Part Two - The Void Of E-GO That Is Spiritual Suicide - The - TopicsExpress


Part Two - The Void Of E-GO That Is Spiritual Suicide - The Justification Of Laziness That Perpetuates System Creature Comforts Ensuring Our Fall - Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 13th December 2014 - - Black and White is ALL IN PLAIN SIGHT - The greatest lie and liar is the one closest to the truth, they cause the greatest damage of all. - The black and white squares are still predominant in the Freemasonic world and appear in strange places, such as behind supposed anti-system men and women and/or those promoting a shift in consciousness but never discussing getting out of The System. Have a look at the video about False Prophets by Teal Swan, now known as just TEAL. Now why do you think she chose the black and white squares as her background? Not just black and white squares but black and white squares spiralling into a vortex? With TEAL seemingly naked in front of the black and white squares. Is she re-presenting fallen MAN under the power and control of the Freemasonic world? Surely not? i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/Mason17ae_zpsd3ef5b03.jpg Watch the video and read our response below! TEALS video - False Prophets - 19 Minutes The biggest flaw in TEALS work is that she does not discuss how we have all been got at through our system education. She says that we are all pure consciousness but how can we be when our system thoughts have nothing to do with consciousness? As Arthur wrote on Facebook recently, What comes from The System (NON-SENSE) provides NOTHING to get MAN out of The System (NON-SENSE) in this life, only keeps you trapped in it (NON-SENSE). There is NOTHING to learn from The System. If a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, compass, square (NON-SENSE) are involved in what you are observing, listening, too, etc, then this is a very clear indication that you are on the wrong track, are being terribly misled by NON-SENSE. TEAL talks in non-sense and promotes non-sense and at no time does she give any disclosure about this fact. TEAL is not offering ANYTHING other than a continuation of The System. A Freemasonic Pawn? Spot The Symbolism! The backdrop for her naked shoulders is the Freemasonic black and white squares disappearing into a vortex, a wormhole. The same backdrop as George Washington is standing on in the lithographs, except she is not standing on the squares so she is not illumined as George Washington is. She has the black and white squares looming behind her, just as the angel in the pictures on the lithographs looms behind the Delphic Oracle, passing on the information her masters want her to share. Is TEAL a modern Delphic Oracle? It would seem so, especially as everything she talks about only supports a move towards the new Oneness, consciousness version of The System, the New World Order. Black and white, side by side, light and dark, truth and lies. The greatest lie and liar is always the one closest to the truth and the Freemasonic/Satanic world is made up of truth and lies mixed together, with the lies carefully hidden so that we dont recognise them as they destroy the truth and create chaos, which the Freemasons then provide an order for. This is how The System operates. added to lies and truth side by side, the black and white floors in many important buildings are telling us that their intelligence networks are EVERYWHERE. Good Guys and Bad Guys seemingly opposed, but all working for the same master. What they are saying is,We control the whole of the world and everyone passes through our world. i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/pope_masonfloor_zps15226ad2.jpg i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/16cnd-popespan-articleLarge_zps03014163.jpg The white is surrounded by black and the black is surrounded by white. This is the duality of third party to first party that is The System, as explained in the deconstruction of the lithographs above. As first parties, we educate each other about third parties, re-presenting the instruction that we have been given as we pass it on to others. Just as Mary re-presents Alice in Wonderland when she pretends to be Alice instead of Mary, so TEAL re-presents consciousness by claiming to be a leader of the New Age. She is re-presenting the New Age that is just The System under another guise. This duality of first party to third party is going on constantly in The System as we, living men and women, re-present the intellectual shadows and reflections of system constructs that have no life force energy. The Idea Of Consciousness There is nothing of consciousness that we can sense with TEAL. What she offers us is an explained consciousness which means that it is non-sense, not consciousness. Where is the pure consciousness that we can see demonstrated by a man or woman who is living/being that consciousness? It is the thought of consciousness which has nothing to do with real consciousness. TEAL also uses the spells of a,b,c and 1,2,3 without giving any full disclosure that they are spells and how they are used against us. TEAL is still living her