Participate effectively when communicating with your spouse. We - TopicsExpress


Participate effectively when communicating with your spouse. We hear often, My spouse wont communicate with me. More often than not, one spouse will be wordier than the other. Practice not interrupting or overtalking your spouse. These habits may often cause your spouse to give-up trying to talk. It can be very frustrating trying to communicate with someone who finishes your sentences (OUCH! Still working on this!) or who seems not to care about your feelings, opinions or thoughts. Give your spouse time to gather his/her thoughts--remember to take long pauses. If you ask a question, wait for an answer. Remember that communicating is not all about TALKING--a good communicator is also a GOOD LISTENER. If you are the spouse who doesnt talk, participate by giving longer responses from your heart. Trust your spouse to hear your heart. It may help to gather your thoughts ahead of time by writing down what you want to say in advance. Unspoken desires or feelings are rarely responded to. If your spouse is interrupting you, ask that he/she allows you to speak uninterrupted. We use a pencil when this is a problem with couples in our Empowerment Sessions. The person with the pencil speaks while the other one listens and then passes the pencil to the other spouse to do the same. Effective communication is a necessary part of a strong marriage. Practice, practice, practice! Your questions, comments or thoughts . . . . ?????
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 00:09:12 +0000

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