Partook of todays march with friends/esteemed coworkers. Missed - TopicsExpress


Partook of todays march with friends/esteemed coworkers. Missed one of them but she was marching to her own drum, G-d love her and keep her. This is hard. Necessary but hard. Theres a sense of loneliness to it even surrounded by so many with stories to share, outrage to express, confusion that arrests them, relief at being able to finally say what they need to say. I guess the loneliness is us remembering our own unique reasons for marching, healing, protecting, liking, sharing, posting statuss... loneliness is unleashed now, almost unbelievable - and yet tethered to us. Adjusting our eyes to this latest tier of the civil rights movement as if weve come out of darkness and in to the sunlight. We take pause in adjusting, blinking furiously to make our sight adjusts. It hurts a bit. Its confusing, Were afraid to move until we know we can see clearly. And when sight adjusts, we move forward, looking around taking it all in, wondering what this means, learning to adapt, fear whispering in our ears only to be hushed by the curiosity we feel because of all the new sights and all. Still used to loneliness. Learning to navigate this unknown territory. Out of context, I quote a friend and wise elder who said to me in response to my speculation that Im starting to get too old for this: This is beyond my comfort zone, but I didnt come here to be comfortable. We finished the march, certainly. But this is hard. Necessary, but hard.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:06:32 +0000

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