Part three Ayatollah Khamenei Ramadan speech 29/6/2014 If we - TopicsExpress


Part three Ayatollah Khamenei Ramadan speech 29/6/2014 If we read the Holy Quran, we will get out of the darkness of superstitions, fear and illusions and we will be guided towards light: the light of guidance, understanding and closeness to God. These are the characteristics that one achieves through sitting beside the Holy Quran and becoming familiar with it. We need this. The Islamic Ummah needs this today. The Islamic community is faced with serious challenges today. I have said many times that paying attention to challenges does not mean that we sho uld feel the enemy is stronger than us. It does not mean that he will defeat us. This is not the case. The Islamic community is faced with certain challenges. Being faced with challenges is an opportunity for Islam to - by Allahs favor - take one more rung, make one more move and pass through one more stage in the movement of history to the desired transcendence. Today, we are in such conditions. During the pre-revolutionary era and before the emergence of Islamic Awakening, we used to see that the world of Islam was ignorant. Today, the world of Islam is achieving wisdom. And the events that are taking place in the world of Islam will help the Islamic Ummah to achieve wisdom. These events make us wiser and they will clarify our responsibilities. The enemies of Islam are afraid of the existence of this foresight in believers and the Islamic Ummah. We should strengthen this foresight on a daily basis. The first stage is to know these challenges. What is witnessed in the world of Islam is that the enemies of Islam are confronting Islam in the name of Islam and in Islams clothing. This is the same thing that our magnanimous Imam (may God bestow paradise on him) said: American Islam versus the original Islam introduced by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). American Islam is the kind of Islam that compromises with taghut and Zionism and that it is at the service of Americas goals. It is Islam on the face of it and it is referred to as Islam. They may observe a number of Islamic obligations. Of course, according to what we have heard, those who have emerged in some countries - recently in Iraq and before that in other countries - in the name of Islam and by behaving in a biased way are not completely committed to religious obligations and practices. But we do not have precise information in this regard. What is clear is that they definitely move in the opposite direction of Islam.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:32:08 +0000

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