Part oooonnnneee >B) Im evil. The fourth kind Eruri AU Levi - TopicsExpress


Part oooonnnneee >B) Im evil. The fourth kind Eruri AU Levi is a therapist and single father in a small town. He has a daughter, Mikasa, and a son, Eren. Mikasa is blind due to post traumatic visual loss and Eren resents Levi for their mothers death. His patients start telling him the same things. Every one of them. Theyve never met each other but every one of them is telling him of the same experiences. A dream that doesnt feel like a dream. They say that they wake up at 3 am every night and they look outside their window to see a gigantic face staring back. The face doesnt do anything but stare and they dont move or rather, they cant. He tries to piece together what is happening to his patients whilst being the responsible single father that he is. Picking up Mikasa and Eren from school, making dinner, making sure Mikasa is in bed and asleep, trying to get Eren to sleep because its a school night. One night he gets a call from Nile, the county sheriff, saying that one of his patients is losing it and he only wants to talk to Levi. What the hell? Did he shoplift or something? Why are you calling me and not him? He has his wife at gunpoint Levi. Hes holding his family hostage. Get down here now. He bolts out the door, telling Eren to keep all the doors locked, watch over Mikasa, and to not answer the door for anybody but him. Erens confused but he nods anyways. Before Levi exits the house he looks up at Eren. I love you. He says as he leaves and that confuses Eren even more. When he gets there there are squad cars surrounding the house, all eyes on the house. Nile comes to him when he exits his car and hands Levi his phone. He wants to talk to you. Just you. Be careful what you say to that man, you hear me? Nile glares and Levi nods. Marco... hey... Levi!... Levi... I dont know whats happening... Marcos breathing is irregular and he sounds like hes just run a mile. I dont know what to do.. wha- what does it mean? What does it mean Levi? What do I do? Marco, slow down. I need you to speak clearly to me. Take a deep breath, what happened? What does it mean Levi?! What does what mean Marco? Zi-mabu... Eter... Zimabu Eter... Zimabu Eter... Zimabu Eter? Marco, youre not well. Please calm down first. I dont know what that means. Zimabu Eter... Zimabu Eter Zimabu Eter... we will never have to see them again. Marco? Three gun shots were heard. A family of three, gone. Levi is taken in for questioning. He is suspected of having something to do with all of it. He is asked questions such as What did you say to him?, When did he last see you?, Was he acting strange before all of this? Nile becomes agitated with him. What do you want me to say? That I hypnotized him, Nile?! Levi becomes just as agitated. This isnt about you! Im doing my job. Im trying to find out why a man as simple as Marco Bodt would have a mental breakdown and kill his own family! Why he would kill himself! I dont know! He was fine Tuesday morning when he came in to see me! He told me the same thing every one of my patients is telling me. Its weird but, If anything, he was completely fine. ... Nile, I have kids to get home to. ... How are they holding up? Levi raised an eyebrow and eyed the Sheriff. Theyre fine. Well as fine as they can be. It hasnt exactly been long. And you? Im fine. Bullshit. Levi, you two were living an apple pie life. Two kids, a nice house, it was gross. Zoe was your- My everything, I know. Shut up. I dont need anyone reminding me how much I miss her. Levi was released after a couple more questions and plenty of yelling.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:29:10 +0000

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