Passion For Souls International Outreach. CONSISTENCY.....THE - TopicsExpress


Passion For Souls International Outreach. CONSISTENCY.....THE RULE OF THE GAME....... MESSAGE BY EVANGELIST CHUKWUEMEKA S EZEH A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 Loving success, good and healthy life, great relationships or a supernatural life does not equate to having them; but the common denominator in all of these is the rule of consistency. Double mindedness, double living and all forms of inconsistency guarantee absolutely nothing in life. The whole essence of personal discipline is to achieve consistency of practice and steps. Without consistency, reaching your goals may remain difficult. For great and strong relationship with God, you cant be in and out; one minute on the word the next in the world, one week in prayer the next week not praying, meditating one week the next week indulging yourself in lustful or carnal passions and the cycle continues. You cant plant yourself in and then pluck yourself out at will. You cannot do that and expect great result. You simply cannot be double minded. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4 Jesus said “Abide in me”, meaning stay in me, remain in me. To abide means to make your rest in a place, to make your home there. If I should come to your home, it will show me who you are, the kind of furniture, portrait, colours, etc would all say the kind of person you are. It is the same as when you abide in Christ, everyone can see the fruit of Christ in you. Brethren, to abide in Christ you have to be consistent in doing the things that will yield increase. You cannot expect to grow and keep watching T.V shows that add nothing to your life and destiny, or by spending the better part of your time on social media reading up what everybody is doing or not doing; or not praying, or not reading and meditating on the Word. Read your Bible, pray and meditate daily. Doing these things is what produces result in you. God is always speaking and ready to reveal Himself to you. Everyday commune with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues to pull down strongholds and clear out all the voices of the enemy. I understand that it does not come naturally to us to do these things and that is why you have to have a personal schedule or discipline with the word. You have to make up your mind that you are going to focus on God, you have to push to break the natural barrier of your flesh and keep in mind that you will succeed because the Lord is your strength. And most importantly, ask the Holy Spirit for help every day when you feel like you cannot do it; keep speaking and confessing into your life that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13) Beloved, as you push to break the strongholds that set you back, and remain in the word and in the spirit you will see the desired changes in your spiritual life. May your strength be renewed this day in Christ Jesus name.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 06:48:31 +0000

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