Part the first. Altered and edited for corrections, spelling, and - TopicsExpress


Part the first. Altered and edited for corrections, spelling, and grammar. Times up for Abigail.... May 27th 2014 Abigail drew back the curtains to her window, she was hesitant to look out of it. Drawing a deep breath, she steeled herself and took a peek. The thing was still out there. It was grotesque! It stood near the trees, under the light of the streetlamp. The orange of the light making it look like a sick joke. Its skin oozed about its body like grayish oil, smooth and sometimes lumpy. It must have been at least 7 feet tall. The things arms reached below the kneecaps, yet it stood straight up. They ended in terrible claws about the length of its forearm. it had no hair, nor any form of clothing. Its face had no eyes whatsoever, just two dark sockets large enough to put tennis balls in. The smile was Irish, like in the movies, from ear to ear. Although she could make out no teeth, they were probably there, probably sharp and hooked. Enough to tear flesh easily. It had appeared out of nowhere a few days ago. Just after finals. Graduation was a week away. She had felt the terrible presence while walking home with her roommate. It had been dusk, and she could tell they were being followed. Kailey hadnt felt a thing, nor sensed anything wrong. Kailey was kind of dingy though. That stereotypical girl. Not interested in much outside of her next boyfriend, and just making it out of school. Which was odd since Kailey had a GPA near Abigails 4.0. Not that GPA alone could determine ones future, there were many things in ones life that determined that. Including past experiences. As Abigail Mitchell looked out her window, she wondered what in her past, brought about this threat to HER future. She closed the curtain then sat down on her bed. Sleep came, but it didn’t last. It was as if the terrible monster could sense her closing her eyes. It raked it’s claw like nails across the windowsill. Calling out to her in that ethereal voice that monsters in the movies so often used. Dry like desert winds over hard rocks. “Abigail…. wake up, You’ll not sleep, not now nor ever again Abigail. Let me in, I’ve so much to tell you…..!” the words slithering from it’s mouth. The scratching had woke Kailey. “Abigail! What the hell is that? Whose calling you?” she yelled from the other room. “I’m not sure, I think it’s a bird or something, Ill take a look ok!” Abigail shouted back. She cursed under her breath. That gods damned thing… “Ok take a breath Abbey. you can do this. As long as you don’t let it in…!” She crept to the window, and slowly reached for the curtain, she could make out its face through the curtain.. but she had to be sure. As she opened it, the thing looked directly at her. Opening its black toothed maw, a loud hiss coming from it. She closed the curtain and moved away in a hurry, then tripped over her bed. The crash brought Kailey in. She could see the face of the beast from behind the curtain, but it vanished when Kailey entered. Hey you okay...? her roomie asked concern on her face. ..there, there was, it was the biggest damn bird! I mean damn it was big.! her voice shaky. Kailey went over and looked out the window, and only saw the minor scratches that were there. She looked up and out of the first floor dorm room and saw nothing but inky night sky. Musta been a raven or something! Whatever it was is its gone now. she said making her way back to her room, now that her bunk mate was seemingly ok. You gonna be okay? Gone my ass.. Abigail thought... She could feel it out there. Yeah Im good, just ..just a little shaken. Go ahead back to bed, Im okay! The creature sat above the window smiling as Abigail Mitchell slept a fitful and restless night.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:55:58 +0000

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