Part IV: Ok, folx, time for a reality check. I have full - TopicsExpress


Part IV: Ok, folx, time for a reality check. I have full faith that God has called me to this mission, and I will complete it no matter what. However, I am also a realist – a pragmatic optimist, if you will. My walk could be interrupted by any number of factors – injury, illness, etc, but that’s actually the least of my worries. The hindrance that concerns me the most would be an arrest on some charge such as loitering, trespassing, panhandling, or any other number of charges some overly protective and by-the-book police officers use to try to rid their communities of such vermin as homeless people. Now, I realize that it’s probably too late for the first few stages of my walk; but, I’m hoping and praying that civic minded citizens in each community would partner with me in this campaign. I would like for promoters to promote charity fairs in their communities – where various community civic and charitable organizations could have booths and people could donate their big money directly to the charities, while I just stand over in a corner somewhere collecting small change from those who wish to give it. I would like for those in their communities who truly believe that all American citizens have the same basic rights of all humanity to pave the way in their communities for me to be able to come to town and shake my Pringles can while raising funds for nine local charities without fear of police reprisal. But, as with everything else in my life, it’s all in God’s hands anyway. This itinerary, the charities I’m going to donate to – none of them are set in stone. If you have ideas for shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries that are not listed in your local counties, by all means, leave comments on my webpages. In many of the smaller rural counties, I’m grasping at straws, giving to civic organizations who fund projects that might, in some small way, benefit homeless and hungry – which is all good – these organizations are sincerely trying to make their communities better places to live, so they deserve to be funded; but I would much prefer donating to organizations that are on the front lines helping the homeless and the hungry. If I should be arrested and jailed on some trumped charge, or injured or taken ill; well, I’ll still do this walk in two years, but the two-year walk could have several extended breaks in it. Whatever God’s will; so be it. Just, please, keep me in your prayers, and if you have the ways and means to ease my entrance into your community – and if you really believe in this cause, then by all means do so….
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 20:52:44 +0000

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