Passing this down from Marlene Mansito-Flowers IMPORTANT: - TopicsExpress


Passing this down from Marlene Mansito-Flowers IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY AND COMMENT READ SO I KNOW YOU SAW THIS Last night we had a great Team 24 Call. One thing on the call which ALL of us need to know this. I get a lot of messages from people saying Im trying but I dont have any enrollments and they are getting frustrated. Jimmy Austin made a very profound announcement last night. He said Do not get frustrated....there is only ONE person that matters and that is YOU. YOU are a first inviter and that is what is important. Once we go live it doesnt matter if you are the only person on your team. Watch the compensation video, when Keith goes over how fast your connections will grow, once we start sending out free invitations, that is based on starting with only ONE person on your team, YOU. So yes we all want to have a team of first inviters and we all want to rank up to SBP and EBP but again all that matters is that YOU are a first inviter. So please do not get discouraged and never ever compare your team size to someone elses. There were a few things that were discussed that need to passed down the line to our teams. 1. Make sure that EVERYONE is being added to Team 24 immediately and give them each a warm welcome and tell them to look in the files on the top of the page. Dont just post a quick, welcome Joe Bob make it sincere and warm, we want everyone to feel they are appreciated and part of team that cares. (also please add your teams to this group. I share a lot of information in here that will not be seen in Team 24 and this is MY main source of communicating) 2. When we enroll someone, we need to immediately be giving them contact information meaning the names and phone numbers for their three immediate upline. That would be 1. YOU (the person that sponsored them) 2. YOUR personal sponsor 3. The next upline that sponsored YOUR sponsor 3. Each time we personally enroll someone we need to first connect with them on Facebook...add them as a friend and then we also need to Suggest Friend them to our next TWO upline. (Im working on a video that will teach you how to suggest a friend and you can also google...How to suggest a friend on facebook) 4. When it comes to training and questions it is each of our responsibility to train our personal enrollments, please do not rely on someone that is 4 or 5 levels up your upline to do that for you. As our teams are growing it is too much for ONE person to train 100, or 500 or 1,000s of people. Its very important to create this culture EARLY on so your team will duplicate this and pass it down with their teams. Its extremely important to do all of the above steps. As our teams grow and if we are not doing this, we will start seeing fall out as the deeper levels will not have upline support, they will get discouraged and quit. I would like to encourage all of you to stay plugged in. Listen to the opportunity calls, they are all different and there is always some new information especially with the q&a session at the end. I know some work or have kids to care for and cant be on every call and I understand that and for those that cant make the call, please make sure to listen to the recorded versions daily. You can fast forward through the beginning and get to the announcements and they are now recording the q&as sessions too. We have a lot of things going on...first phase testers going on the platform starting this week...then we move into the second phase of testers and then we move on to the next phase. Stay focused, keep your eye on the prize, stay connected and plugged in and stay away from negatives. Lets get out there and win for our families.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:20:23 +0000

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