life as a harm-doer with no talk about transitioning out of The System. At 1.23 in the video, TEAL talks about the very first problem. She does not reveal that the very first problem is that we have all been got at. She does not explain the psyop programming that only reinforces it. Lets deconstruct her explanation of united consciousness. This united consciousness that people call god or source of the universe, you cannot be separate from it because you are it. Every being on Earth is an extension of what you are calling God. Therefore everyone is a prophet whether they know it or not. God is not being selective about who it inspires or who it talks to. What language does this God, consciousness, speak in? A great many languages, but most often it speaks through the language of synchronicity and reflection. This united consciousness that TEAL talks about is the consciousness of everyone who has been got at by the education and explanation of The System and brought together under The System. This explanation of consciousness is not your consciousness; it is an idea of consciousness that someone else has explained to you. It is this united consciousness that is the consciousness of everyone in The System because all of us have been moulded through The System on the conveyor belt of Factory Planet Earth, taken as innocent children from nature to be brainwashed through system languages and constructs. It is the world of consciousness formed through words and explanations, an exploded diagram of all the concepts and constructs of The System that makes up the whole world of united consciousness that are rammed into innocent children growing up. This is the synchronicity that TEAL talks about. We are all thinking, feeling and dreaming the same system things and it is these system thoughts and dreams that we set into motion in our lives. Fenced In The System is like a web, an inter connected world. Every man, woman and child brought up in the system will have dreams for his life connected to The System so it is inevitable that we draw to us those with common dreams, with things that we need, people that we meet who help us along the way and it all seems like synchronicity. Even though we have been got at, we are still creators; it is just that we now create with system dreaming rather than with the dream of life. It is like a group of toddlers in the play park all playing with the toys provided and interacting in different ways but all fenced into the play park, and all amazed that they are playing with the same toys. Wow, what a coincidence! As the famous atheist Richard Dawkins once pointed out, people are often amazed when they sit on a plane next to someone with the same birthday as them. How amazing, they think. Yet with a few billion of us apparently alive and only 365 dates for birthdays, it is actually surprising that we dont meet more people with the same birthdays as us! In The System, there is no opportunity for us to have unique, original, direct experiences with all of life. Everything is laid out on the table for us, a buffet of system information that we all eat and form our lives from. We create within the system dreams that we have been taught to dream, a schematic blueprint accumulated into our brains over our years of system education. None of it comes from direct experience with nature. Notice the picture of The Last Supper, with Jesus and his disciples sitting at the table together, eating from what has been provided for them to share. i994.photobucket/albums/af70/ILoveCasperTheGhost/last_supper_zpse9dcb8a6.jpg The god that TEAL talks about is the G in the lithographs, the Grand Architect of The System that she is a puppet in. Our system lives are all about reflecting on constructs that are not natural because there is nothing natural about The System. TEAL talks in third party. She is re-presenting God, or G, but she can never bring G forward to back her claims that G is God/source. TEAL talks about third parties in third party, acting as if they are first parties. This is the dance of Freemasonry in practise. We are not beings. A MAN becomes a being by the brainwashing that MAN falls into. MAN is the creator, the only ones who can set thoughts and pictures into motion and create them. The beings are extensions of The System, the slaves of reflection and synchronicity. They are not MAN. MAN is the creator, a first party who can come forward, but MAN has been hijacked to create the intentions of others which we do when we create system lives through the courses, careers, status and standings of The System using man-made, unnatural languages that are of The System and designed to keep us in The System. Refer to other articles for more on man-made languages. Our true language is our senses, not third party non-sense. What we are doing here is showing the psyop programming behind TEAL. All she is doing is providing a New World Order enclosure for New Agers to walk into and providing a placebo for all those who yearn for truth, insight, etc. Everyone is living creator when we know who we are but the sacredness of who we are, unique and original, has been lost and we are no longer