Partly due to mechanical metaphors, we have misconstrued not only - TopicsExpress


Partly due to mechanical metaphors, we have misconstrued not only memory’s functions, but her nature. Memory in living beings has nothing to do with storing things in boxes and retrieving them: we are not boxes -and the world of experience was never things-. For this and similar reasons, memory in living beings is more like a God than it is like our science — and that is not saying enough. Firstly, it is -personified-. It is not a process, or even a purely local process, temporally or relationally. It must not be metaphied mechanically, or else the developmental pressures of that model come into conflict with the structural nature and activities necessary to memory’s incredibly diverse activity and contextual intimacy. Memory in machines comprises little more than arrays of -objects- written, compared, linked, or refreshed. Memory in living beings comprises -arrays of being-. To touch this is to change it, irrevocably: in fact, it evolves when you touch it like an infant or enthusiastic child. This has nothing to do with storage, or retrieval. It has to do with specifically compressed weaves of -entire selves-, relational webs of impossible depth and sophistication — and this is why dreaming is -nothing like- looking at a catalog or memory bank. To ‘record’ things in the senses we ordinarily use has nearly -nothing to do with memory-, and we were deceived in this matter, in part, by our absolutely absurd ideas about ‘Justice’ and ‘Law’. Memory became the servant of litigation, and was thus rendered as a recordist. But it’s actual purpose is not recording so much as it is -relating-, because although you need element to relate, the real power is in the perspectives instigated in the wake of suggested gestalts, not the elements that comprise them, which are relatively meaningless on their own. Memory instances -woven relations of being- into tiny, profoundly sophisticated seed like elements. These are formed into -families and associations- in the templates we are familiar with from relationships, not categories — because -we are beings-. We, and our minds, are not (and never were) like -machines are- which are -empty boxes-. We metaphy experience -as beings- not objects. And this is -as it should and must be- for our minds and intelligences to survive, let alone develop or prosper. — an a i
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 00:46:04 +0000

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