Passage: 1 Sam.27, Psalm 119:1-24, 1Thes 5:1-11 Post by: Beverly - TopicsExpress


Passage: 1 Sam.27, Psalm 119:1-24, 1Thes 5:1-11 Post by: Beverly Everett “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say Peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them ……., And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. As I read this portion of 1 Thes. 5: 1-4 I am reminded of an elderly friend of mine who recently came back from a dentist appointment to find her home had been broken into. The thief entered her home in the middle of the afternoon busting thru the front door in a very busy neighborhood and no one even noticed. The thief didn’t call her to make sure when would be a good time to rob her he didn’t warn her, he was in and out in minutes. Paul is talking to Christians who know what the scripture says about the Coming of the Lord. We know Christ is coming back for us and we know the season but He is still warning us not to be like the unbeliever who will be caught off guard by His coming. There will be a great since of peace and security in the world and the last thing they will be looking for is Christ to return. Even though he is writing to Christians he warns us not to be caught off guard likewise but to have a disciplined life, free from drunkenness, alert to spiritual realities, not to be self-absorbed but to be full of faith, hope and love, which are the basic essentials of a Christian life. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for us and promised to return for us to live forever with Him. We are to encourage each other with this promise and watch. Another portion of our devotion is Psalms 119:11. This verse instructs us to hide Gods word in our hearts. Why? So that we will not sin against God. How can the Holy Spirit help us see our sins if we are not familiar with what the Word says about sin? How can we combat satin if His Word is not hid in our heart? How can we encourage others if we do not know what His Word says about encouragement? How can we know the season if we have not read about it? How can we be ready for Christ’s return if we do not know what to do? His Word is everything. The Bible is our road map, our light in a dark world. -Bev
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:39:34 +0000

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