Parth :( :( Sadda Haq 5th September 2014 Written Episode, - TopicsExpress


Parth :( :( Sadda Haq 5th September 2014 Written Episode, Scene 1 Kaustuki and sanyu are sitting together. randhir comes and sits alone. Radnhir recalls how hasrsh smiled with him. He recalls when he said to saniyal that you failed in being a good mom. Someone hits his coffee and its falls. Randhir doesn’t even notice. SAnyu says kaustuki lets go somewhere else I can’t sit here. Maya is in her cabin. She gets a call from her husband says reach home on time. I am for a small time here you should serve me. while vardhan is busy in reading a book. Maya looks serious. A peon comes and gives him some files. He says ma’am its 7:30 should I leave ? Maya recalls Risihi’s words. He calls you are not home on time. Maya looks worried. vardhan says are you okay ? Maya says vardhan stay out of this please. She packs her stuff. Maya sys you have forgotten your work hours go back to your room. Vardhan says this book is so interesting I will complete it first. Maya says by the time I reach home Rishi would be slept. Maya says I have read this book and I know you so well. this book is not that interesting. Scene 2 Vidushi is studying alone in library at night. Two guys come and says Vidushi ji why are you alone here at night. Vidushi says mind your own business. They leaves. Vidushi packs her stuff and says I should leave before someone sees me. She goes to a room where parth is exercising. She imagines them dancing together. The song ‘awari’ plays in background. parth says lets do it one more time. Suddenlt she hears parth screaming with pain. She comes out of her dreams? Parth is screaming hard and hits his hand on wall. Vidushi is in tears. Parth can’t bear the pain and cries. She says in heart I won’t be weak. Everything will be fine. She leaves while parth is still sitting helpless with his back against the wall. The lawyer says I did everything and your father attacked the witness. Randhir sats what abvout bail? Lawyer says do you have money for it ? And what about my fees ? I will see that all later. For now your dad will be in jail for three weeks. you couldn’t handle a girl. Sanyu is sleeping. Randhir throws a stone in her room. Samyu comes to the window. Randhir shouts come downstairs. you will get my dad arrested. SAnyu throws back the stone at his toe. Kasutuki says you don’t need to go down sanyu. ignore him. Sanyu says I know very well how to handle him. SAnyu goes down. Sanyu says your dad is in jail because of you. I know now where you have got this attitude from. Randhir says you wanted to get him in trouble. Sanyu says saying one thing million times doesn’t make it truth. Randhir says why you came to court then ? Sanyu says if you were the last person earth even then I wouldn’t have given you justification. Don’t think everyone is like you. Radnhir says my dad got you right you belong to my mom’s category. I was quite first but falling you in love was a blunder. but from now I just hate you. I will seek revenge from you and your dad. I will shatter your dreams. I will throw you out of this college. SAnyu says you can’t love anyone and don’t warn me. I challenge you I will get you kicked out. They both leave. Vardhan goes throw some papers and says interesting, very interesting. Scene 3 PKC says come on guys comes for the class only two minutes are left. Everyone follows him. The paper is about to start. Sanyu comes late it class there is no other place except for randhir’s bench. PKC says to sanyu don’t disturb the class. SAnyu sits with randhir. PKC says all the best you people have one hour. Everyone starts working on their papers. jiggy is trying to copy from kasutuki and so is yoyo. Some people take out their cheating papers vidushi is among them.Onlt ten minutes are left. SAnyu takes out bottle and throws some water on randhir’s paper. He crumbles her paper and eats it. PKC says what is going on ? Sanyu says sir he ate my paper. PKc says what is happening no one will eat others’ papers. Randhir says she threw water on mine. PKC says is this an engineering college or school ? Precap-PKC takes the papers from sanyu. Sanyu says sir please give me 15 more minutes I will do it. I wrote everything but he ate my paper. Parth says to vidusho I shouldn’t have thought who leaked the papers. He takes vidushi’s bag and empties it. she has all the papers.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:00:10 +0000

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