the true essence of God/creator/responsibility. We are fallen MAN, brought up on system non-sense and almost completely disconnected from true consciousness. TEAL doesnt differentiate between system non-sense ideas of consciousness and true consciousness. If she were truly conscious, she wouldnt be talking against a backdrop dripping with Freemasonic/Satanic symbolism, acting as a Freemasonic symbol while she talks. Remember, We will lead every revolution against us. With TEAL, the Freemasonic/Satanic world is sowing the seeds to reap the fruit, to harvest the souls for their New World Order. As explained above, all this synchronicity is contrived. The reflection is our reflection of a psyop program that is designed to act as a placebo on its victims. MAN has been turned into Christians, Jews, Muslims, Greeks, Chinese, etc. We have been divided into herds and cut off from consciousness. Being educated crushes our uniqueness and originality and moulds us into this united consciousness that has been constructed out of fake information to give us fake lives that lock us into a fake system, re-presenting the name that is the black square. Interpretation, Translation and Perspective TEAL says that truth is a matter of interpretation, translation and perspective. TEAL brings us back to the common New Age construct of truth as being variable, subjective and inconsistent, teaching us that we cannot trust each other because what is true for one man or woman is not true for another. We are all prophets but we are all each others false prophets. Everyones interpretation of The System is not yours and your interpretation of The System is not theirs. This makes us in-divide-u-alls, too busy worrying about our belief systems to realise that we are all slaves to The System and to start doing something about it. If we hadnt been brought up in The System, we wouldnt comprehend any of the constructs she talks about. All our translations, interpretation and perspective have been learned through The System and have nothing to with natural relationships that have been derived directly from nature without exposure to The System. Set against this variable, shifting truth, TEAL talks about how people who try to impose their truth upon us by telling us what to think and feel are wrapping us up in a box so that we never (3.05) never have to feel confused or uncertain enough to think for yourself. The problem here is that, again, TEAL never mentions that almost ALL of our thinking comes from The System that is designed to tell us how to think and feel about things and that TEAL is telling us how to think and feel about what we think and feel. This is reverse psychology in action here. The Freemasonic world has provided the palette for us to creatively paint our lives out of. She tells us that we dont have to accept anothers truth as our truth but then she describes herself as a leader of the New Age (not in this video); if what TEAL is sharing is truth, then there would be no mention of leaders because the truth does not require leaders and followers. Self Trust TEAL talks about the need for self-trust but she doesnt talk about why we dont have trust in who we are. She doesnt talk about the fact that doubt and uncertainty that have been imposed on everyone through our system upbringing. She says that when we dont have self-trust, we need validation for our beliefs because we dont believe them yet???????? How can our beliefs be our beliefs if we dont believe them? And how can our beliefs be true if we have been educated about what to think and feel? If we do not wake up to our system brainwashing, we can only ever be thinking and feeling partial truths. Real truth happens when the child creates unique original dreams in nature without interference by other men and women telling him/her how to think and feel. There is nothing of nature that needs to be explained to us because we can just be exposed to it so that we can have a direct experience with it. So long as we are living do no harm lives, we are free to think as we experience, to share our thoughts and dreams but not to impose them on others. Our perspective is unique to each of us but not compared to each others perspective and, as we have not been brainwashed, all our perspectives are based on the truth of consciousness that is available to conscious MAN always. This is the system of nature. It is not an artificial system imposed over nature, a system with man-made laws, government, etc. TEAL is coming out of The System. There is nothing unique and original about what she has to offer. She says, ..your job is to find and know your own truth. To own your own truth; how can we do this when we have been educated into a language that defines everything about our lives using constructs that have been designed for us through words that we are given dictionaries full of so that we can use them correctly according to system definitions that describe system thoughts and feelings for us to construct our system lives out of? This is the basis of our doubt and uncertainty. We are searching for truth. If we are not interfered with, there is nothing to search for because