Passover 14th or 15th? Well here we go again Lev 23:5 In the - TopicsExpress


Passover 14th or 15th? Well here we go again Lev 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even (start) is YHWHS passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto YHWH: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. Some presenter teach the error saying that; It is only a few modern day Ephramites who have kept the Passover on the tail end of the 13th of Abib contrary to what the Torah actually says (??). We keep Passover after the 14th as the 15th begins (??). Alas certain ones cannot be singled out concerning the Torah error of an Abib 15 Passover – There are plenty of other Presenters, Teachers – Rabbinic and Messianic ( doing, teaching, defending the same error. So I will attempt to explain this once again in detail so that you can understand. The Abib 14th Passover is not a Sabbath, is a Memorial, is a Preparation day for the for UlvBrd Abib 15th which is an Annual Sabbath (as per Lev.23:6-8). Some well meaning presenters will say - that there are no Jewish groups that kill the lamb at the end of the 13th day. We also have no groups in history until recent years that even suggested such a thing. (which is not true) Some will even quote me; The Ultimate ignorance is the blind charged rejection of any issue; coupled with the arrogant absence of correct knowledge which refuses to investigate what is known little or nothing about” Dr. David L. Perry ****************** My Response To an actual retort - “I find it amazing to know that there are no Jewish groups that kill the lamb at the end of the 13th day as you suggest.” Answer Mt.15:6 Thus have ye made the commandment of Yah of no effect by your tradition.. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. I find it odd that these ones appeal to a group of people that are openly known (and that by Yahshua no less) to; [make] the commandment of Yah of none effect by [their] tradition...[teaching] for doctrines the commandments of men. They will say “We also have no groups in history until recent years that even suggested such a thing.” My Response - that even suggested such a thing – Oh such as actually keep Torah the way Torah says it? The truth is there has always been a remnant – including the Disciples at Luke 22. These ones dont seem to understand; Jer 6:16 Thus saith YHWH, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls… The rest of the verse? Jer 6:16 … But they said, We will not walk therein. Much as they are saying, doing and leading others to do. Maybe they should actually look at the evidence of Ex.12 and Lev.23? And understand; Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with **all readiness of mind**, and searched **the scriptures daily**, whether those things were so. Torah has all the evidence you need – You should listen. Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Some may not of heard the comment on a radio show with Jono Vador and I – in that show I delineate that on Abib 14th at aprox. ‘midnight’ the Death Angel passed over – hence *Passover* they were to stay in their dwellings ’till morning’ still the 14th – The same dwellings they were to put the lambs blood on the door posts – Eating the lamb in hast leaving nothing till morning (still the 14th) – to be passed over by the then coming Death Angel on midnight of the same 14th – Here’s my quote – “Where’d they get the Blood” – It had to be the close of the 13th at the evening beginning of the 14th (Gen. night before day) and Not the 15th as these presenters and errant Jews and others not following Torah suggest. I would urge all those who are confused on this issue to read Torah (regardless of Rabbinic/Levitical mindset Jews ) in view of actually obeying Ex.12, Ex.23 and Lev.23 and weighing that against; torahwithoutrabbinics.wordpress/2013/03/28/torah-passover/ torahwithoutrabbinics.wordpress/2013/03/26/passover-wedding-reception/ torahwithoutrabbinics.wordpress/2013/03/23/yahshuas-passover-crucifixion/ torahwithoutrabbinics.wordpress/2013/03/16/melkizedeq-passover/ Am I pointing you towards Torah or away? All that I am appealing to and asking you the readers to be honest about, is what Torah actually says – Comparing that with what Yahshua actually did Lk.22:7-20 – Before His Crucifixion on the afternoon as the day closed on Passover Abib 14th . Let Yah’s Word be True.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:42:06 +0000

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