Past Imperfect Michael Clason lives a privileged life in - TopicsExpress


Past Imperfect Michael Clason lives a privileged life in Manhattan successfully running his own company, and as a sought-after bachelor, also wrestling personal demons as best he can. Yet he exudes a maturity and depth unexpected in someone with that much wealth and good looks… Stephanie Raite has always had to work her own ‘unimpressive’ way in the world, and everyone seems to question that, especially Anne, who wants her to hurry up and do something with her life. But she was learning if she wanted to live on her own terms, even in her small cosmos, she had to work these things out for herself- alas, with little enough to show for it. So when Tom Stanton, Michael’s personal aide and friend, invites him home to the country on a family visit (also to reconnect with his youthful love, Nicole Carter, who used to pretty much dangle him at her heels), no one expects the wealthy young president of Clason Industries to have so much in common with Nicole’s friend, thoughtful, independent Stephanie. Yet as their different worlds are drawn together, an inevitable spark, then slow fire, begin to build. Whether in lively repartee, or occasionally colliding in something more heated, their bond of attraction and respect grows, the air between them emotionally charged as it often seems to be. Yet who knows but that this play of negative and positive is all a struggle to align and sum up to an ultimate harmonious strength and powerful uniting of hearts- As each struggle to face the challenges of a demanding world that expects much but rarely appreciates what it takes to get there, or the journey itself. Excerpt As if she needed his approval of her actions, unimpeachable as they were, picturing the stern face confronting her a second ago… Anyway, he should know her, enough to-Michael’s laugh was edged with emotion. “Ready to pick a fight as usual, I see.” Her anger abated somewhat… yet resentfully mindful Alex would never speak to her like that! But now he reacted- Mad, pure reaction, eyes darkening perilously, voice grown hard. “You shouldn’t allow yourself to be kissed and whatnot right under everyone’s noses unless you want them talking about it.”Anger igniting again at the preposterous authority in his tone, mingled with a sense of injury that he would judge her so, brought defiant eyes around to his resolute gaze. “It’s none of your business what I do… And men do kiss women these days- Or would you expect me to get engaged f-irst?” remembrance momentarily choking off her defense. “There’s a lot more than that being done-”“That’s true-” he retorted with flashing eyes but a quiet banality that… made her flush with annoyance. “But not by you,” the eyes challenged.“How do you know? Or maybe you do! Better than anyone about that sort of thing!” His eyes narrowed. “Peremptory first judgments at work again? Fine, do what you like,” lips pinched. “Well, it’s a lot more fun than being lectured by you!” satisfied when this succeeded in also flushing his face with color.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:35:01 +0000

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