we already are consciousness and already have access to all of consciousness. It is only because we have been hijacked and smashed that we sense that things arent right and go on a journey looking for what we lost as a child. As we keep searching in The System, we never find what we are looking for, hence the void we have written about. We will never get to truth using system constructs. Harm Doing Is Not Wrong, Just A Matter Of Perspective TEAL says, All perspectives are true and if you put them all together you end up with the ultimate perspective. So what she is saying is that it is alright for paedophiles to abuse children because that is alright from a paedophiles perspective and anyone elses perspective that it is wrong should not be imposed upon the paedophile! What we have here is total pacifism in the face of harm. When harm doing is just someones perspective, no one stands up to harm. We are no longer the immune system of life, stopping harm being done to life. This is political correctness in action, with no one able to express their outrage against destruction and chaos in case we are criticising someones perspective. This means that there is no immunity to lying, no one can question anyone else or scrutinise their beliefs. Therefore we cannot criticise TEAL because any scrutinising of what she says is just our perspective. Critical thinking has been put to sleep. The spell TEAL offers keeps us cocooned under the spells of our belief systems which withdraw us from the bonds of community love which is community immunity. In a true community, harm done to one is harm done to all so when harm is done to one, we all come together to stop the harm and make sure it wont happen again. This means that when children are ritually sacrificed so their souls can be harvested for black magic purposes, we should say to the perpetrators, Look, mate, its not my cup of tea but, live and let live is my motto. Fancy a beer? Or perhaps, in TEAL-speak, I recognise that there is no such thing as evil and that everything is done with good intention. Therefore I will not impose any judgement on you. What TEAL is offering is self-centredness and turning a blind eye to harm, instead of encouraging us all to stand up to harm when we see it. When we stand up to harm, we are being the white of consciousness spreading out over the black of harm. The more we spread the white by how we live, the more the black fades away. This is what the Freemasonic world does not want, so they send out their TEALS to fill our heads with distractions so that we do nothing about the harm we see all around us. Construct Your Own Reality TEAL says (7.11) that we should take the bits of information that we find that suit us and make our lives out of it, discarding anything that does not suit us. This is us piecing together our lives out of our shattered reality, finding pieces that we can juggle together into some sort of cohesiveness. Then we continue our make-believe system lives, still paying the rent or the mortgage, buying our food at the supermarkets, abiding by the laws that we have been given and still maintaining and supporting The System of harm and destruction to life. Sounds great, doesnt it? TEAL is mapping out the New World Order (NWO) which is why she is a leader; she is shaping peoples thinking to be in The System and remain in The System by being open and flexible to what comes next, which is, of course, the NWO. And what did George Washington say, The grand object of Freemasonry is the happiness of the human race. Notice that this video is entirely about what YOU can get for YOU. We are told to look for what others have to offer us, rather than looking for what we can do for others. There is nothing about sharing, helping, working together to stop the harm that we are all responsible for. This is what the New Age is all about. Whats in it for me covered up by a false veneer of fake love and consciousness. Self-centredness continues and with it the annihilation of the dream of life. This is the psychology of the New Age drone as formed by TEAL, a New Age (new world) leader. TEAL is creating the new look slave profile for the NWO, how to think, how to feel, how to make your personal cocktail within The System. TEAL says that everyone you meet has a card for you, as in something that you can learn from them, but everyone you meet has come out of system brainwashing so everyone is still offering more system brainwashing, fake dreams created during their system programming. The cards that come along meet the placebo effect that we dream for. Its true, for a system drone. Critical Thinking Within System Thought TEALS critical thinking is boxed within the confines of the psyop programs that have been put on all of us from very young. She writes from the void and she is popular because people have doubt and uncertainty about who they are. She comes out of the void to talk about the void without ever offering a way out of the void. We watch TEAL because we have forgotten our magnificence. If we hadnt, we wouldnt need anything explained to us by TEAL, we wouldnt be asking her questions and nor would we be searching through