upon him human creature, created by God Almighty willing, and as required by his wisdom, the slaves of God who blessed them, and will not Istnkova for worship Almighty. B - human Jesus - peace be upon him - and bondage through the Gospels: The Gospels indicate current human Jesus - peace be upon him - and bondage indication where evidence came in with some attributed to Jesus saying: (But now ye seek to kill me, Im a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God). Fssa - peace be upon him - put himself in the position of its proper, which is that human messenger call them, and tell them what born of God to him, and enough so evidence of his humanity and bondage, and it is not God has proven his humanity, and proved himself to slavery, subordination to those who sent him a God - the Almighty - God and the God of Israel, and all creatures, also came as attributed to him saying: (I ascend to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God). And he said: (Go, O Satan; For it is written to worship the Lord your God and him alone worship). In the Gospels evidence of the worship of Jesus - peace be upon him - and his obedience to God Almighty, where he fasted and (Exodus on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if possible Feltabr this cup from me, but not as I will, but as you will). It is also (went out to the mountain to pray, and spent the whole night in prayer to God). Hallelujah and spent the whole night praying to the Creator, and God, and God, I have a god, or is it God? Almighty God far above that. How can I have the idol worshiper is appointed? And in particular that it was (prayed more earnestly) to God Almighty. It came - as attributed to him - in the Gospels, he said: (Father did not leave me alone; because I am in a while I do what pleases). He is assiduous in the worship of his Lord Almighty, subject to him and his naughty all the time and when. The then look contemporaries Isa - peace be upon him - him were not only as a human being, and not a god. Of saying that (officers answered: no man ever spoke like this man so. Answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?. Doth our law judge any man, never heard of it first?). In another text: (They said to him: How were your eyes opened (to a blind man saw God willing, by Jesus)? He answered and said: a man said to him: Jesus). The proportions of Jesus according to the Gospels that: Jesus Christ the son of Mary, of the seed of David and Abraham - peace be upon them - God created from a mother without a father in his ability, as he addressed Gabriel Mary - peace be upon them - where he told her: (because it is not something not possible with God). I wondered when he inquired from the Angel Gabriel (. How is this (ie: Aries Jesus and his birth) and I am a virgin). His mother Mary, and claims that the Gospels that his brothers and sisters, who claimed that his stepfather, a Yousef al-Najjar, and Nusseibeh mother - as stated in the Gospels - is Elizabeth, mother of Yahya peace be upon him, one of the daughters of Aaron, and so Yahya Zakaria of nearly Isa. As well as from human evidence - Jesus - as stated in the Gospels: that his mother carried him several pregnancy is complete, then generated after that was nothing, and circumcised after he was uncircumcised, and Akthl after he was a boy, and learn to read and write. And wrote with his finger on the ground, and he was hungry, and taste, but eat the Passover with the apostles, as drinking water, and walked Vtab and swelter until he reached his race ground, then sat fatigue, and rode the colt, and spat on the ground, and the making of pulp clay, and anointed with mud eyes of the blind, The sadness and gloom and then cried, and was brought to its knees, and falling down on his face to the ground in prostration to God Almighty, and so on, which came in the Gospels. The things that the manifestation of slavery Isa - peace be upon him - and his humanity only mentioned here is proven by Jesus - peace be upon him - of the names and attributes of God alone, denying them all the same peace be upon him, such as: that God is capable of alone, and it is the Pacific alone, and it is unseen, and it is great and the owner of the Day of Judgment, and he did not see in this world to the last over. So and others said Abu al-Walid al-Baji - in response to a monk from France - that Jesus (human creature and Abdul Mrbob merely for signs of occurrence and the change from event to event, and eat the food and death, who wrote to all creatures. Though Josna being - peace be upon him - with these adjectives, adverbs Innovations ancient god to send us into exile to be the world or something, which it updated creature; because it is not something which we mentioned in humans and the world and its animals and inanimate objects are signs of what is happening in Jesus peace be upon him). The foregoing installed to mankind Jesus bondage and what about the prophecy of Jesus and his message?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:20:50 +0000

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