Past Lives Many people believe that our soul lives on through many - TopicsExpress


Past Lives Many people believe that our soul lives on through many lives which Amanda can identify in certain medium channellings. Our soul at times remembers some of these past life events and we can identify and relate to them when mentioned. Most of us have had many past lives being anything from a warrior in Japan to a shepherd in Mongolia. Each of these lives teaches us something different and creates us into the person we are today. Past lives can date back to over 10,000 years or more. Past lives can also give us the knowledge not to make the same pattern of mistakes that have been made over many life times. We need to change the pattern if we are to move on from negative past lives which we tend to keep coming back to and repeating the same mistake over and over again until we get it right and only then can we move on. Some souls learn quickly and move on but others seem to be stuck in a never ending circle of negativity which can cause us great stress. Past lives can also be very positive and we seek the knowledge within ourselves to not make the same mistakes we have done in the past. Past lives are a wealth of information we can draw from to create the life we want to achieve. For example if you were a poor village peasant in a previous life and keep on coming back as that same person over and over again just in a different shape and form we need to seek out the reason why this pattern continues. We ask our higher self what the lesson is we need to learn from this experience and then the question if how to change it. Amanda in her medium work can conduct what is known as past life regressions which is harmless but very informative to identify and correct the previous mistakes so we can quickly move on to a better life. There are a lot of unanswered questions regarding this subject as it is an area which very little is known or understood. Amanda in some of her medium channellings comes across a person who has harboured a negative past life. These are called past life regressions and sometimes a session is needed to clear these as they are affecting our current life. At times our soul retains information from a previous life. Some people have strong connections to Egypt or India but have never been there. These unexplained strong connections can usually be put down to a previous life in that country. Some souls bring into this life snippets of memories from previous lives which is sometimes for a purpose. For example we may keep making the same mistake over and over again during several lives so to prevent this same mistake from happening the soul retains that information as a reminder of what not to do in this life. Some past lives have been happy events and the soul wants to recreate these happy events in this life too. We recall these events and then the mind sets about how to achieve this. Some past life events were not so happy and the person is plagued by past negative events even though they have no idea where they came from as their life now is a very happy one. A suggestion to correct this problem is to ask your soul why it is reliving these memories and is there something to be learned or gained from this constant exposure. Then ask how you can clear this. A meditation session is always suggested as there maybe a lot more to this than meets the eye. Amanda
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 06:30:12 +0000

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