the void. TEAL says that there is not one malevolent intention in this universe. So it is not malevolent to hijack another MAN and force him/her under your image power, which is the basis of The System? When TEAL says that murderers murder because they think it will make them feel better, she is re-presenting every murderer that has ever been and ever will be. Has she asked them all why they murdered? Does she know the thoughts and intentions of each one of them? TEAL is making it all up, hijacking everyone on Earth so that she can re-present them and their intentions. This is committing fraud as an impostor and is slander and lying. Behind every single action lies a positive intention. All hateful acts are misguided attempts to carry out a positive intention. TEAL Swan Again, re-presentation of all of MAN. Why go to a first party when you can hear it all from TEAL? TEAL Leads Us To More System Life TEAL talks about self-trust. Self-trust is built out of The System as this is where the self resides and, in The System we find confirmation of our beliefs when we meet others who share these beliefs/truths, therefore confirming to you that you are right. This is how people come together in herds, groups, religions, cults and sects. TEALS analogy of the rod is the placebo - I have found my own truth, all within The System. My truth is an educated truth coming from a world of education, all of it being non-sense that others cannot sense. The world of self, of my self, is the contrived world of non-sense education manipulating the dreams of your placebo effect awaiting to be evoked in you by your intention/pre-determination/dreaming to experience such an effect over you, This is the rod, the power of the placebo effect having over you, as dreamt/determined by you, a past projected into a future to have immense effect/impact over the present, over your life here and now, as Teal explains. This is the Freemasonic, self-fulfilling hourglass in practise, set into motion by the duped. Dont take anything as true unless it is proven true for you specifically. In other words, you can ignore what you dont want to hear because you can decide that it is not true for you specifically. Perspective means no one can question you or what you say or do because a) evil does not exist b) it is not right or wrong, just a different perspective All people are system prophets, interpreting the information that they are receiving from the universe that you either resonate with or you dont. At ease everyone, just take what you want, discard what you dont and keep on destroying with a clear conscience. Thank you TEAL! And lastly, the crafted work of TEAL serves to whiteant or whitewash the work of anyone genuinely living true freedom, peace, joy, abundance, etc, who talks about similar themes to TEAL. If TEAL is shown up to be a fraud, working against MAN, then those talking about similar themes can be written off by association. This is another black square crushing a white. We point this out because we refuse to have the Love For Life Kindom remedy work hijacked by TEAL. The Void Of E-GO That Is Spiritual Suicide The Justification Of Laziness That Perpetuates System Creature Comforts Ensuring Our Fall As mentioned at the beginning of this post, the following comment taken from Facebook is what Devin replied to. From this Facebook link: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10205315794282438 In reference to this Facebook thread: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10205308014407946 Frances Cranton wrote..... These are words from a true being reflecting his light and love everywhere, a master Arthur, the only other spiritual master I have read is Barry Long you would love his works, ------------------------------------------ We replied Copied from the Amazon link above - the upper case was done by us to point out a few insights/facts posted below it.............. Barry Long calls on the depth of his self-knowledge to explore the deep space of the universe making a connection between self-discovery and scientific enquiry that provokes extraordinary insights into the nature of man and the structure of reality. Here is a spiritual cosmology set within our contemporary scientific world-view a contemporary creation myth for anyone intrigued by the primal questions: HOW DID IT ALL BEGIN? HOW AND WHY HAS EVOLUTION BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT? WHERE ULTIMATELY DO WE COME FROM? We go on a journey into the psyche of man to look into the levels of mind that structure and organise mans place in creation. We see how existence itself is formed and we span the universe to discover the cosmic scheme behind the forces of evolution. We actually look into the ultimate mystery of how nothing becomes something and are drawn step by step toward the original point of consciousness - before time began. Finally at the end of the book Barry Long describes the fundamental structures that determine our reality the original ideas that manifested as our life on earth. This long awaited and extensively revised edition of a book originally published by Routledge and Kegan Paul in 1984 will be a