Pashtun traditions and - TopicsExpress


Pashtun traditions and militancy.........................................Kahar Zalmay The arrival of Wahabi Mullahs deprived Pashtuns of their traditions. Anything not conforming to Wahabiism was declared un-Islamic and had to be discarded Two major developments that variously affected the social organisation of Pashtun society took place at the same time. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the opening up of the Middle East labour market in the 1970s disturbed Pashtun harmony and changed the network of relationships among the members of Pashtun society. The traditional Khans who held social positions and political roles were replaced by prayer leaders or by those who stood lower in the social hierarchy. The power of argument and violence shifted to the mosque, making it the centre of power. The Hujra (guest house) has been losing its power. This social change was sudden and drastic and it pushed Pashtun society from a tribal society to a primitive society rather than a modern society. Historically every society passes through a tumultuous period where it forgoes its traditional forms of social organisation and adopts modern forms based on function and efficiency. I am not an anthropologist nor is this piece an academic work. It is based purely on my impressions during a three month long stay in Pashtun populated areas, closely watching and experiencing the lifestyle and culture of that belt. Pashtuns are traditionalists and pride themselves on being connected to their traditions. Like the Jews they have traditions for everything and that’s how they maintained a balance in their society for generations. But the recent wave of religiosity and militancy has shattered traditions that were kept intact for centuries. During a recent trip conducting research on a rising religious group in Swabi, I had a chance to have a sitting at a Hujra in Swabi (where the traditional Hujra is still intact in some shape), with a middle aged traditional Khan, who expressed his grief and anger over the cultural imbalance that has been shaping Pashtun society for the last three decades. “I hear intellectuals heaping praise on the Pashtuns for breaking the shackles of Khanism, but they don’t know how much harm it brought to the common Pashtun man. Pashtun culture revolves around the traditional institutions of Hujra and Jirga. Its weakening is actually a cultural imbalance that weakened the Khan and strengthened the position of the Mullah,” the local Khan said. Some might argue that since the institution of Khanism is the loser, that’s why the Khans consider the change harmful for the people, but what I gathered from the Khan’s talk is that the cultural disequilibrium promoted a form of individualism that is harmful for social institutions. Traditions brought order to contain this individualism, which is a source of chaos and anarchy. Intellectuals and commentators not aware of the roots of Pashtun society generally mistake this individualism for individuality. As mentioned above, the major cause for this shift was money sent from Saudi Arabia for the promotion of Wahabiism. In the 1970s thousands of Pashtuns went to Saudi Arabia for work and not only did they bring back money, but also a Saudi indoctrinated religiosity that was not in sync with local religious traditions. As a child I remember how people returning from Saudi Arabia would argue with local people in the mosque to make them pray like Saudis. Saudi Arabia made sure that the vast sums of money it donated for mosques and madrassahs was inextricably linked to Wahabiism. This money strengthened the position of the rigid Wahabi and Panjpiri Mullah that ultimately weakened the position of the Khan and the traditionalist Ulema who had a virtual monopoly over the meaning and message of Islam. The military-sponsored Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) government in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa was the last nail in the coffin of traditional Pashtun society. The arrival of Wahabi mullahs deprived Pashtuns of their traditions. Anything not conforming to Wahabbism was declared un-Islamic and had to be discarded. The Jirga, historically a secular institution, gradually lost its impact when Mullahs became their leaders. Mullahs thus became representatives of religion and explicitly insinuated themselves in civil and political affairs — like the 9th century Abbasid Caliph Al-Mamun. It merits mentioning that in Pashtun culture a Mullah is not considered a Pashtun but an outsider who is required to guide people in religious affairs only. After hitting cultural institutions like the Jirga and Khanism, the Mullahs turned to shrines that were not only places of worship but entertainment as well. I fondly remember in my childhood going to a shrine on the occasion of an Urs. People from different areas would come there to pray, dance and sing. It was a social gathering that provided peace of mind and entertainment. Even Christians and Hindus would attend these Urs. Tolerance was at its best on these occasions. Were those Urs held now, I asked a childhood friend in my home town? No, he said with dismay. Folk music is another prey of the new order in which the Mullah is both king and Pope. Music is very popular in Pashtun society and all Pashtuns not only like listening to music but also participating in it. There is a musician in every Pashtun and the reason is the availability of musical instruments like Rabab, Sitar, Piano, Mangi in the village Hujra. It does not exist anymore. Local musicians were not awarded much importance in the social structure but they were happy making their living. From a child’s birth to circumcisions to engagements to marriages, the musician had many occasions to display his art and consequently feed his children. I hear these musicians are now driving rickshaws and doing odd jobs in cities. They are the direct victims of this cultural imbalance, but indirectly the common Pashtun man is also a victim, who is deprived of not only a tradition that was kept alive for centuries but a source of entertainment too. I believe that Pashtuns are on the wrong side of history. Without traditions, their lives are tremulous. Apparently change for the worse applies to them as well. Their present is a picture of suffocation and chaos and their journey into the future seems directionless.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:51:47 +0000

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