Passing on this poem may open someones eyes to child abuse - - TopicsExpress


Passing on this poem may open someones eyes to child abuse - https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=342426999247010&set=a.105154616307584.9034.100004391377835&type=1&theater But better yet - Floridians have an opportunity in less than 2 months to do something about it: The governor wants to slash DCF’s budget by $179 million. The cuts would eliminate 1,849 positions in the child welfare agency – a 14 percent reduction in its workforce. Scott and Wilkins have avoided talking about the proposed cuts. Wilkins was vague in his responses at last week’s news conference. Governor Scott’s staff did not respond to emails from CBS4 News and Scott declined to answer questions posed by CBS4′s Gary Nelson during a stop in Miami on Friday. miami.cbslocal/2011/03/09/governors-budget-slashes-child-welfare/ The cluster of deaths came after Scott said that budget cuts to DCF were necessary in order for him to grow jobs in Florida and the agency would have to make do with less. huffingtonpost/2013/12/20/rick-scott-child-deaths_n_4479988.html Two years ago, Desene Simmons grabbed a pillow and held it over the face of her son, Antwan Hope, in an apparent attempt to smother him. Antwan screamed. Simmons’ mother barged in. Tragedy was averted. The Department of Children & Families took no action, explaining later that Antwan never bothered to tell them what his mother tried to do. Antwan was 2. That story, and others, emerged Tuesday in a scathing report on DCF’s systemic failure to protect children in dangerously dysfunctional households. This past summer, DCF’s private child welfare group in Broward, ChildNet, made a disastrous decision. They gave Antwan back to his mother. He was dead within hours, under circumstances that still has not been explained by DCF or anyone else. “What may have been the attempted murder of this child in 2011 was disregarded because the child, less than 3-years-old at the time of the attempted suffocation, did not ‘disclose’ that the incident had occurred,” the report noted. tampabay/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/report-criticizes-dcf-for-its-handling-of-child-protection/2150922 Last week, Gov. Rick Scott cut close to $2 million in health services for at-risk women and children in line-item vetoes to the state budget. Among the projects cut was $200,000 for a pilot program to be carried out by the Healthy Start Coalition of Orange County that would have provided specialized care for high-risk first-time mothers throughout the county. The Affordable Care Act allows millions of more Americans to qualify for Medicaid, but only if states accept the federal money. 1.3 million Floridians are shut out of affordable health insurance. Worse, according to a Harvard Study, over 2,000 will die prematurely and avoidably. That’s six Floridians a day. https://dailykos/campaigns/673 washingtonpost/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/12/31/the-wingnut-hole-measured-5-million-without-insurance-thanks-to-gop-medicaid-refusal/ The “wingnut hole” measured: 5 million without insurance thanks to GOP refusal
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:56:56 +0000

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