Part five She watched him as he disappeared from view, cell phone - TopicsExpress


Part five She watched him as he disappeared from view, cell phone pressed against one ear, talking low, voice rough with emotion. She knelt, back pressed against a tree, bark biting into the ragged flesh of her back, under brush tickling her naked flesh. Afraid to move, afraid to run, afraid to breathe, her mind racing. If she stayed hidden....would he catch her? Visions of pliers danced through her mind, pliers and much, much worse. She sobbed silently, very close to panic now. She could hear a key turning in a lock, the rattle of chains being removed....Did she dare run? Once he entered the cellar....would there be enough time? She took a deep breathe, readying herself for flight. She parted the branches of the bush, clearing the way. Slowly she eased herself from the thick foliage, her heart beating so loud, she could hear it....would he? She crept from the thick patch of brambles and foliage, standing timidly on the path, looking the direction he had went, fearing he would make a sudden appearance. She took a step, then another.....mindful of every sound however slight. She made her way slowly back to the cabin....maybe he had left his keys in the car? Maybe she could find her way back to the small cave that had sheltered her the first night? Anything was better then being where she stood right now. She stood at the verge of trees staring at the parked car for a very long moment, fear rooting her to the spot. Unable to take those final steps. She was so lost in herself she nearly didnt hear the clomping sound of heavy foot steps coming up the path behind her. He was coming! Now she did run....heart exploding with adrenalin. She had no time to make it to the woods on the opposite side of the cabin. She would be seen....she would be caught! She ran for the nearest shelter...the cabin itself. She burst through the door and flung herself into the tiny closet located in the bedroom. Frantically she dug herself under the moldy pile of mouse ridden comforter on the floor. Curling up into a tight ball she shivered and shook with terror. A small whimper escaped and she clasped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide with panic.... She soon heard his approach, he made no effort at stealth. He came into the cabin and sat heavily on the couch. How long you gonna be. he said, gruffly. Look, dont feed me excuses, get your butt up here. She heard him growl in frustration. Could picture him sitting on the couch, phone gripped tightly in one meaty paw. Eyes rimmed in red. Heavy features set in a permanent scowl. I dont have all night,........Yes, everything is fine.....better then fine......the younger one aint a concern anymore.......other one is ready to go. Look, you get out here pronto, then well talk.....Im going to catch a quick nap. Yes....I will.....just get your butt out here.....I want to play. She heard the springs on the couch groan, then nothing for a bit. She lay cooking in her own sweat, under the rotten cover, on the closet floor. There was only one door into the cabin....only one. Her only means of escape....and he was out there....on the couch. Soon the sound of snores filled the cabin. She felt elated. Perhaps she could slip by him while he slept and escape back to her cave? She pushed back the comforter, breathing in cool, clean air. Silently she pushed the closet door open wider. She could see his boots propped up on the arm of the couch facing the cabin door. She stood just outside the closet door, mustering her courage to escape. She stepped into the living room, hunkered down, keeping low. Suddenly, she heard the crunch of gravel outside.....a car was coming! She spun on her heel and dove back into the closet, under the comforter, heart heavy, despair filling her with its bitter, cloying taste. Come on Sleeping Beauty....Daylights wasting! She froze....that voice....she knew that voice. Could it be? could it be someone she knew...someone that had promised to love and protect her? Someone she had known intimately....Someone she had loved with all her heart.......could it be? Or was this just an illusion. She moved to the closet door, trying to get a glimpse of the new comer....
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:12:18 +0000

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