must for all those who enjoy Barry Longs work. ---- Through co-creation, innocent, pure and sincere children of paradise/nature are already fully conscious of the whole of creation/the dream of life. There is nowhere their consciousness is not. They are already fully awakened. It is only after we have fallen into the abyss of intellectualisation, thanks to explanation, instruction, education, indoctrination and brainwashing (reactions to trauma), that we end up as children on a mysterious journey through the matrix of non-sense having to ask questions such as all those highlighted above because we have already lost most of our sensory-connection with the dream of life that is who we really are. From reality we fell into a shattered reality and from there the questions derived from this fallen state (The System of destructive compelling e-motions) come at us constantly. Each intellectual thought is a piece of this shattered reality disconnected from the whole. While we search and search and search through the millions of shattered pieces of educated, explained, instructed consciousness, we remain trapped and completely lost to who we really are. The Freemasonic/Satanic networks peddle this shattered reality as truth, peace, love, joy, consciousness, freedom, etc, etc, but none of it is who you really are and what you are really part of. It is only while being in this fallen state that we ask questions like all those raised in this Amazon explanation. And sadly, while lost to non-sense we will never awaken from this deep sleep no matter how hard and for how long we traverse the world (The System) of intellectual thought to find the answers to who we really are, etc. And even worse than this we spiral ever more deeply into this unconscious dead-state of spiritual suicide never to return to consciousness. We have not woken up. Everything of the uncorrupted seed is already everything of the uncorrupted tree. The tree never tries to be anything but a tree. To be life we are already being life. We are not trying to be anything other than MAN of MAN/Nature/Earth. It is only while being lost in the abyss of non-sense that we search for answers to this fallen state, that being the head, the intellect, ruling the heart (senses) of MANS consciousness, with no exit points. Consciousness is consciousness. Consciousness cannot be sensed through non-sense. Its best we stop hijacking innocent children and stop forcing non-sense (trauma/destructive e-motions/lies/chaos) upon each other which we do constantly under the compelling image power (reactions to trauma) of The System, the E-GO. This perpetual setting into motion of E-GO non-sense is hell and is MANS determination to commit spiritual suicide here and now in this life. One way this clearly shows up is when we attack other peoples characters, trying to drag them down into the same conflicted state as us. This is how intel networks and their operatives work. When we attempt to go outside of who we really are and drag others under the compelling image power of what we put our destructive e-motional energy into, we are clearly demonstrating the depth of our system-thought brainwashing that is the hell of a fallen-MAN (men, women, children) turning against MAN. If we are coming from love, from consciousness, from who we really are, there would be need to perform like this. We already are everything of love, of consciousness, of life, of truth, of peace, of freedom, of abundance, of joy, of MAN and no void appears to exist needing us to drag anyone or anything into. When you fully comprehend this, other peoples intentions are clearly exposed for all to see in plain sight. This is why we work very hard all-day, everyday, to inspire MAN to completely walk away from The System of compelling destructive e-motions in this life - then we are all left alone, free from the attacks of non-sense allowing us the freedom and tranquil space to reconnect with our living-sensory-consciousness in present-sense. The only intention behind the The Steps Of Kindom remedy we promote is to help us all come-together to get rid of The System in this life so that we can then all learn how to no longer be under each other anymore and how not to need each other anymore so that we come together down-the-line through celebration, strength, abundance, peace, truth, etc, rather than through doubt, uncertainty, unconsciousness, needs, wants, desires and all other compelling destructive e-motions of non-sense. Thank you for your loving intentions Frances but Arthur is not a master and is just a MAN, no more, no less than MAN. All MAN is equal. We are all intended to be unique and original, not one the same as the next. No MAN is master of another MAN. A MAN never seeks the higher ground (arrogance, ignorance, righteousness, indifference, etc, etc...) over another MAN. A MAN will never worship or attack (ridicule, abuse, scorn, undermine, sabotage, humiliate, belittle, segregate, discriminate, corrupt, commit slander and fraud to destroy, etc, etc.......) another MAN. :)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:44:07 +0000

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