Part of the 5th anniversary of the guild, we asked our former GM - TopicsExpress


Part of the 5th anniversary of the guild, we asked our former GM and co-founder of the guild to do a Q&A. He has tons of nice anecdotes and good memories which would be awesome to share so here goes. Q: Hey there Reigoto! For those who dont know you, could you introduce yourself to our fellow readers? Hi guys my real name is Nuno Reigoto Ferreira, Im portuguese, graphic designer, 34 years old and live in Porto. Ive recently became a dad (just 3 weeks ago!) so my life has taken a big turn. :) Ive started playing WoW around 2007 if Im not mistaken and after a few years I ended up joining a Portuguese real life friend, Polyester in a guild called Cartel in the PvP server Grim Batol and thats where I most evolved as player and raider. Ive always been an outspoken sort of person so before long I ended as part of the officer team of all guilds I was in. Q: What class did you play in raids? When I am ML [Master Loot] as Shadow Priest, it sometimes means I cant get orbs on the trash, hampering my burst DPS on pull. Did your responsibilities within the guild conflict with your play? I was always a Hunter as a main raider. Obviously had alts but was a hunter to the core. I wasnt the Raid Leader so the impact was not so bad but still it was there. I got constant whispers because I did attendance many times or epgp / master loot and there was always the constant conversation on whom to get in, who to replace, who was messing up... officer binds, officer chats, help steering the raid strategies... yeah it did hinder my performances sometimes. Mostly I felt drained after a week of raiding. There was always a lot of hours of preparation before and evaluation afterwards. Id sometimes stay in officer meetings with Amagaad and a few of the others until dawn. I wouldnt do that again for sure but back then it seemed reasonable I guess. If Id have one advise for someone doing epgp/master loot is that you try to stay away from the replacements and all around raid strategies. That aside you just focus and do your best. Q: Given our difficulty with recruitment at times, it mustve been tough to even start a late night raiding guild. How did it work out for you? What were the obstacles? While I was at Cartel we raided late even back then because Portugal is GMT and we liked late night playing so when things started going poorly at the beginning of ICC because of a lack of a recruitment pool within the portuguese community, me and a few officers decided to start an international late night 25 man. Since I had previously played and enjoyed my time in Silvermoon I was convinced it was the right server with the right population because there was no serious raiding Late Night there. In fact after some research and with the help of former member and officer Damah, weve realised that although there were quite a few players interested in some serious raiding Late Night, there werent any really serious guilds to speak of in Europe working that schedule. So when we started out in Silvermoon we invested some time to announce in all major forums that we were starting a Late Night with only 9 hours of weekly raiding but with the intention to pursue serious goals within that time frame. One thing that helped a bit at that time was that Blizzard had set as sticky a post done by Damah in the european recruitment page within Blizzard forums. In that page she did her best to keep up the current progress and recruitment needs of all major Alliance and Horde Late Night guilds in Europe. Obviously we used that thread to try to recruit many players. We did something similar in MMO forums and in the Silvermoon official forums page. Finally I also used a few of my connections to get some Silvermoon friends from other guilds to helps us get our first Kills. After that I guess as soon as we established a decent roster, Polyester, our main recruitment officer was very demanding in his evaluation of players wanting to join us so that set the standard. We refused a lot of players but strangely enough that gave us a good reputation that we wouldnt just take anyone and helped us strengthen our roster with decent players. With time, more players came from our old guild and joined us. Also bare in mind this was at the height of WoWs population, when Silvermoon had daily queues to log in. :) Q: Weve had quite some memorable kills within After Hours the years Ive been here, with Lei Shen 25H being a major highlight according to a poll. What was your most memorable kill? [Please elaborate] Id have to say Lick King of course. As a young guild that was the best of kills particularly because we did it with an amazing group of players, by far the set of raiders that Id say that was the closest and most friendly. And later Deathwing. Not so much because of the difficulty of that fight but because we did it very early and it was at the height of our power as a raiding force and it was the first time we finished with a high rank in europe. Also by then we practically became the only serious raiding guild still doing 25 man at our schedule so that felt epic to us. Q: Your most memorable moment whilst in the raid? [Please elaborate] This is a tough one. Ill go with a couple of different moments both in the first tier of Cataclysm. The first 2 were personal high moments. When we killed Nefarian heroic the first few times it was a tough fight, dealing with the lava and getting to the last phase. I remember it was a tier I was particularly doing very well as a dps and when we finally got Nefarian down the first time it was tough fight at the end, only a very few of us alive and me and a warrior dps, Meatballs were practically the last 2 man standing and our MT, Eriandor I think. That felt epic. Also Chimaeron heroic we went with the tactics of using a hunter with a pet that could tank and soak up his dmg when he did this special ability. I went out of my way to get this rare special turtle since I needed one because of the shield and it was a rare occasion that as a hunter I could get to use a different pet (this was before pets dmg became the same for all). A very different moment I recall was in AlAkir heroic and it involves my good friend Lanayaj, officer and one of the RLs then. Lana was always an outspoken guy and made us laugh but this one time after many fails at getting people to move right in that fight and stay in their assigned groups, Lana thought of imposing an epgp penalty (a big one I might add) to anyone that failed in this. Needless to say he proceeded in to failing himself 3 times if I recall right and ended up with a HUGE TRIPLE penalty that put him out of loot for weeks. As expected, laughter and mocking ensued and Lana sulked for months after this one. Also I remember fondly several nights usually outside main raids evolving drunken members and officers particularly Merujo, Foxielock, Eriandor and Puddlez but of which I cant say much more for fear of retribution. Q: Being a hunter, you must have a famous ninja pull story!? [Please elaborate] Nope, never happened, was always the best behaved hunter in the world. 8-) Seriously it must have happened of course but I cant recall any famous ninja pull on a boss. Mostly in trash and nothing memorable. Q: Any advice or last kind words for our Council and raiders? Delegate, dont let one guy take all the stuff on him. Help and support your GM, he always gets the most whispers and whines from everyone. Dont spend too much time online, do your raids, do your necessary quests/dailies/whatever but then spend time doing other things that give you pleasure so that when you are in WoW you can enjoy it for what it is: a game. Q: Thank you for the interview :) happy 5th birthday After Hours! Thanks guys, it was fun reminiscing about my WoW days and particularly my AH days. Count me in for more storytelling this is more fun than what Ive anticipated. P.S.: We should do one Q&A next focusing on love affairs/ dating in WoW, bad blood between players and officers and mutinies!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:10:05 +0000

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